Creating a Kitchen Countertop with Sink and Appliances for a Clubhouse Model

Creating a Detailed Kitchen Model with Countertops, Sinks, and Appliances

Discover how to create a detailed digital model of a kitchen, encompassing elements such as a countertop, sink, and appliances, using SketchUp. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, utilizing tools such as the follow me tool, the tape measure tool, and the push pull tool.

Key Insights

  • The 'follow me' tool in SketchUp can be used to create a complex surface such as a wrap-around countertop, by drawing a path and having the profile follow this path.
  • To create an opening for the kitchen sink, a combination of guides and the tape measure tool can be used to mark out the precise size and position of the hole before using the push pull tool to create the opening.
  • SketchUp's 3D warehouse is a useful resource for importing pre-made models such as a sink or appliances into your kitchen model, ensuring accuracy and saving time in creating these elements from scratch.

Note: These materials offer prospective students a preview of how our classes are structured. Students enrolled in this course will receive access to the full set of materials, including video lectures, project-based assignments, and instructor feedback.

Let's now draw our countertop and add our sink. I will zoom into this part of the model over here and I will draw our countertop and use the follow me tool to create a countertop that wraps around.

So let's draw on this wall right here making sure that we draw on this wall and not on the trim and I'll start from this using my line tool. I'll start from this back point right here. I'll drag along the the green direction.

I'll type in 25 enter and then I will go up in the blue direction one inch enter and then back up back along the green axis 24.5 enter and then we'll go up four inches for our backsplash and then along the green snap to the edge and then down. Now we have our face closed and let's triple click and then move hit CTRL to copy that and copy this all the way to this point right here. Because this is a straight counter we can push pull this to this point.

I can triple click this geometry right click make group and now let's build the countertop as it wraps around this corner. For this case I'm going to use the follow me tool and so I already have the profile that I'll follow we now need to create the path. So let's use the line tool and draw a path from here to here along the green and holding down shift to lock this this green direction let's hover over this corner to infer at this point and now let's click the follow me tool and click our profile let's follow along the back line and then this other back line until we get to the end and click go to our select tool triple click make group.

All right now we need to create an opening for our kitchen sink we know that this cabinet was the kitchen seat cabinet with the hole we so we know that this sink needs to be in the center of this. So let's double click this geometry and let's add some guides to create this hole opening. We'll go to our tape measure tool we know that the sink needs to be two foot four inches by one foot six inches.

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So let's create a center line here and a center line here and then let's do half of two foot four is one foot two and half of two foot four is one foot two this direction and half of one foot six is nine inches so nine and nine and then let's go to our rectangle tool and draw in this shape and let's go to our push pull and pull this down so it deletes that let's go to edit delete guides and then let's close out of this group. Now let's go into the 3D warehouse and let's find our vdci sink if you remember we can search for vdci skp 201 and go to collections and find vdci kitchen sink let's download this into our model we're going to want to place this right on the sink right here where you kind of can see where it snaps to make sure you know exactly where it snaps i'm going to go to view face style x-ray and then zoom in so i can see that i'm placing in the right location i want to place it right there midpoint and group and then let's go to view face style x-ray and let's check to see if this is the right location that looks really good now i will deselect this and then save my file the last thing i will do in this video is bring in the kitchen range and refrigerator let's go into the 3D warehouse again and this time let's search for appliances and then let's go to catalogs and let's scroll down until you find this appliances low poly by sketchup and there's also appliances high poly we'll do a low poly we scroll down we want to bring in kitchen range and double oven 30 inches and download this into our model we'll bring it here right in the middle and then we'll orbit down to underneath and we're going to want to hover over this point and then as it's kind of blue hold down shift and we'll want to click this point along the green and then click onto our wall and then go from here to here double checking that that's back up against the wall there we go i'll zoom extents and again i will check the color of this and that says beige texture we want this this to be this color b04 so eyedropper tool to select this color and then paint bucket double click this group and then paint paint the different elements that we want we could add more detail if we wanted to adding you know glass material at the oven and adding you know various metal materials on the the handles you know you can see that there's this double effect one trick way to do is to highlight these and just move them out ever so slightly 0.01 0.1 inch just like so that way it doesn't give you that effect and then you can kind of do you know other things add some more more detail to your model all right well there we have all of our kitchen components the last thing that we need to add is the refrigerator so again let's go back to our 3D warehouse and let's find kitchen refrigerator 30 inches right here and download this into our model and we'll place it in the middle and rotate it 90 90 degrees and then orbit underneath zoom out so we can see the underside of a refrigerator and click and drag so we can match it to the floor plan outline and again we will want to click our material and paint now let's do a group of all of these kitchen components not the doors not the the window sill just do a a a click and drag to highlight everything that we want to we want to attach and then we'll make this all into one group right click make group we'll click h to unhide and we can make sure that we have everything selected and that looks really great and now i will turn on my floor and then i'll click floor plan off and now you can really take a look at our clubhouse of how it's coming along i'll put in this nice position right here and i will save my file and in the next video we will start to bring in some entourage and populate our model with furniture and other additional details i'll see you in the next video

How to Learn SketchUp

Master SketchUp with hands-on training. SketchUp is a 3D modeling application used in fields such as architecture, interior design, mechanical engineering, and video game design.

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