Creating Detailed Stair Plans in Revit Structure: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating and Detailing Stair Plans on Multiple Levels in Revit Structure

Learn how to create detailed stair plans using Revit structure, an essential skill highly valued by contractors and architects. The article takes you through the necessary steps, from selecting your view tab, creating call-outs to adding final touches and tags.

Key Insights

  • The article begins by guiding you on how to utilize the view tab and the call-outs rectangle and sketch to create a detailed stair plan in Revit structure.
  • It emphasizes the importance of creating a stair plan sheet and adding your call-outs to it, then renaming and tagging elements within the stair plan for clarity and better visualization.
  • Finally, the article advises on modifying view ranges and adding text to your stair plan to enhance its presentation. It also encourages further practice by creating stair plans for additional levels.

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Hello, welcome to Revit structure. Let's get started. Now that we finished placing our moment frames and brace frames Let's look at some additional detailing we might want to do One big item that contractors and architects like structure to do is make detailed stair plans Okay, so let's go to our stair plan on our sheet level two.

Let's get started First place we want to go is we want to go to the View tab. We'll go to our call-outs Here we have our call-outs rectangle and sketch. Well, we just want a simple rectangular call-out.

So let's pick the rectangle And let's come down here to our stair area Let's pick a rectangle around this stair Very good Let's zoom out and we'll find this level two call-out Right here. This is signifying our level two call-out. We have at this stair Let's go to level three Let's pick that Let's do a typical call-out at level three Okay, let's again go to our call-out.

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Let's pick it again. It'll default to rectangular Let's create another rectangular call-out and you see we have another call-out here but what we're going to do with these is we're going to place these in a stair plan sheet Okay, so let's go to our sheets Let's right-click go to new sheet You see our border set. Is it okay? Here we have a new sheet.

Let's rename this one We're going to call this sheet 3.1 Let's go over to our properties. We're going to call this S.3.1 and we're going to call it stair plans Very good Okay, now that we have our sheet set. Let's pull in our first call-out.

Let's pick here Let's pick it. Let's drag it in Okay Here we see we have our stair plan Now, let's clean it up. Let's pick twice now our windows active Let's get rid of that border down here at the highlight hide the crop region Let's change it to coarse It gives us a nice layout for our stair And we are at a quarter inch scale That seems to look pretty good for this plan sheet Okay, let's move on Let's go ahead and tag The elements in our stair Let's go up here to our quick toolbar, let's pick tag And let's turn off the leader Let's pick here And When we get this note that just means that we are out of our view range.

We'll fix that in a second Let's continue tagging And one more here there you have it Okay Now let's look at our view range on this. We see we have multiple stairs What we want to do is we want to change the view range of this Stair to what we have on the second floor level Let's go back to our second floor level and check it out Okay, if you remember we created an extra view of This area let's go here. Let's check our parameters and we're at nine feet From the cut plane above it and minus three feet one below it let's go back to our Second level plan That's level three, where's our stair plan? There's our stair plan Okay Let's go to our view range.

Let's edit it. It's nine feet nine feet three foot one Well, it brought it in the way we wanted it to come out. Very good Okay.

Now let's go ahead and clean this up a little bit. Let's add a little bit of text Let's make sure all of our parameters are set Okay Let's go here Let's turn that around We'll call this down And spell it out or abbreviate it let's call this up Escape out of that Here we have our first stair plan Now let's take care of this tag that we don't see first thing We can do is this is our crop view Let's pick that and it turns off our crop region. You see we have the whole Structure that we can see now, let's pick our tag.

Let's slide it over That brings us into our view area or viewport Let's go ahead and turn our crop region back on There's our cropped view with all the information we tagged Okay, let's double click outside of our window takes us back Let's slide this over Let's rename this we're gonna call this Stair plan one Okay, there we have it stair plan one, let's go ahead and bring in our third level Let's pick it. Let's drag it in Here we have it again we have our alignment Let's pick it here Again let's clean it up. Let's double click.

Let's get rid of that window Let's go to a coarse setting. It's at a quarter inch. Very good Okay, let's take some of our elements.

Hey Let's drag that over very good Let's find this one Very good At 2 × 12 here and An additional 2 × 12 here. Let's let's go ahead and clean this up a little bit. Let's move this one down There you have it, let's place a couple of notes on this Again, let's go to our text.

See our parameters are set Start here Take this one down again This one up Escape out of that Let's double click Let's bring our label over And we're going to call this Again our title sheet because we can't double reference a view Let's go to our title sheet and call this stair plan 2 There you have it we've created a stair plan at the second level and at the third level Go ahead and create the fourth and the fifth level plans on your own Let's finish this up. That's it for this video. We'll see you in the next one

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