Discover the process of creating a comprehensive campus site plan, including handling scale adjustments, adding necessary plan elements like North arrows, and producing enlarged site plans through callouts. Learn how to fine-tune your site plan sheets by adjusting graphics, hiding unnecessary details, and changing view ranges for clearer, more useful representations of your project.
Key Insights
- The campus site plan creation process involves handling scale issues, where one inch can represent different feet measurements, and ensuring the accurate placement of essential elements such as a North arrow.
- An enlarged site plan of the property can be created using a 'call out', which allows for comprehensive detailing of specific areas within the larger site plan.
- Graphics adjustment is a significant part of preparing site plan sheets, as it includes hiding irrelevant details like grids or elevations and modifying the view range to provide a more detailed and useful view of the building outline.
Note: These materials offer prospective students a preview of how our classes are structured. Students enrolled in this course will receive access to the full set of materials, including video lectures, project-based assignments, and instructor feedback.
Next on the list is going to be our campus site plan. So I'm going to go to that sheet here and we have a campus site plan that we've already put together. So I'm going to drag that over and put that on the sheet.
And you can see the scale that we've been working with here is not quite right. We're going to need to adjust that a little bit. And so we're currently using one inch equals 20 feet.
So let's go ahead and just knock that down to one inch equals 30 feet. And then we can move it into place, adjust our view title a little, since it's a little wonky there. And the other thing I'll add here is a North arrow, since those are pretty good to have on a site plan like this.
We'll go ahead and throw that North arrow in. And I have thin lines on, so you can't really tell which way is North, but when you turn it off, you can see the North is pointing up there. And then we need a enlarged site plan.
That's really just our projects site plan. And to do that, what we'll do is we'll create a call out. So I'll go to my view tab with this view activated.
So view tab, and then I'll go to call out. And then I'll draw a call out around our property, which is just going to be this area here. And so we've got a little overzealous there, but we can bring that in a bit.
And this gives me my actual site plan of our property here. So I can right click and deactivate view. And now I have a call out for a site plan here.
And so I'm going to rename this view instead of campus site plan call out. I'll just take out the campus portion and the call out one portion. And now I have my site plan that I could put on my next sheet, which is a 101.
And this scale looks pretty good to fit here. And so it came in at one to 180. I'm not sure what that is.
And so what we'll do is we'll change that scale. We'll try one inch equals 10 feet first. See if that fits.
That is way too big. We're going to go to one inch equals 20 feet. And that's the scale we'll use for this view.
And the goal here is we want to make sure we leave a column. On this side for general notes and keynotes and those things. So I'm going to move that over a bit and that gives us our site plan sheets that are ready to go.
Next will be our floor plan sheets will be a lot easier because we'll be able to use a guide grid to put those together. So before we move on to that, though, we should really address some of these graphics. So first off, I don't want to see grids on here, so I can right click and I can say hide in view by category for the grids and it'll get rid of those.
And then I can do the same thing for the elevation. So I can hide in view by category and it'll hide the elevations. And then I can adjust my cut plane on my view range so that it cuts through the building.
We can see the floor plan. It'll make it a lot easier for us to work from there. So instead of 200 feet, I'm going to go ahead and change that to six feet.
And now I can see my building outline, which is much more useful than just seeing the roof plan there. And I'll do the same thing on my campus plan so that I have similar graphics. So hide in view by category for the grids.
Notice they went away on this building as well and hide in view by category on the elevation tags. And then just adjust that view range to be cutting at six feet. And now we can see the building footprints on both of those plans.
The next video, we're going to take a look at putting our floor plan and our roof plan to sheets, and then we'll go in and we'll add a revisions and print our PDF for the midterm.