Deepen your knowledge of Revit MEP with this walkthrough detailing how to connect your plumbing system. This walkthrough will assist in understanding how to tie together different fixtures, align sections, check pipe types, and much more.
Key Insights
- The walkthrough details the use of Revit MEP to connect a plumbing system - detailing how to tie in connections to different fixtures, move sections, and adjust the slope of the waste piping system.
- The use of the align function is explained in depth, demonstrating how to align sections both in the plan view and the section view, even when Revit MEP presents challenges in this process.
- The video explains how to check and adjust pipe types and slope values, ensuring the correct setup of your plumbing system. It also details how to place P-traps and adjust alignments in a sink setup.
Welcome back to the CAD Teacher VDCI video course content for the BIM 321 course, Introduction to Revit MEP. In the previous videos we went ahead and started on our second floor plumbing system and our waste system more specifically and now we're going to go ahead and actually start tying this in. We placed all these connections here so that we can connect to the different fixtures.
Now I want to go ahead and move my section forward so I can connect the actual fixtures in. So I'm going to go ahead and select here, click down here, bring this down, again I need to check my pipe type, waste piping, I need to choose slope down because I'm going away from the fixture now, pick here and slope down and there we are. I'm going to go ahead and hit escape.
I want to go ahead and align these two together so I'm going to align here and align here. There we are. I'm going to go over to my plan view, hit escape, I'm going to go back into align and just make sure that these are aligned correctly, which they are.
So I'm going to go ahead now, TR for trim, pick here and here, perfect. Let's go ahead and work on my other one here. This one is going to be a little bit different, we have to both work in both plan and section for this one because the connection is over here.
So I'm going to select this, go down, again I need to check my pipe type. So select it, delete it, I'm going to go here, pick there, change my pipe type to be waste piping, I'm going to come down, again I'm still sloping down, pick there, escape. Now in my plan view I need to go here and I'm going to go ahead and tab select until I get just that pipe, like that.
I'm going to go ahead and drag over 45 degrees, again it adjusts the slope slightly. I'm not exactly sure why Revit MEP decides to do this but we need to go back here and just make sure our slope is correct and then I want to go ahead. I need to draw a small straight section off of here so I can line these two together.
I'm going to go ahead here, I'm going to go AL, I want to align here to here and as you can see it's a little too short so I'm just going to cancel, that's fine. We can actually align here to here and that's going to work. Then I need to go over to my section view, hit escape, then go AL again, Revit MEP does not like it when you try and do an align here then go over here and do another align, it's just one of these weird things.
So I'm going to go here, pick here and here, there we go, I'm going to hit escape, I'm going to go trim, select here and here and it's looking kind of funny so let's see what happens. This is one of these things that can happen in Revit MEP, sometimes all it takes is I just go back over here, I'm going to go AL for align again, pick here and here and let's try trimming from the plan view and as you can see it worked perfectly there. Again it's one of these weird things, when I tried to trim here it didn't want to work, when I trimmed here it did work after I did the other align.
I'm going to go ahead and slide this guy over just slightly, just to give us some more space there, beautiful. Let's go ahead and move on to the next one, there we are. I know I'm going to have this guy coming down so I'm going to go ahead and pick here, I'm going to go ahead and actually change my pipe type, I'm going to bring it down somewhat and then just like we did with the first floor, I'm going to go ahead and bring this over, slope down and we can go ahead and actually bring this into this space and what we'll be doing is we'll be tying it straight down in.
We had already drawn this connection here, right? Well I can go ahead and just delete it, delete this connection, I'm going to go ahead TR for trim and trim those two pipes back together, just like that. I'm going to come back over to my plan view now, AL for align, pick here and here. I'm going to go ahead, bring that down and there we go, those are built in.
I'm going to come over to my other lost toilet here, 4 inch out, again check my pipe type, I want waste piping, I'm going to come down, my slope is still, slope down, pick there. I'm going to go ahead and align those two together, pick here and here. I need to go ahead in my plan view and draw my, I need to angle it out my 45 degrees so I'm just going to tab all the way through until I get just the pipe and drag it over.
Here we are, again I need to select that pipe and make sure my value here is 1 eighth inch over a foot. Now that I've edited that I can go ahead and right click here, draw pipe, create a little short portion for myself, then I need to go ahead and align, so I'm going to go AL for align, I'm going to align to this center line there, there to there, it's giving me, ok, so I'm going to hit cancel, it's not quite far enough out, so I can always move it out, if I need to I can shorten this piece up, that will not affect my slope, and I can lengthen this piece out, so now I can move it out just a little bit because as I move it at that 45 degree angle you can see that piece of pipe getting shorter. AL for align, I'm going to align here to here, and I got really super short, it's still a piece of pipe there, so I'm going to try and see if we can get this to work, so I'm going to AL, I'm going to align here to here, and then I'm going to zoom in real close, trim, pick here and here, and it wanted to work, beautiful.
So once I get that connected then I can go ahead and adjust this if I need to. There we go. Ok, let's go ahead and move on to our sinks, and again remember with the sinks we need to go ahead and put P-traps in, so I'm going to go ahead and bring this out, change it to waste piping, go down, escape, escape, here, waste piping, come down, I want to go ahead, we're going to actually go ahead and put our P-traps on, so I'm going to go to my pipe fitting on my systems tab under my plumbing and piping panel, pipe fitting, make sure you're using the P-trap, again align it here, there it is, I'm going to align it here, and then rotate it around using that little arrow guy there, and it kind of moves around a little bit, and there we go, escape, here, I'm going to right click, drop pipe, and one thing that we need to go ahead and do is let's actually change our slope value to be a quarter inch, so I'm going to go here, I'm still sloping down but I'm going to change our slope value to a quarter inch, bring it out, there it is, and down, I'm going to take this guy here, I hit escape a couple of times to end the chain, drop pipe, slope down, quarter inch, awesome, it's still waste piping, perfect, and bring that out, I'm going to go ahead and align this guy with the center line of that pipe, so I'm going to AL for align, pick here, go over, I'm going to bring this guy down so I can tie it in, and actually bring this guy up, like so, and what I can probably do is raise these up even, so I'm going to AL, and I'm going to align again with the bottom, I hit TAB to select the bottom edge, there, there, tab, tab, there it is, so I can get this guy just a little bit higher, bring this guy up, there we go, again my slope is a little bit off, let's go see if we can change that, there we go, I'm going to go ahead, drag this guy over, excuse me, I can't drag that over, if I drag it over it's going to go ahead and change my slope, so I need to select this grip, drop pipe, still sloping down quarter inch, and go horizontal and nearest, and there it is, take this guy, bring it down, there we are, tie it in there, beautiful, I can go ahead and raise this up if I wanted to just a little bit, there we go, I'm going to go ahead now, go down to the last one here, there we are, and I'm seeing a little bit too much right now, I want to go ahead and select this back, so I had my section selected and it was showing me all of that, I don't want to see that information right now, I want to go ahead and bring that back, so I'm going to pop this guy down, again change my piping to waste piping, there, select here, waste piping, come down, I need to go ahead and place my P traps, so I'm going to go to my pipe fitting, go ahead and save the project if you need to, there we are, I'm going to go ahead, click on that center line of the pipe, click on the center line of the pipe, and then rotate it around using that little guy there, perfect, I'm going to go ahead and hit escape, I know I'm going to need to suck this up, so I'm just going to go ahead and bring them up as I go, so AL, again, I'm going to tab to get that bottom edge, tab, bottom edge, tab, bottom edge, tab, bottom edge, tab, bottom edge, tab, bottom edge, and you may have to hit TAB twice, so I'm going to hit escape, I'm going to come from here, right click, draw pipe, still sloping down quarter of an inch, there we go, come down, I'm going to go ahead and suck this guy up, let's make sure that's the correct slope, there we go, I'm going to go ahead and take this guy, draw pipe, slope down, quarter inch over a foot, select it, it's good, I'm going to go ahead and move that up a little bit more, and then I want to tie those two together, right click, draw pipe, there we go, okay, so now that we're in the place of fittings, this pipe is a little bit too high, so I'm going to bring it down a little bit, and once I get the fitting in there, then I can adjust it, draw pipe, there we go, so now I can go ahead and move that up a little bit, I'm going to go ahead and align this pipe with the center line of this pipe, so AL for align, pick here and here, there we go, escape to say I'm done, and then drag this guy straight down, tab maybe to get the correct point, and there it is, now one thing you'll notice though is that it created this weird connection here, I don't really want that connection, so I'm going to hit control Z to back up, what's happening is it's wanting to connect to the end of this pipe, so I'm going to select it and I'm going to drag it farther out, so I don't see it, now I'm going to go ahead, bring this down, tab, so I get that end point snap, and there we are, awesome, so we've tied that all in together, I'm going to go ahead and stop this video here, we're going to come back and bring the waste from the drinking fountains in, and then I'd make some adjustments because of our hot and cold water piping here, see you then.