What to Learn After React

Ever thought of stepping your career up a notch by learning React? This powerful JavaScript library is key to creating reusable interface components for websites and apps, making you a valuable asset in UI design, web, and mobile development.

Key Insights

  • React, a JavaScript library created by Software Engineer Jordan Walke at Meta, is used extensively for creating new UI components on websites and apps without reloading the page.
  • An essential skill for web and mobile development, React is particularly useful for social media feeds, online pages loading new components continually, and apps like Netflix, Amazon, and Uber Eats.
  • Understanding UI design is beneficial if working with React, as it involves creating the interface components React uses.
  • Web development encompasses everything on websites, including React components. Knowledge in front end, back-end, or full-stack web development enhances your React proficiency.
  • Mobile development is another area where React skills are important, especially with the increasing use of mobile devices for internet access.
  • Various programs and courses, such as the React Development Bootcamp and JavaScript Development Certificate offered by Noble Desktop, can help you master React and boost your career opportunities.

React is a JavaScript library that allows websites and apps to make reusable interface components without reloading the page. If you know how to use React, you might consider learning more about JavaScript or exploring related topics such as user interface (UI) design, web development, or mobile development. In the following sections, you’ll learn the basics of each to help you choose which one you want to tackle next. 

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library that allows new user interface (UI) components to appear on websites and apps without needing to reload the page. Jordan Walke, a Software Engineer at Meta, created it to make Facebook’s News Feed load faster. It was later added to Instagram and became open-source for the benefit of the public. Now it’s one of the go-to JavaScript libraries for most websites and apps.

Most people use React in web and mobile development because of its flexibility and versatility. A website or app would typically need to pull information from its server to generate new information or images. React enables websites and apps to skip that step by creating reusable components that can be added to the page as the user scrolls. That saves time and computer power for the website—and the user.

Read more about what React is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with React?

React is known for its uses with social media news feeds, such as Facebook and Instagram. That’s not the only use for it, though—you can use it for any online page constantly loading new components on-screen. React libraries are meant to save time by creating reusable interactive elements. They act as templates where the website or app can pull information instead of needing to access the server constantly. 

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This skill is helpful for websites and apps such as Netflix, Amazon, and Uber Eats that generate new information without reloading the page. If you have aspirations to build websites or apps or work for a company that relies on them, React is an essential skill. With React in your professional toolkit, you’ll be an asset to any web or mobile development team you join. 

User Interface (UI) Design

React is used to create interface components, so it’s a good idea to understand how those components work. User interface (UI) design covers how to make those components and implement them into your website or app. It’s a discipline that uses both coding and creative design skills, but if you only have one of them, you’re still golden. 

The UI Design Certificate program covers the essentials of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma. You’ll also learn how to create a portfolio that shows off all of your designs. Combining this portfolio with your React skills will undoubtedly increase your professional value, and you have proof to go with it. 

Web Development

Web development covers everything that appears on websites, including React's components as you scroll through their pages. There are two kinds of web development specialties: front end and back end web development. Front end web development handles the parts of websites that users can see, while back end web development. There’s another discipline called full stack web development; these developers can adapt to the team’s needs because they’re well-versed in both topics. 

The Full Stack Web Development Certificate program is your best bet for learning web development. This program offers full-time and part-time options to help you adapt to your current schedule. It covers everything you need to know about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—the DNA of websites—and it also goes over React to give you an overview of how it connects to web development. 

Mobile Development

Mobile development works with websites, apps, and interfaces on phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. React skills are particularly important for mobile devices because they often have long pages that constantly load new elements as you continue to scroll. Over half of all internet users access it through a mobile device, and it’s a solid choice with enormous room for growth. 

There’s an iOS App Development Bootcamp that teaches you how to create apps and set them up in ways that are refreshing and rewarding for people to use. The best part about mobile apps is that they can fall under any industry—from driving with Uber to health with FitBit—and you can apply your interests to your projects as you see fit. Your knowledge of React will be an asset to this field. Because mobile devices are becoming exceedingly important to everyday life, you’re almost sure to enjoy a comfortable and steady career.

Learn React with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop has plenty of resources to help you through your React learning journey, including courses and bootcamps that will help you land that job you’ve been eager to apply for. Most of these programs feature many benefits, including expert instructors leading each course, small class sizes for individualized instruction, and free retake options if you want to review some of the topics discussed. 

One of the first options worth checking out is the React Development Bootcamp, which will teach you everything you need to know about React for your career. JavaScript is the foundation of React, so it’s worth looking into the JavaScript Development Certificate to give you an overview of the programming language. If you plan to use React for websites, try the Full Stack Web Development Certificate instead. 

These programs will give you a certificate upon completion, which you can display on your LinkedIn for everyone, including future employers. Noble’s certificate programs also come with the opportunity to retake the course for free, an ideal scenario for those wanting extra practice and support. If you’re not ready to commit to a bootcamp or certificate program, you can look through all of the React courses and choose the one that works best for you. 

You can also learn more about React through Noble Desktop’s React Learn Hub guides. 

Key Insights

  • React is a versatile tool that is applicable to many different skill sets.
  • Learning user interface (UI) design will teach how to make the interface elements used for React.
  • Web and mobile development will help you create React components for websites and mobile devices. 

How to Learn React

Master React with hands-on training. React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. With React, you can make your websites interactive for users.

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