Can I Learn React in 3 Months?

Is it really possible to learn React in 3 months? Exploring the benefits and challenges of accelerated learning.

While it is possible to get started with React in just a few days if you have programming experience, it’ll be just that: getting started. Mastery of React is an entirely different thing and will take substantially more time. In fact, experts recommend setting aside a minimum of three to four months to master React if you have programming experience, but you’ll need much longer than that if you also have to learn JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The good news is that, with the help of a professional training course, you can learn React as efficiently as possible. 

How Much React Can I Learn in 3 Months 

Assuming you’ve already mastered JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, the basics (and even intermediate level skills) of React are not difficult to grasp. But, if you also need to learn the fundamentals of programming, this will affect how much you can learn within three months. 

If you’re starting from scratch, your steps might look something like the below:

  1. JavaScript: It’ll be hard to learn React without knowing a decent amount of JavaScript, because a lot of React’s syntax is actually regular JavaScript.
  2. HTML and CSS: think of these like the building blocks of all programming.
  3. NPM (or Yarn): These are the big two package managers of the JavaScript world.

From there, you’ll move on to the fundamental React topics below:

  • Component Architecture.
  • State: Holds synchronous variables. If you change the value of a state variable, the change is reflected immediately in all the places that variable is used.
  • Props: Arguments passed in a function or method. In React, props (arguments) are passed into an HTML tag as input arguments.
  • Functional Components and Class Components.
  • Styling (CSS) in React.
  • Connect to APIs with React apps.
Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Once you’ve mastered the above, you’ll move onto other concepts, like React Router, Webpack, server rendering, and Redux. Essentially, React follows the Component-based architecture, which means you will divide your whole UI part into reusable components, so all are made separately and finally fitted into a parent component which is then rendered. The above concepts and skills will help you be able to do just that. 

As you can see, if you already have programming experience, you can save ample time by jumping directly to step two or even step three. For just React alone, three months is enough time to become comfortable with the basic functions and techniques of React, which should be enough to get you started creating your own apps. True mastery of React, especially for complex projects, can take up to a year or more. This time includes not just learning how to use React, but also becoming good at solving real-world problems with it.

How Can I Learn React More Quickly?

There are a lot of educational resources out there to read and watch that will help you build your understanding of React. From free trainings, courses, and webinars to video tutorials and books, knowledge is truly at your fingertips. But, if you’re looking for the options that can help you learn at a faster pace, certain options may be better for you than others. 

Fastest Options: Online or In-Person Training and Bootcamps

Live training and bootcamps, whether attended virtually or in-person, tend to be the fastest way to learn React. Live online classes offer instant feedback from your teacher and interactions with other students, creating the opportunity for a deeper understanding of the coursework. These classes are ideal for students that thrive in a structured learning environment with routine accountability check-ins. If you encounter any challenging material, you can ask questions in real time instead of spending unnecessary time figuring it out on your own. This collaborative environment is available for both full-time and part-time classes and provides structure and accountability, two things that can help you succeed. You’ll master React the quickest in a full-time course but any class with scheduled times will help you learn faster than trying to master React entirely on your own or in an on-demand program. 

Noble Desktop offers in-depth courses both live online and in-person at their New York office. Their React Development Bootcamp covers everything from the basics of React and Node.js to advanced components and server deployment. You'll start with learning how to compose components, the foundations of React, and then move on to building dynamic fully functioning web applications and deploying them using AWS (Amazon Web Services). This Noble Desktop course (and many others) boasts small class sizes, one free retake, and setup assistance. If you’re interested in pursuing further education, this course counts towards three of Noble’s certificate programs: Full-Stack Web Development, Software Engineering, and JavaScript Development. 

Slow & Steady: On-Demand Classes 

Also known as self-paced, on-demand classes offer the most flexibility of any class option but don’t win any awards for speed. They do have quite a few benefits for busy professionals, though. Not only can you learn from wherever you want, you can also learn whenever you want. There are no due dates or scheduled class times, so you can take your time on challenging topics or skip over ones you’ve already mastered. These classes are ideal for learners with complicated schedules who need to squeeze their studying in around their work and other obligations. You’ll need to be an independent and self-motivated student to succeed in an on-demand class. It’s very easy to lose momentum or fall behind when you don’t have any outside accountability, so these courses tend to take longer than a structured live course. 

Time May Vary: Free Resources 

You could take advantage of free resources like YouTube making the most of the insights, tools, and short tutorials made available by industry experts. Code Academy offers some free intro courses in React that are ideal for beginners and Glitch: React Starter Kit is a five-part video course with interactive code examples. Coursera is another option, with various training sessions and videos lasting from just a few minutes to a few days. While free resources are financially helpful, this method can take the most time. You’ll be responsible for sourcing all your learning materials and ensuring that you’ve covered all the important subjects of React, and this process can take a substantial amount of time. Additionally, like on-demand courses, it’s easy to lose motivation and fall behind with free resources. 

What React Skills Will I Need to Learn After 3 Months?

If you’ve already mastered the basics and are interested in trying your hand at more challenging techniques, check out an intermediate or advanced course. Held live online, on-demand, or in-person, these courses offer all the same benefits you’ll find in entry-level courses but will focus on more complicated principles and strategies. Plus, you’ll also have added benefits like one-on-one mentoring, setup assistance, portfolio development, interview prep help, and networking connections to ensure you transition from student to professional as seamlessly as possible. 

Noble Desktop’s JavaScript Development Certificate is a longer professional training program that will teach you how to build web apps with JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. You’ll learn to master React and Node.js, create APIs with Express.js, and work with databases with MongoDB. This course also covers additional topics like Browser Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) built into web browsers, third-party APIs, and third-party frameworks and libraries. If you’re a new developer or an existing one coming from a different background, learning JavaScript will up your game to web application development.

The Full-Stack Web Development Certificate helps you develop the skills and knowledge to meet the growing demand for developing and maintaining web applications. This course will teach you to use programming languages like HTML/CSS and JavaScript to program memorable, interactive web pages. You’ll also use the MERN tech stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) to add databases, APIs, AWS and other server environments, and interactivity for those web applications. Focused on a series of projects, you’ll leave this course with a portfolio of working web applications to show to potential employers.

Finally, Noble’s Software Engineering Certificate covers HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and React, and back end development with Python, Django, and Node.js. You’ll learn HTML to mark up web pages and CSS for styling; the fundamentals of JavaScript; Git for version control; and how to use Flexbox and Grid to layout, align, and reorder web page content, as well as make it adapt to different size screens. The second part of the course will cover JavaScript programming concepts, including variables, data types, loops, and DOM. You’ll also build your very own desktop application using React and deploy it using the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud environment. Finally, you'll master the lexical syntax of Python and quickly move to more advanced topics like dictionaries, custom functions, and sorting algorithms. You'll then progress to object-oriented programming, working with APIs, and querying databases with SQL. By the end of this course, you’ll have a portfolio of projects, a polished resume, and a professional LinkedIn profile; be prepared for common interview questions; and be armed with tips for applying to jobs.

How to Learn React

Master React with hands-on training. React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. With React, you can make your websites interactive for users.

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