Python for Data Science Video Tutorials

Discover how Python is an essential tool for various roles within data science, including Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Software Engineer. This guide covers the benefits of using Python in fields such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as how to leverage video tutorials for optimal learning.

Key Insights

  • Python is a popular programming language in the tech field and is a go-to choice for data science and machine learning professionals for roles like Data Scientist, Software Engineer, and Python Developer.
  • Python is extensively used in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with the application of ML algorithms often involving Python libraries like Scikit Learn or PyBrain, and data analysis requiring libraries like Pandas and NumPy.
  • Video tutorials offer effective learning methods for Python for data science, catering to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
  • Noble Desktop provides numerous free resources for Python and data science, including articles about these topics and links to other resources, such as the Intro to Python Fundamentals video on their YouTube channel.
  • Python for data science is a requisite skill in diverse sectors, including banking/finance, manufacturing, agriculture, media, government, and academia.
  • Python's open-source license, ease of use, and the availability of numerous free libraries make it one of the easiest programming languages to learn and master for data science professionals.

Anyone interested in Python for data science can start by learning more about this multidisciplinary field. Video tutorials are among the most popular methods of beginning a Python for data science education.

Watching video tutorials online is a popular method of learning Python for data science. Visual learners benefit from seeing the lesson, auditory learners benefit from hearing the audio portion of a video, and kinesthetic learners may get hands-on experience from certain types of videos.

This article will cover a range of Python and data science videos, including what they teach and where to find them.

What is Python for Data Science?

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world, and many tech professionals learn it before moving on to other languages. According to leading publications, data science and machine learning pros consider Python their go-to programming language. Python is an essential skill for many development and data science roles, including:

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Python Developer

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are areas where Python for data science rules the roost. Building ML models and applying ML algorithms typically includes libraries like Scikit Learn or PyBrain. Data analysis requires Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy. And visualization with Matplotlib or Seaborn is popular in Python for data science. 

Python for Data Science Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Read more about what Python is and why you should learn it for data science. 

What Can You Do with Python for Data Science?

Python is advantageous for data science professionals of all kinds. Its ease of use and scalability make it the top choice for Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and Data Analysts in virtually every sector of the economy.

Because Python is both easy to learn and powerful, its libraries and frameworks can be ideal for dealing with mathematical functions, data structures, and visualization. Here are some of the most common uses for Python in data science.

  • Data Analysis - Python is easy to read and write, so it’s commonly used for complex data analysis—particularly handling large datasets. Top Python libraries for data analysis include:
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • SciPy
  • Data Visualization - Data science often requires visualization tools. Data professionals use charts, graphs, and even maps to present data in easy-to-digest ways. Top Python libraries for data visualization include:
  • Matplotlib
  • Plotly
  • Seaborn
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Machine learning, or ML, is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). Data science pros use ML libraries like Scikit Learn for data classification and linear regression. Top Python libraries for AI and ML include:
  • Scikit Learn
  • PyBrain
  • TensorFlow

Why Are Video Tutorials Helpful When Learning Python for Data Science?

Different types of videos can help you learn Python for data science. Online tutorials and seminars, either live or prerecorded, often serve as the introduction to this wide-ranging field, especially for those new to either Python or data science.

To better understand why video training can be valuable, consider the three most common learning styles:

  • Visual - Visual learners nearly always benefit from video training, as they require visual stimuli more than audio. An article or blog post may also be beneficial, but visual learners often report video can help even more. You can pause or rewatch videos as often as you like, and video tutorials also engage viewers with text and other visual elements like charts and graphs.
  • Auditory - While visual learners need to see information to retain it, auditory learners need to hear it. Of course, most people are not strictly auditory or visual; however, more often than not, a person will favor auditory or visual training. Videos typically offer both, although some tutorials may not have the audio component auditory learners need.
  • Kinesthetic - Somewhat less common than auditory or visual learners, kinesthetic learners prefer to learn through hands-on experience. Videos don’t necessarily offer the learn-by-doing component, but some do. If your video training is through a live online bootcamp or certificate, you can get the benefits of hands-on training along with audio and visual content.

Types of Python for Data Science Videos

Videos on Python for data science typically fall into two categories: short introductory video segments and longer classes up to an hour or more. While some are specifically about Python, others include Python as part of a general data science course.

Noble Desktop hosts multiple free resources on the Learn Hub. These include both a Python section and a Data Science section. Here you’ll find numerous articles about both topics, as well as links to other resources, like Get Started in Data Science, Exchanging Excel for Python, and Intro to SQL.

Check out the video tutorials on Noble’s YouTube channel, too. Their Intro to Python Fundamentals video offers an hour-long introduction to the programming language, including how to install Python with Anaconda, numeric data types, and best Python practices.

Why Learn Python for Data Science?

As Forbes noted in its Top Five Data Science Trends That Made An Impact In 2022, Python has emerged as “the go-to programming language for data science.” The article references multiple dominant data science libraries, including:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Scikit Learn
  • PyTorch

If you’re planning to study Python for data science, you can go into it knowing you’ll learn crucial skills and information. Top roles typically requiring Python for data science today include:

  • Software Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Coding Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Engineering Manager
  • Data Analyst

Python for data science isn’t only for IT or software development, either. Sectors as diverse as banking/finance, manufacturing, agriculture, and media require Python data science expertise, and public sector roles like government and academia can require it, too.

Read more about why you should learn Python for data science.

How Difficult is It to Learn Python for Data Science?

You may think Python for data science will be challenging to learn, particularly if you have no coding experience. However, many students are surprised to learn that Python is the most popular programming language among data science professionals and one of the easiest to master. Python’s open-source license means an entire universe of libraries can be used free of charge, and its worldwide support community is always a mouse click away.

Before you start learning Python for data science, you should have a plan for how and where you’ll apply the knowledge you gain. Python programming fundamentals for a Data Analyst may differ from those of a Software Engineer. You should have basic computer skills, but you can use Python on Mac OS, Linux, or Windows.

You can download Python’s libraries and frameworks for free and find many online Python seminars and tutorials at no cost. However, you’ll eventually want to enroll in formal, paid training. If you learn Python as part of a broader data science curriculum, your approach will be different than if you want to focus on Python in a narrower sense.

Read more about how difficult it is to learn Python for data science.

Learn Python for Data Science with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Because Python for data science involves two potentially different disciplines—Python programming and the broader data science field—not every student approaches it the same way. How and where you plan to use the knowledge you gain from Python for data science training may dictate your approach.

Noble Desktop offers multiple avenues to learn data science. Their Data Science Certificate includes Python programming fundamentals, machine learning, SQL to query databases, and plotting and dashboard libraries. This program prepares attendees for entry-level positions in data science and Python engineering.

Another option is Noble’s Python for Data Science Bootcamp. A hands-on 30-hour course, the bootcamp includes training in Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and linear regression. Students can save by taking the Python for Data Science Bootcamp as part of the Data Science Certificate program as well.

If you prefer to peruse all the Python for data science training Noble Desktop offers, check out the Python Classes page. Here you’ll find bootcamps and certificate programs as well as shorter courses. Top certificate programs include:

  • Data Science Certificate
  • Software Engineering Certificate
  • Data Analytics Certificate

Popular bootcamp options include:

  • Python for Data Science Bootcamp
  • Python Programming Bootcamp
  • FinTech Bootcamp
  • Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Other training options include:

  • Python for Automation
  • Cybersecurity with Python
  • Python for Network Security

Noble Desktop’s bootcamps and certificate programs earn high marks from graduates. They are available live online or in-person in New York City. Additional perks include a verified Certificate of Completion and free retakes within a year after graduation. Many certificates and bootcamps also include 1-on-1 mentoring: check course descriptions for more information, including any prerequisites.

How to Learn Python

Master Python with hands-on training. Python is a popular object-oriented programming language used for data science, machine learning, and web development. 

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