How Difficult is it to Learn Programming?

Unlock the power of learning programming, an ever-evolving and versatile skill that is more accessible than you might think. Discover the opportunities that await in programming, from designing websites to automating tasks and beyond, and understand the steps towards a fulfilling career in this field.

Key Insights

  • Programming is the process of writing coded instructions that tell a computer, software program, or application how to perform a specific task. Coding languages like Python, C++, and JavaScript are typically used.
  • Coding skills open up various job opportunities across industries, including designing interactive websites, creating computer games, building mobile apps, automating tasks, and more.
  • Learning programming can be challenging, especially for beginners, but it is manageable by focusing on core concepts behind the code, pacing oneself, and using resources such as Noble Desktop's in-person and live online coding courses.
  • Computer science and programming are closely related but differ in training, cost, and difficulty. While computer science involves understanding theory behind computer processes, programming focuses on the practical application of this theory.
  • Noble Desktop offers various hands-on programming courses for both beginners and advanced coders. The courses focus on key programming languages and skills, providing in-depth knowledge and practical experience.
  • The salary range for programmers can vary significantly depending on the position and industry, but the earning potential is generally high due to the growing demand for these skills in today's tech-centric world.

Are you curious about learning programming but worried it might be too hard? Of course, the difficulty that comes with acquiring a new skill is somewhat subjective. The challenges of learning programming depend on factors like your mathematics background and problem-solving skills. No matter your current schedule or comfort level with programming, plenty of tools is available to help make learning more accessible than you might think.

What is Programming?

Computer programming is writing coded instructions that communicate to a computer, software program, or application you’d like for it to perform a specific task. Programmers write code to create these instructions to find solutions to different issues and ensure that different software programs and apps will operate successfully. This process often involves devising strategies to enhance code to implement organizational initiatives more effectively. Most programmers work with various coding languages, such as Python, C++, and JavaScript. Typically, Computer Programmers perform various daily tasks: writing code, updating software programs to address security vulnerabilities or fix bugs, writing and testing code for apps and programs, troubleshooting code to spot errors, and translating existing code from one programming language to another. It’s a job that is ever-changing. The field of computer programming continues to grow in popularity as Programmers find new ways to communicate more effectively with computers. Programming has changed drastically over the past century. Initially, programmers used punch cards containing rows of numbers read by a machine. Now, it incorporates drag-and-drop interfaces and other methods that allow for much faster programming speed. Although some individuals use the terms “programming” and “coding” interchangeably, the two are slightly different by definition. Programming is a mental process that requires creating the instructions given to a computer. In contrast, coding pertains to translating those instructions into a written language understandable to a computer. Read more about what programming is and why you should learn it.

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What Can You Do with Programming?

Computer programming is a versatile skill with various uses across industries and professions. Because we rely so much on computers for daily tasks, those who know how to program have many job opportunities. 

The following are a few items you can do with a background in programming:

  • Programmers who know languages such as JavaScript, CSS, or HTML can design interactive websites for clients.
  • Individuals with advanced programming skills are needed to create computer games, a popular form of entertainment for many. 
  • Mobile apps are more popular than ever as cell phones become more widely used for everyday tasks like banking and navigating. Those who know how to program can create mobile apps to simplify these tasks.
  • Repetitive work tasks can take many hours of tedious work to complete. However, with the help of automation, they can be instructed to work independently to complete said tasks. Programming skills make it possible to automate tasks like posting on social media, controlling the thermostat at home, or sending emails.
  • Programming with R or Python allows users to incorporate advanced statistical analysis into analytical or research tasks. 
  • With programming, it is possible to build or maintain large databases. Programmers use languages such as SQL or PHP to use and maintain extensive databases.
  • Those who work in the field of data science rely on programming to perform tasks such as developing models that can make predictions based on data insights.

What Are the Most Challenging Parts of Learning Programming?

Learning to code can be difficult, especially for those new to programming. Often, the approach individuals take to learning programming is part of what makes it difficult. Although some people begin their learning journey by trying to memorize code, this doesn’t provide a deeper understanding of what the code represents. There are more effective ways to develop a programming mindset rather than through memorization. Instead, a better approach to learning computer programming involves learning the core concepts behind the code. This learning approach means you can do more than copy and paste code; it allows you to build your projects.

Some learners also struggle with the temptation to tackle too much all at once and become overloaded with tasks. If you’re starting to learn to write code, you may want to speed up the process and take on several complex tasks. Instead of trying to master JavaScript arrays, objects, conditional statements, and functions in a 30-minute sitting, focusing on one JavaScript concept is likely more effective before moving to the next. Pacing is essential; when you start coding, it’s a good idea to select a programming language or aspect of a project you know is relatively simple to build or grasp. Then, you can build your skills as you go along.

Another contributing factor to the difficulty of learning to code is that it can be challenging to attempt to explain a complex code base to a novice Programmer. Many coding tutorials only scratch the surface and provide a superficial overview of a code base rather than a deep dive into the subject matter. Thus, in-depth coding resources, such as Noble Desktop’s in-person and live online coding courses, are essential to support your learning journey. 

How Does Learning Programming Compare to Other Fields?

Many people use the terms “programming” and “computer science” interchangeably. Although these two fields are closely related, they differ fundamentally concerning training, cost, and difficulty. 

At its heart, computer science involves understanding the theory behind computer processes. Programming is the practical application of this theory, which can help them come to life. Tools and skills such as human-computer interactions, database management, software engineering, and artificial intelligence play an integral role in computer science. Programmers focus on creating, writing, and testing code that will plug into operating systems or software applications.

Computer Scientists and Programmers often work together to create new technology. Computer Scientists collect requirements and document their findings to understand better how a system works so they can make recommendations to improve the system. Programmers are tasked with reviewing this documentation and designing a system that aligns with the suggestions and requirements. Within both fields, there’s room for specialization. Some Computer Scientists focus on one or more types of technology that are of interest, such as software engineering or AI. Similarly, Programmers often select one or more coding languages to master. 

In terms of difficulty, computer science and programming are considered relatively tricky skills to master. Computer Scientists must have programming skills, which makes programming a prerequisite for computer science. For this reason, computer science is thought to have a steep learning curve, especially for those without a programming background. Both computer science and programming require attention to detail so that the developer can address any tiny coding mistakes since tiny mistakes result in significant problems. In addition, those who work in both fields must have creative and logical skills to write unique code to accomplish tasks in various ways.

Cost-wise, the most popular programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, and C++, are free to use. Both Programmers and Computer Scientists use these languages. In addition, tools that help Programmers and Computer Scientists create applications and maintain their computers are also essential. Tools such as interpreters, compilers, editors, debuggers, and application generators are used in both fields that may require additional costs for purchase. 

If you want to learn more about computer programming, Noble Desktop’s Coding Blog & Learn Resources page provides a range of articles. In addition, more than 100 articles are available on Data Science and Noble’s Data Science Blog & Learning Resources page.

Tips to Help You Learn Programming

If you want to become a Computer Programmer, follow tips from experts. Tips such as these help with the learning process:

  • Learning multiple programming languages at once or tackling several coding concepts simultaneously can be overwhelming. A better approach is to start with the basics; learn one language or skill at a time. 
  • One of the most effective ways to learn code is to write it out by hand in a notebook or whiteboard. This learning approach can help you acquire programming skills faster, improve your current skills, and better spot your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Practice is essential to acquiring a new skill, and this is especially true in programming. Continuous practice is the best way to learn coding skills.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Programmers often work independently; however, this doesn’t mean they are alone in their learning journey. If you’re enrolled in an in-person or live online course, ask questions and take advantage of the expertise and experience of the instructor. If you’re learning programming through self-paced tutorials and online videos, you won’t have access to an instructor. Instead, you may need help from other sources, such as former professors, coworkers, or even online communities like Stack Overflow, which has provided Developers with more than 45 billion answers to questions since it was founded in 2008.
  • Having an open mind is essential to programming. You may encounter conflicting opinions about programming frameworks, libraries, techniques, languages, and approaches. Instead of taking a side in these debates, it’s more effective to gain a fundamental understanding of what you’re doing, then build projects that reflect this understanding. Keep in mind that no techniques are approaches are necessarily wrong; instead, they are contextual. 
  • Minimizing distractions can help you focus on coding. Distractions come in many forms, such as cell phones, professional requirements, or family. Creating a study environment with minimal distractions can help you learn faster and more effectively.
  • Programming is similar to performing research in that you will begin with an observation and then perform tests until you reach the desired result. Perhaps, you may not entirely know what you’re doing until you discover your approach works. Therefore, patience is essential to become a successful Programmer. It’s hard work learning to write code. The process can take some individuals a year or longer. Odds are you will experience moments of frustration as you learn. When that happens, take a break and revisit the code when you feel rested. 

Learn Programming with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop, an educational provider, located in Manhattan, offers a range of programming courses for those new to this field and individuals with more advanced coding skills. Noble’s bootcamps and certificates provide hands-on programming training in the small class setting and are an excellent option for those who want to take their programming skills to the next level.

Those wishing to pursue a career as a Full Stack Web Developer, explore Noble’s in-person and live online Full-Stack Web Development Certificate since it presents a high-level learning opportunity. Instruction is provided on both front end web development and back end programming. Participants in this rigorous course learn CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. In addition, instruction is provided on using Git to track code changes. Those enrolled also create dynamic web apps using Node.js and React. For those who want to study the most widely used programming language, Noble’s JavaScript Development Certificate is for you. This intensive certificate program teaches students how to use JavaSript to design websites, build web applications, and create database-driven apps.

Noble also offers a Data Science Certificate for those interested in becoming Data Scientists. This hands-on program provides mentoring, as well as hands-on training, from industry experts. Instruction is provided on core data science skills, such as creating machine learning models, using SQL to query databases, and performing data analysis using Python. Tuition includes the option of a free class retake for up to one year, as well as one-on-one mentoring.

Noble also offers an in-person and live online Python Developer Certificate for those who want to work with Python. Those who enroll in this certificate receive hands-on instruction on fundamental Python programming skills, like using Django for Python software development and working with Django REST, SQL, and Git. This training is designed to prepare students to become Back End Developers, Software Engineers, or Python Engineers.

How to Learn Programming

Master programming with hands-on training. Programming with Python, JavaScript, or another popular coding language is a crucial skill to have for many tech career fields, including data science, web development, and software engineering.

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