Exporting a Frame as an Image using Premiere Pro

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In this video, we learn how to use the Export Frame feature to create freezeframes in our movies as well as how to export an image from our movie for use outside of Premiere Pro

Video Transcription

This is Margaret with Noble Desktop. Today we will be learning about the feature Export Frame in Premiere Pro, how to create Stills or Freeze Frames, however you'd like to call it in your movie, and also how to export a still for promotional material. For a number of reasons, we will find a good place to create a nice Freeze Frame. That's a good place - jumping mid-air, I want to have it hold on that for just a moment, have a freeze frame of them in midair before he resumes. 

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To create a freeze frame, you would click on this little camera here or you would press Shift+E for Export Frame. If you don't have this camera, go over to this Plus symbol, which is your button editor, and you would take this camera and drag it down to this panel. 

Okay, so I'm just going to click on this camera. I'm going to call it "Mid-Air Jump," PNG as the format that Premiere Pro does like is PNG, and "Import into Project" is checked, which is what I'd like it to be. So now I'm going to say "okay." 

Now in my browser, I have a new image called "Mid-Air Jump." I'm going to double-click on it and press comma. Better. Now, press W to cut from the playhead to the end of the clip. Let's take a look. 

So I'm going to do it again. Okay, maybe right there is where I want the Freeze Frame. Camera. I'm going to call this "Midair Too." Here it is in my browser, double click on it, comma. 

Let's take a look at it. Lots of fun. Now, let's say that what I would like to do is create a promo material for my thumb that I'm making. This one a nice gel, you'll be right there. Maybe I'd like that to be promotional material for this film. 

So my playhead is right there. I'm going to press the camera or Shift+E and this time I'm going to make a couple of changes. I'm going to call this "Promo One" and maybe I want this to be a TIFF or a JPEG instead of a PNG, a little bit of a heavier file. Now, I need to uncheck "Import into Project" for sure because I do not want it in my project. I want it somewhere that I'm determining. I have a folder called "Stills" already set up. I'm going to actually put it in yet another folder. I'm going to call this folder "Promo Material." Say "Choose." 

So, make sure this isn't checked when I say "okay." On my desktop, under "Promo Material," this is a very nice, high-quality image that I can send out to people or however I'd like to use it. 

When you're making a Freeze Frame in your movie, there is a path here. This path now mimics the last folder that this was at. And even though your Freeze Frame is going to be imported into your project, it does exist somewhere else. It exists outside of your browser so you have to keep this. You can't delete the "Promo Material," and in the other case, we had it going through a folder called "Stills," but you have to know that this is an item that you cannot delete if you want to keep your Freeze Frames. 

So, to describe, I'll make another Freeze Frame and import this one into the project and say "okay." If I were to later on delete that from this folder, make it smaller, this is what would happen. So here I have this export still. I'm going to put that in the trash. So now, what happens? It went offline, it no longer exists. You have to make sure you do not delete the folders that contain your Stills. 

I hope you've enjoyed this lesson on Export Frame. This has been Margaret with Noble Desktop.

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