Best Part-Time Premiere Pro Bootcamps

Enhance your skills, balance your schedule, and kickstart your career with the flexible learning options.

One popular way to learn Premiere Pro is to enroll in a part-time class or bootcamp. The biggest difference between a full-time and a part-time program is the amount of time it will take you to complete your studies; most full-time programs are significantly shorter than their part-time counterparts. While part-time programs take longer, however, they do have some unique benefits, such as the fact that you can take more time to develop your skills and gain experience, and the way that you can spread out your tuition cost over a longer period of time.

Why Learn Premiere Pro Part Time?

There are a number of good reasons to learn Premiere Pro part time. One of the most common reasons that people opt for the part-time route is that it allows the flexibility to balance education with work and other responsibilities. In contrast, while it is possible to work and attend school full time, most people find that to be extremely challenging. Taking a class is a significant time commitment. Not only do you need to spend time in class, but you’ll also need to spend time outside the classroom completing homework and practicing your skills.

By attending school part time and keeping your job, you’ll also have the benefit of continuing to receive an income while you learn. This can help you fund your education. You can also spread out the cost of your education over a longer period of time. In addition, you might not feel so much pressure to get a job after you graduate and can take the time to find a position that is a good fit.

Yet another advantage of learning part-time is that you’ll have more time to absorb all the new information you’re gaining, practice your editing skills, and develop a portfolio of projects. Further, when you learn part-time you may also have more time to accrue relevant work experience, which can increase your chances of finding work when you graduate.

Premiere Pro Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Drawbacks to Learning Premiere Pro Part Time

Learning part time also has drawbacks. One of the biggest is that it will take longer to complete a part-time program than a full-time one. If you’re anxious to finish your education and move on to other parts of your life, this might be a significant concern. By taking longer to finish your education, you also risk getting left behind by people who opted for the full-time option and have already started working in this field.

Another concern with a part-time program is that you’ll be splitting your focus between education and other things, and this might detract from the learning process. Some people say that they learn better if they can focus on one thing and put all of their attention on it, as happens when you attend school full-time. In contrast, when you learn part time, you may have competing obligations--such as a job--that can take away from your focus on learning Premiere Pro. In addition, with a part-time program, you might be less likely to engage with peers, which can mean that you’ll miss out on potentially valuable networking opportunities. 

Is a Part-Time Premiere Pro Bootcamp Right for You?

Everyone has different goals and needs, so the decision about whether a part-time Premiere Pro bootcamp is best will vary from person to person. Some students will want to complete their education as quickly as possible and will have the time and money to do so. For them, a full-time program will be a better option. However, for many people, a part-time bootcamp is an excellent way to prepare for a career in video editing. When you learn part-time you won’t have to quit your job or feel pressured into accepting another. You’ll also be able to spread out both the cost of the class and the learning experience. 

Ways to Make Learning Premiere Pro Part Time Easier

Part-time students who have to balance learning with a job and other obligations can find that they need to make an extra effort to stay focused and on track. However, while this can pose a challenge, there are many simple ways to make part-time learning easier. Tips for success include setting aside a certain time each day to work on editing skills, having a learning plan, being realistic about your goals and your schedule, prioritizing, and practicing time management. 

Whether you are learning Premiere Pro full-time or part-time, another tip for making the learning process easier is to practice as much as you can. It's important to understand the concepts and theories involved in video editing, and to learn how to use all the tools that Premiere Pro offers, but you also need to dedicate a significant amount of time to hands-on practice. In an April 2023 Backstage article, “How to Learn Video Editing Skills,” the author insists, “Ongoing practice is imperative if you want to learn to edit videos. Skills can only be truly mastered with repetition and variation, so practice is not only helpful but truly necessary.” The author suggests trying to recreate videos that you like, or re-editing something of your own in order to find ways to improve.

If you plan to use Premiere Pro professionally, you’re likely to end up deciding to invest in a paid live class where you can follow a comprehensive educational program under the guidance of an expert. When you take a live Premiere Pro class, you’ll learn from an experienced instructor, who will guide you through a structured and clearly defined course that will cover all the skills you’ll need to master in order to use Premiere Pro, starting with the basics so that you have a strong foundation, and moving on to more advanced skills after that. The instructor can personalize instruction to help meet your needs, and can answer your questions throughout the learning process. They can also give you feedback on your progress. Feedback allows you to learn from both your mistakes and successes, and continue to improve on your editing techniques. Most Premiere Pro instructors are experts who have already spent hours using this program and have a lot of industry experience, so by learning from them, you can take advantage of all that valuable expertise. Their knowledge is likely to include tips and tricks, and common mistakes to avoid, all of which could take you years to figure out by yourself. 

Choosing the Best Part-Time Premiere Pro Classes or Bootcamp

One important thing to look at when you’re researching Premiere Pro classes is the curriculum. Every school will have its own unique curriculum, and the answer of which program is best will vary depending on your learning goals and your learning style. Some classes focus just on Premiere Pro, while others focus on a wider set of video editing skills. You’ll also find differences in the ways different classes are taught. Most will include at least some hands-on training, where you work on editing projects, however, the degree of project work can vary. 

Cost is also an important consideration for most people. If you’re looking at bootcamps, you’ll find that costs can range from a few thousand dollars, to up to $20,000 or $30,000. This is generally cheaper than the cost of a college education, but it is still a substantial investment. Some schools require you to pay the entire tuition up-front, while others offer payment plans, in some cases with interest, and in others you’ll find interest-free options. If you’re looking at shorter Premiere Pro classes, the cost will be substantially less. Depending on the type of class you choose, it could be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

When evaluating Premiere Pro classes, you can also consider whether they include any unique benefits. For instance, some schools--like Noble Desktop--give students the option of a free course retake. This can be an excellent way to refresh your editing skills for free. Many schools also offer a variety of career services like help building your resume and portfolio, mock interviews, and access to internships or industry networks.

Many different schools offer coding bootcamps, and with so many options, it can be overwhelming to pick one. With this in mind, Noble Desktop created the Classes Near Me tool to help you narrow down your options. This tool allows you to look for classes in your geographic area, or classes that are offered online. 

Learn Premiere Pro Skills with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers a variety of Premiere Pro classes of its own, with both short classes that can help you quickly master the basics, and longer, more comprehensive courses that can help you develop the skills you’ll need to use Premiere Pro in a professional setting. This school even offers a Premiere Pro certification program, where you can become an Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Professional. If you want to quickly learn the basics of Premiere Pro, you might be interested in Premiere Pro in a Day, which is a short, accelerated class. In this class, you’ll learn to organize projects, create sequences, fix audio and color, add B-roll, animating images, edit clips, and add lower third titles. At the end of the class, you’ll export a video that you can send to a client or upload to a social media platform.

The Premiere Pro Bootcamp is a longer class that covers everything you need to know to start making your own videos. You’ll learn how to use Premiere Pro to add cuts and transitions between shots, correct color in the footage, sync up and correct audio, and incorporate After Effects assets in Premiere Pro. This course serves as an ideal introduction to Premiere Pro, and by the end of it, you should be prepared to start editing your own video content. 

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive program, Noble Desktop offers a number of certificate programs that include working with Premiere Pro. Both the Motion Graphics Certificate and Video Editing Certificate cover Premiere Pro skills. In the Motion Graphic Certificate, you’ll learn to use Adobe After Effects to create motion graphics and visual effects, and Cinema 4D Lite for 3D animations. You’ll also learn to edit video, and add music and voiceover with Premiere Pro. In addition, you’ll work on a demo reel that showcases your skills. The course includes five one-on-one mentoring sessions. The Video Editing Certificate covers video editing, motion graphics, and audio editing. You’ll learn to work with After Effects and Premiere Pro. In addition, you’ll learn to edit sound effects with Audition. This class also includes working on a demo reel, and five one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Finally, Noble offers a Premiere Pro Certification Program, where you can become an Adobe Premiere Pro certified professional. This course includes two class sessions, which will take you from a beginner to an advanced level of mastery. You’ll also get six hours of private tutoring to address skills that you need more help with. After that, you’ll take the Adobe Premiere Pro Certification exam. Your course fee covers exam proctoring, plus a free retake. If you don’t want to take the exam, you can receive an extra hour of private tutoring instead.

How to Learn Premiere Pro

Master Premiere Pro with hands-on training. Premiere Pro is the industry-standard application for video editing.

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