Power BI Training & Classes for Employees: Review Corporate Training Options

An overview of the best corporate training options for Power BI development.

Enhance your business's data analysis capabilities with corporate Power BI training. Whether you're looking to upskill your employees or introduce new skills, this article will guide you through a range of Power BI training options suitable for onsite or online learning.

Key Insights

  • Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that aggregates, analyzes, and visualizes data to provide vital business insights.
  • Employees skilled in Power BI can consolidate data efficiently, perform advanced analytics tasks, and create interactive, customized data visualizations.
  • Investing in Power BI corporate training not only increases productivity but also adds to the intellectual capital of employees, aiding their professional development.
  • Both onsite and online Power BI training options are available, providing real-time instruction, immediate feedback, and flexibility.
  • Noble Desktop offers a range of onsite and online Power BI training courses, including short courses and longer bootcamps, that can be customized to suit your organization's needs.
  • Salaries can vary for positions requiring Power BI skills, but the investment in training can lead to increased productivity and more informed, data-backed decision making.

Microsoft Power BI is a modern business intelligence platform for aggregating, analyzing, and visualizing data. Employees who know how to use this software can unearth patterns and other information from data that provide important insights into how a business is currently operating, how it performed in the past, and how it may function in the future. This information helps those within an organization make more informed, data-backed decisions.Read on to learn about what to consider when looking for corporate Power BI training options and to find out about the options currently available for onsite or online training.

What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a group of business intelligence (BI) services and products that converts data from various sources into reports, visualizations, and interactive dashboards. This allows users to share data insights with others who work at their organization or to embed them onto a website or application. One of the main benefits of working with Power BI is that it integrates with other Microsoft services and products and third-party platforms. Users can connect Power BI to Excel, Teams, SharePoint, and Exchange, among others.

Read more about what Power BI is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Power BI Skills?

Power BI is a tool for illustrating what’s happening within an organization in the present and anticipating what may transpire in the future. Because it relies on machine learning capabilities, Power BI can locate patterns in data, then draw from them to predict “what-if” scenarios. Based on these predictions, Power BI users can create forecasts and prepare for different demand patterns that may emerge. They can then communicate this information through data visualizations. Power BI is a go-to for data professionals since it can input huge stores of data that would be a struggle for other platforms to process. 

Benefits of Power BI Corporate Training

If you’re wondering whether the employees at your workplace would benefit from corporate Power BI training, this platform provides users with a range of benefits and applications. Power BI provides users with a flexible and accessible interface. Employees who know how to work with Power BI can easily and efficiently consolidate data into one central location using the more than 70 connectors this platform provides. Businesses can load data from sources on the cloud like Google Analytics, Azure, and Salesforce. They can also perform advanced analytics tasks in minutes with the help of Power BI’s built-in connections. With the help of the drag-and-drop interface, your employees can also combine a range of files, then perform data analysis on their content in a single report.

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If your employees will be presenting their data findings to others, Power BI offers many useful tools to create interactive, customized data visualizations. It provides users with various pre-packaged graphics options, like tables, maps, and pie charts, each of which can be tailored to fit into a presentation. Power BI also has complex graph types users can select from, like decision trees and correlation plots, as well as options for creating your own data visualization that doesn’t fit into a standard category. 

When performing predictive analytics, Power BI is a forecasting tool useful for anticipating possible future outcomes. By adding a prediction line to a given chart, Power BI users can run and evaluate various “what-if” scenarios pertaining to financial outcomes, potential markets for growth, or other possible future occurrences. By applying statistical algorithms to past data, Power BI can create estimates about possible solutions and convey them in data visualizations. 

Who Benefits Most from Power BI Corporate Training?

If you’re an employer trying to decide whether to provide your employees with training in Power BI, you may not be certain how beneficial this investment would be overall. The ability to accurately analyze business data, visually depict these findings, and share these insights with stakeholders greatly benefits the organization as a whole. Not only does it help employees feel more involved with the decision-making process, but it also cuts down on the work hours they’ll have to spend doing so. This increase in productivity leads to fewer costs for you, the employer. By training some or all employees in Power BI, you’re ensuring data will be managed more effectively and used more strategically, and that decisions can be made in the best interest of all involved, including external stakeholders like clients or customers. Because learning Power BI involves developing a range of analytic, creative, technical, and communication skills, investing in corporate training for your employees also creates intellectual capital for them, which has the potential to help them immensely as they develop professionally.

New Skills or Upskilling?

If you’re considering investing in corporate training for some or all of your employees in Power BI, everyone at your organization is likely to benefit from this investment. Corporate training, or workplace learning, is an excellent way to show employees they are valued, contributing members of your organization. This is why the vast majority (94%) of employees surveyed expressed that they appreciate working for someone committed to investing in their ongoing professional development. Whether it’s providing new data skills for your employees or helping them develop and expand on the skills they already have, corporate Power BI training is an excellent opportunity to show them that their skills have value and play an integral role in helping your organization perform more effectively and efficiently.

Since Power BI is used primarily for data tasks like aggregation, analysis, and visualization, it may not be necessary to train every employee at your workplace to use this platform. Instead, you may wish to provide training for those who regularly work with data, which may be individuals from one department or just one individual from each department. You may also choose to train select individuals to use this tool so that they can share their training and insights with others. However, if your organization regularly handles data in all departments (such as financial institutions), Power BI training is likely a useful and relevant skill for all employees to acquire. 

Onsite or Online?

Once you commit to corporate Power BI training for some or all of those at your workplace, the next decision is what training format will be most effective. Employers can select between onsite training options as well as virtual learning. Onsite Power BI training involves an instructor with real-world training working with Power BI coming directly to your organization to teach your employees how to work with this platform. Corporate training will likely occur in a computer lab or similar environment where employees can access computers. As the instructor provides real-time instruction, your employees have the opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback on the work they complete.

If your employees would be more comfortable learning Power BI in the virtual format, Noble Desktop also provides live online corporate training options. elearning continues to grow in popularity as a training format in many industries, especially those in which employees perform the majority of their work tasks using computers. This is why the elearning industry is projected to grow in popularity by 250% by 2026 and be worth almost $50 billion. Since Power BI requires computer access, learning to work with this platform in the online environment would make sense. 

Online corporate Power BI training is conducted on a teleconferencing platform, such as Teams or Zoom. Similar to in-person study, it takes place in real-time and is led by an expert instructor with industry experience working with Power BI. This learning format allows time and space for your employees to pose questions as they arise and receive immediate feedback. Another benefit of live online Power BI training is that your employees won’t have to commute to receive corporate training; they can complete it from their own space. This is why virtual corporate training is an excellent option for those who may not live near a major city. 

Training Options for Employees

Noble Desktop offers several options for onsite and corporate Power BI training so you can select the learning format that would benefit your employees the most. All of Noble’s current class listings are on its schedule. You can choose from onsite or virtual training options that focus on Power BI exclusively or can choose to provide your employees with training in several short courses, such as data analytics, Excel, and Tableau, so they will develop a well-rounded skill-set for handling data. Noble can also create a customized learning plan with the flexibility of allowing you to choose the training options your employees will receive based on your professional needs. Tailored study options also ensure that those at your workplace who receive Power BI training will learn skills commensurate with their knowledge base. Those who already have experience working with Power BI won’t have to repeat lessons on this topic, and those just getting started working with this platform won’t be presented with advanced skills they aren’t ready for.

Noble offers short courses in addition to longer bootcamps like Power BI Bootcamp. This program can generally be completed in just several days and offers training in various skills, such as working with the DAX language and creating measures for finding MAX, COUNT, and SUM. Short courses in related skills, such as SQL, Python for Automation, Tableau, and Excel, are also available from Noble. These courses can generally be completed in just a day.

Supplemental Training Options

Noble Desktop can provide your employees with supplemental training options beyond standard in-person or live online Power BI training. Vouchers are available for Noble’s bulk enrollment classes. These vouchers offer the flexibility of allowing employees who have busy schedules complete training outside of business hours. If you’d like to train multiple employees to work with Power BI, group class vouchers are a good option. They can be bought in bulk at a discount. Vouchers allow employers to select which class or classes would be most useful for their employees.

To learn more about the Power BI training options available for your employees, contact Noble today.

Key Takeaways

  • A great way to invest in your employees’ intellectual capital is to provide them with corporate Power BI training. Not only will doing so make them more efficient when working with data, but it will help them contribute to the organization as a whole in meaningful ways. 
  • Both in-person and live online training options are available in Power BI. In-person training occurs onsite at your organization’s location, whereas virtual study takes place remotely on Zoom or a similar teleconferencing platform.
  • Noble Desktop also offers supplemental Power BI training options that allow your employees to complete training around their work schedule or other commitments.
  • If you think the employees at your workplace would benefit from learning more about Power BI, let Noble Desktop provide hands-on training onsite or in the virtual environment. 

How to Learn Power BI

Master Power BI with hands-on training. Power BI is a business intelligence tool made by Microsoft that is used to create dashboards and other data visualizations.

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