Can I Learn Photoshop For Free?

Can I really learn Photoshop for free? A guide to accessible resources and different learning methods.

Learning a new skill on your own sounds ideal. That means you don’t have to worry about commuting to a class, you can do this task at your leisure, and you don’t have to spend much, if any, on the learning materials. While this sounds enticing, it is not necessarily realistic. The same can be applied when you attempt to learn Photoshop. While, yes, it is possible to learn some skills in Photoshop for free, you can expect to learn only the most basic concepts. If you want to gain more advanced skills, you will need advanced training that can only be provided through a legitimate and reputable training center.

What Free Resources Are Available for Learning Photoshop?

There are dozens of free and low-cost resources available to hopeful Photoshop experts. First, it is essential to check the Adobe website for any relevant blog posts, videos, and tutorials. Photoshop is part of Adobe Creative Cloud, which is comprised of multiple creative design applications. Adobe’s official website provides some base-level information about using the application, including how to troubleshoot the software and utilize certain tools. You can also find creative inspiration on their page through tutorials, blog posts about unique projects, and new features that the application offers. This is an ideal free resource because you don’t have to question its credibility.

In addition to Adobe resources, you can search for in-person or other digital resources. If you have a library nearby, they likely offer books, brochures, and tutorials on Photoshop. Some libraries will offer lectures for free as well, but they may be less frequent depending on where you live. Your best option is to search the internet for websites, discussion boards, social media pages, and other learning materials from a reputable training center. You can search for blog posts, ask questions in the comments section of a TikTok post, watch tutorials on YouTube, or search for pre-recorded lectures on Noble Desktop’s free seminar page. These are all useful tools that Photoshop users of any skill can and should utilize to end up with the most professional, visually appealing images.

Online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Khan Academy are not necessarily free but are relatively low-cost in comparison. These institutions offer on-demand classes, which are structured and self-paced learning options. Many Photoshop professionals use on-demand courses as a low-cost way to learn new software updates or refresh their skills. In addition, someone who wants to learn Photoshop as a hobby would benefit from an on-demand course since the stakes are much lower compared to someone who would use Photoshop in their professional life. Overall, these are effective and useful resources that can be supplemental materials to your learning journey.

Adobe Photoshop Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

How to Make Use of Free Photoshop Resources

The best way to make use of these free resources is to utilize them regularly. In the most ideal scenario, you will use free resources as a supplement to your live course. Before or after class, you could read through the free resources to gain a solid foundation and perhaps prepare you even more for the next lesson. Most free resources allow you to start with the basics, so you can use them to learn how to move through the interface, tools, and basic features. This could be done before enrollment so you feel confident starting your educational experience. Once you advance to more difficult concepts like layers, masks, and filters, you can still find free resources to help you with troubleshooting and gaining clarification. Mostly, it is important to take your time learning as much as you need and continually refer back to the free resources.

In addition, it is suggested that you regularly practice to learn Photoshop quickly and effectively. Extended exposure to anything will result in a higher retention rate. You can use any relevant free resources to find helpful tutorials, replicate intricate projects, gain renewed creative inspiration, or apply your skills to a plethora of professional and personal projects. Luckily, if you are enrolled in a live course, you will have access to a limited license for Photoshop. This means you won’t have to pay out of pocket for the software or rely on the free trial period. It is worthwhile to use free resources to create new projects, try out new editing techniques, and expand your capabilities. You can even ask your instructor about the free resources to see if they have additional insight to provide. Practice leads to skill acquisition, strengthened muscle memory, and a greater understanding of how to use Photoshop.

Lastly, free resources are a great way to review the material before taking a certification exam. Although free resources cannot be the primary form of instruction, they can certainly give you the refresher you need before taking an exam. In addition, any of the previously mentioned free resources can help with current projects. If you use Photoshop at work, you can make a quick Google search, gain insight into the task at hand, and feel more confident with the direction your project is headed. This can be a good way to get quick questions answered through chatrooms or discussion boards as well, since many professionals and hobbyists alike are happy to share their experience and knowledge with others. Using these free resources can spark inspiration and confidence and make you an overall better Photoshop user.

Limitations of Free Resources

However, free resources have their limitations. If you want to become an expert who uses Photoshop in a professional setting, a free resource will not suffice. While useful, they offer limited depth. The coverage of the material isn't as extensive and is mainly suited for answering quick questions or providing an overview of certain tools. In addition, it may be hard to tell the credibility or quality of each resource. Many free resources can be outdated at best or inaccurate at worst. It is important to double-check each resource you find and to search for resources found only on reputable websites and from credible sources.

In addition, the lack of support is a serious downside. Students are unable to receive feedback since they are simply reading or watching along with a resource. There is no way to know if they are adequately applying the skills or using the tools effectively. In addition, students are not truly able to interact with a free resource. Although they can follow along with tutorials, there is still a lack of interaction that could be useful in the learning process. Plus, most students access free resources from home. This is convenient, but far less ideal because you are learning in a space that is too familiar, which can lead to more distractions. Learning in a neutral environment, such as a live course, makes the learning process less difficult. Even a live online course provides more structure than relying on a free resource. Despite limitations, free resources can be useful learning tools and can help you grasp complex concepts that can be discussed further in your live class.

What to Do After Utilizing Free Photoshop Resources

Once you learn a little more about Photoshop through the free resources found online or in person, you can explore other learning opportunities. Many choose to take the next big step and learn Photoshop from a professional in a live training course. Live classes provide the necessary structure and interaction that students need to thrive. Students will have access to instructors and be able to ask questions, seek clarification, receive feedback, and get immediate assistance. Live classes are especially ideal for beginners and those who will likely need more help with navigating the interface, using the tools, and troubleshooting issues.

Plus, live courses cover more topics and go into more depth than a free resource or even a self-paced option. Live courses and the training centers that provide them follow industry standards so you can anticipate that the information is more up-to-date and legitimate than the average free resource. A live course can be tailored to your needs or specifications as well. For example, if you want to learn to use Photoshop for a specific field, such as graphic design, you can find live courses that zero in on graphic design concepts. Free resources and live course options allow you to explore new techniques as well, but applying your skills in a live course will result in more effective use of the software.

Enrolling in a live course is a natural next step after utilizing free resources. They provide structured, hands-on instruction. The instructor can help facilitate the learning process by giving engaging lectures, demonstrating techniques, providing examples, and assigning relevant projects and assignments. Plus, live courses often have small class sizes, ranging anywhere from 10 to 20 students. For example, live classes at Noble Desktop typically have 8 to 15 students per class. 

In addition, you can often access support long after the class ends. Training centers will provide you with a network of alumni you can contact. Whether you want to seek advice, share your work, or connect with students and peers, you know you will have a strong support system. In addition, you can take advantage of additional training through 1-on-1 mentoring, resume assistance, mock interviews, and any additional career services that your training center includes in your enrollment. Overall, this is the best way to cement your knowledge and enhance your Photoshop talents. Free resources, used in connection with a live course, can help you succeed and get where you want in your Photoshop learning journey.

How to Learn Photoshop

Master Photoshop, the industry-standard application for photo retouching, color correction, and more, with hands-on training.

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