Creating Paths with the Pen Tool

Free Photoshop Tutorial

Expand your Photoshop skills with this detailed tutorial on the Pen tool, complete with step-by-step exercises and invaluable tips for creating Bézier curves.

This exercise is excerpted from Noble Desktop’s past Photoshop training materials and is compatible with Photoshop updates through 2020. To learn current skills in Photoshop, check out our Photoshop Bootcamp and graphic design classes in NYC and live online.

Note: These materials are provided to give prospective students a sense of how we structure our class exercises and supplementary materials. During the course, you will get access to the accompanying class files, live instructor demonstrations, and hands-on instruction.

Topics covered in this Photoshop tutorial:

The Pen tool, Creating paths of Bézier curves

Adobe Photoshop Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Exercise Preview

curves template large

Exercise Overview

This exercise gives you an overview of the Pen tool. You’ll draw some basic curves (known as Bézier curves) using the template we have made for you. It’s easy once you know how!

  1. From the Photoshop Class folder, open the file Curves Template.psd.
  2. Choose the Pen tool pen tool.
  3. In the Options bar, on the left, select Path in the dropdown menu. (A path refers to a combination of as many Bézier curves as you want.)

Bézier Curve Drawing Tips

This file is a template for you to trace so you get practice drawing Bézier curves. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you draw:

  1. In part A, you will drag from the numbered black points to the red circle. This must be done in ONE motion: press down (without releasing) on the black point and hold while dragging to the red circle.
  2. If you mess up, just undo it.
  3. When done drawing one line, do any one of the following to deselect the line before continuing on to draw the next line:

    • Hit the Escape (Esc) key.
    • Switch to the Path Selection tool path selection tool and click off the line to deselect it.
    • Hold Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) (a shortcut to get the Direct Selection tool) and click off the line to deselect it.
  4. Each section removes some of the “training wheels” so you get a chance to get better at judging how far to drag, and in what direction.
  5. If you finish and want to try tracing the lines again, just go to File > Revert and your work is erased so you can start tracing them fresh again.

    NOTE: For more tips on drawing Bézier curves, please refer to the Drawing Paths reference at the back of the book.

How to Learn Photoshop

Master Photoshop, the industry-standard application for photo retouching, color correction, and more, with hands-on training.

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