Are Photoshop Classes Worth It?

Weigh the pros and cons of Photoshop classes. Determine if they’re the right fit and investment for your career goals.

For hobbyists and professionals alike, Photoshop classes are well worth the while. Each class offers a different perspective and focus on this industry-standard photo editing software, which is why you should consider all your options if you are thinking about enrolling in a Photoshop course. Typical facts such as cost and location are obvious, but there are some other elements you may not know about. You can gain a better sense of which class will best suit your needs, goals, and learning preferences by researching the available options. This article focuses on said benefits and presents readers with a few considerations that will ultimately help you find the perfect Photoshop class.

Consider the Cost

Almost any educational endeavor is going to require spending money, but cost is one of the biggest considerations. Some Photoshop classes can cost under one hundred dollars or hundreds of dollars. More so, classes that specialize in a field that uses Photoshop, such as graphic design or marketing, could cost upwards of thousands of dollars. The cost could be higher or lower depending on the length of the course, the level of advancement, the training center, the subject matter, and the course delivery method. While there are more cost-effective learning options, such as free resources, self-help books, and on-demand classes, they may not be as effective as a class provided by a training center is far more immersive and provides expert guidance from an instructor. All these considerations may make you feel slightly overwhelmed, but reading through these advantages and considerations may make the decision less difficult.

Advantages of a Photoshop Class

While each Photoshop class is different, they all share the common goal of providing students with an educational outlet. Each class will vary in almost every way, from time requirements and cost to advancement and teaching methods. Whether you choose an in-person or live online course, these are a few of the many reasons to enroll in a Photoshop class.

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General Benefits

A training course can provide many benefits for its students, particularly when learning interactive software such as Photoshop. Namely, enrolling in a professional training course can help you understand Photoshop from the inside out and learn everything from the interface to the tool and more. Additionally, with the help of an instructor, students typically find it easier to learn the material. Plus, learning alongside like-minded individuals can make the class feel more cohesive and less challenging. The classroom fosters a strong support system that you can rely on when you feel confused, lost, or unsure. Once you’ve completed the course, you may find yourself deep in the job search. With your newly acquired skills, you will feel more confident and have more to show for it since many courses offer students hands-on experience using Photoshop. A course will likely give you an advantage when you begin searching. Lastly, many training courses offer additional benefits and resources to their students, such as technical support, mentoring sessions, and career preparation. Overall, Photoshop classes are a great way to gain new skills, find a job, and feel more confident using the software.

Access to Programs and Applications

You may focus so heavily on choosing a class that you forget about acquiring the necessary course material. Enrolling in the course can already be expensive, but the necessary materials are an added consideration, especially those like digital services, software, and tools. In this case, you’ll of course need access to Adobe Photoshop. This application exists under Adobe’s Creative Cloud, which is a collection of different design applications. It’s an incredibly useful service for professionals, students, and freelance designers, but may not be easy to access as a beginner or someone with a tight budget. However, enrollment in a professional training course often negates the need to spend large sums of money on an application. Some classes will ask students to have the software downloaded to their laptops prior to starting the class, but many live courses will give students limited licenses to an otherwise expensive subscription software. Instructors often provide additional course materials too, like required texts, project guidelines, and other useful class resources. Having access to programs and applications can be a major perk when choosing a course and may be the only way a student can practice using Photoshop.

Learning Design Principles and Theory

Some classes may teach students how to use Photoshop, but others will also explain to students how this software works. In essence, Photoshop works on a system of layers that help users place, remove, or modify objects. By learning more about the theory behind Photoshop, it may help you understand how to use it more effectively. In addition, some classes will teach students basic design principles that, when properly used, can lead to better photos. In addition, understanding the theory behind lighting, color, composition, contrast, and other visual effects can help students know when to use certain tools or Photoshop features. Ultimately, learning what makes a design or edit “good” can be just as important as learning the software, particularly if you plan to use Photoshop professionally. While some courses only teach practical application, many provide students with the most essential principles and theories behind Photoshop to help them succeed.

Hands-On Experience

Continued exposure and practice lead to a better understanding, class projects and activities are often based on realistic, professional projects, such as family photos, marketing campaigns, posters, and other important visual communications. In a professional training course, you will likely create projects that can be added to a professional portfolio as well, which is an added benefit for those who need help with portfolio development. Students can practice editing images with Photoshop on their own, but it may not be as easy, which is why the hands-on experience in a live classroom can make all the difference. It is much more sensible to learn alongside someone with ample experience who can help you through the entire process and to immerse yourself in an in-person or live online setting that encourages creativity and strengthens technical skills.

Direct Feedback from Instructors

Any form of communication is completed through a series of stages, otherwise known as a process, which requires drafting, revision, and ample feedback. This is one of the main benefits of enrolling in a professional training course of any kind, but is particularly necessary for learning a subject like Photoshop which requires both communicative elements and visual aesthetics. Instructors and classmates alike can provide insight, different perspectives, and new ideas for editing a photo. In-person classes amplify this hands-on experience, but live online classes allow for adequate feedback as well. A Photoshop error can make or break your project, so it is best to get as much insight as possible.

Building a Professional Portfolio

As previously stated, Photoshop classes allow students to further develop their professional portfolio or build their portfolio from scratch if they do not currently have one. This is a key element for virtually any creative profession as it shows employers what you are capable of doing with the software. Through in-class projects, students can build their portfolios which can be used in job interviews or be reviewed by your boss for a promotion or a raise. Many professional training centers offer mock interviews and portfolio development through one-on-one mentoring, which can make all the difference in having a well-organized portfolio. Don’t underestimate the importance of a portfolio; in most cases, it is essential to have a well-developed portfolio before applying for an apprenticeship, degree program, or job position.

Considerations When Searching for a Photoshop Class

No two Photoshop courses are designed the same, so you may need to compare and contrast a few before finding the perfect class for you. You may need to learn Photoshop from start to finish, or perhaps you just need to learn some specific tools and techniques. In addition, you may choose a class depending on your goals. If you want to learn Photoshop as a way to enhance personal photos or start a side hustle, you will likely choose a different learning journey than someone who wants to use Photoshop professionally. After considering your needs and preferences, you’ll be able to zero in on the course that’s best fit for you. 

General Considerations

Some of the main considerations when searching for a Photoshop class include your current schedule and skill level, the amount you’re willing to pay, whether you can make a commute, and whether you have a strong WiFi connection to either attend the live online class or practice at home. Most live classes, regardless of whether they are in-person or not, are strictly regimented. They occur at the exact time listed on the schedule and are unlikely to change. This means you’ll have to weigh your options based on the current schedule you have and whether you will be able to make it to class. If you find that the commute won’t be feasible, you can still opt for live online courses. However, you’ll need to ensure you have a strong WiFi connection that allows you to attend class without issue. Of course, as previously discussed, the cost may be a determining factor as well. You may be inclined to find courses that have flexible payment plans or offer discounts. Lastly, you’ll want to find a course that suits your current skill level. If you’re a total beginner, it won’t be helpful to enroll in a higher-level course. Likewise, if you have experience using Photoshop, you’ll want to find a course that helps you maintain or advance your current skills, unless you are specifically looking for a refresher course. With these considerations in mind, you’ll be able to choose the best course that suits your needs.

Balancing Theory and Practical Application

Depending on your reason for learning Photoshop, you may need to understand the theory behind Photoshop. It may benefit you to know how the layering process works, how composition and lighting can change a photo, and why certain filters work better than others. However, you may simply need practical knowledge. It may be unnecessary to learn the “why” when you only need to know “how.” This could be a big determining factor in whether you choose one class over the other because each class differs in the level of theory they discuss. However, this is all dependent on your personal preferences and goals.

What Skills You Need

The balance between theory and practicality ties into this next section, which is determining what specific skills you need to gain from a Photoshop class. If you’re trying to gain professional skills, you may want to learn every aspect of Photoshop, from theory and methodology to its tools and features. However, if you’re learning Photoshop as a hobbyist or as someone who uses it now and then, it may be a waste to spend excessive time and energy learning theory. In addition, this may determine the skill level you reach. Professionals will need advanced-level skills whereas a hobbyist could get by with the basics. If you have experience with Photoshop, this may determine which course you’ll take as opposed to the novice who knows they will have to start at the very beginning.

Is It Worth Enrolling in a Photoshop Class?

Who Will Find Photoshop Classes Worthwhile?

There are many scenarios where Photoshop classes will be worthwhile. If you are pursuing a profession where Photoshop is widely used, you’ll definitely need to take at least a few Photoshop classes or bootcamps. Photographers, Marketers, Social Media Specialists, Graphic Designers, Video Editors, Web Designers, and User Interface Designers are among the many professions that regularly use Photoshop. However, even if you don’t use Photoshop every day, or even every week, in your work life, you could still benefit from learning how to use Photoshop. Those who use Photoshop now and then would still benefit

Additionally, those with zero experience or minimal experience will benefit greatly from Photoshop courses. If your goal is to become more adept at using Photoshop, you’ll have to enroll in a course to truly gain adequate skills. While experts can benefit from a quick refresher, an actual course may not be the best option. Instead, novices, beginners, and intermediates can benefit greatly from a Photoshop class as a way to lay the foundation and build upon their other skills.

Who May Benefit from Photoshop Classes?

More than likely, someone who works in a creative field would benefit from learning Photoshop, even if they don’t use the application regularly. Professionals in related fields, like video editing, would benefit from learning how to use Photoshop because it also offers video editing features. A Video Editor may use Photoshop to add layers, trim clips, add text, or apply filters. Or, they could enhance images that are later added to the completed video project. Animators could also benefit from learning Photoshop, although many posit that Photoshop is less beneficial for 2D animation but instead works well at enhancing animation frames.

Intermediates can also benefit from taking a Photoshop class as a quick refresher or a way to stay up to date with new industry standards. Many software companies update their applications frequently in order to provide users with the best possible tools and features. A class may be useful in this case because although some software updates are minimal, others can be quite grand and will require more time to practice. Additional training ensures that you retain and build upon your Photoshop knowledge.

Who May Not Need a Photoshop Class?

However, Photoshop classes do not necessarily benefit everyone in the same way. Of course, an individual who has already mastered the most updated version of Photoshop does not need to spend time, money, or effort reviewing the tools and features. Experts in fields like graphic design or marketing likely use Photoshop regularly, but only for specific projects and purposes as opposed to a Photographer who would likely use Photoshop every day or every time they have a new photography project to complete.

Likewise, those who work in fields that lack creative expression and visual communication wouldn’t benefit from learning Photoshop. It makes no sense for a Math Teacher or a Data Analyst to learn Photoshop unless they choose so as a hobby. Even then, hobbyists may benefit from enrolling in a lengthy or in-depth class, but could also opt for on-demand classes instead. Depending on their propensity for technology and their reason for learning, an on-demand class could be better than a typical live class. This may save money and time in the long run, but that is more on a person-by-person basis than anything else.

How to Learn Photoshop

Master Photoshop, the industry-standard application for photo retouching, color correction, and more, with hands-on training.

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