Why Learn MERN Stack?

Develop your career in web development by mastering MERN Stack, a full stack JavaScript framework that enables the creation and maintenance of complex, interactive web applications. Learn how the MERN stack can broaden your career opportunities and enhance your professional growth.

Key Insights

  • The MERN stack is a complete set of JavaScript frameworks, enabling developers to handle all aspects of web development projects.
  • By specializing in the MERN stack, developers can access several career opportunities, such as a JavaScript Developer or a Full Stack Developer.
  • Mastering the MERN stack allows developers to work on more complex and multi-functional web applications without learning multiple programming languages.
  • Learning the MERN stack makes it easier to grasp other JavaScript libraries and full stack development technologies.
  • Despite the complexity, the MERN stack is highly marketable and a valuable skill to add to a developer's resume.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive live online and in-person MERN training courses for those interested in learning this highly sought-after skill.

MERN stack is a full stack JavaScript framework that allows users to build code to handle the front end, back end, and database infrastructure of web applications. It is a complex set of frameworks, but learning the MERN stack will allow programmers to build and maintain complex, interactive web applications. Have you ever explored all of the things the MERN stack can do? Learning MERN will help developers handle all aspects of web development projects, greatly expanding their career opportunities. It will also help developers build focused JavaScript web applications and make learning other elements of full stack development easier. Here, you’ll learn more about the careers that benefit from the MERN stack and how it can enhance your professional life. Regardless of your goals, learning the MERN stack is a valuable and impressive skill to add to your resume. 

What is the MERN Stack?

The MERN stack is a colloquial name given the full stack JavaScript development framework consisting of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. As a full stack framework, the MERN stack covers front end operations with React, server infrastructure with Express.js and Node.js, and database operations with MongoDB. MERN is quickly becoming one of the most commonly used full stack development frameworks owing to its versatility and the integration between the stack's various elements. Learning to use the MERN stack will let users build complex websites and applications.

Each aspect of the Stack serves a different function. Still, they are all built off the JavaScript programming language, meaning skilled JavaScript users can easily pick up each aspect of the stack. React is used to build client-side assets and component bundles of code that can be replicated and repurposed as developers see fit. This framework is built to improve workflow and create more dynamic single-page applications. Node.js and Express.js provide the infrastructure for programs to query and access server-side requests, allowing those applications to run JavaScript code outside a web browser. MongoDB is used for sorting, analyzing, and querying databases as part of a web application. Taken together, MERN stack training will let users design all aspects of complex web design projects.

Read more about what the MERN stack is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with the MERN Stack?

Using the MERN stack, skilled programmers can develop and maintain all aspects of a web application. Using these four JavaScript frameworks, you can build the front end, back end, and database infrastructure for complex webpages, including the increasingly in-demand single-page applications and internet-enabled devices we use daily. The more complex a web application is, the more complex its programming will need to be, and learning the MERN stack offers students an accessible way to learn full stack web development skills. Learning the MERN stack will also let users take advantage of the functionalities of each framework for their non-full stack web development projects.

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The most significant advantage of learning the MERN stack is that it allows you to do full stack web development projects without combining multiple programming languages. Since MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js are all JavaScript frameworks, MERN stack training will let users build the entire infrastructure of a web application in a single programming language, JavaScript. This is ideal both for making a student’s JavaScript training more versatile and for improving workflow since developers can be confident that there won’t be any problems owing to the server and client-side elements of the application running off of different languages. MERN is an ideal skill set for users hoping to build complex, multi-functional web applications without learning multiple programming languages.

Common Professional Uses for the MERN Stack

The MERN stack is one of the most commonly used framework stacks for Full Stack Web Developers. This means that learning the MERN stack will open many career doors for students across various fields. Since MERN stack training lets users build and maintain all elements of a web application, learning these skills will also help students diversify their abilities and contribute to all aspects of a project. A few career opportunities for students training in the MERN stack include

  • JavaScript Developer: Since the MERN stack is a full stack JavaScript framework, developers who specialize in designing web applications using that programming language will frequently use elements of the MERN stack. These developers work on web applications, utilizing React to build the front-facing elements of an application and Node.js and Express.js to help the application communicate with back end functionalities. JavaScript Developers are likely to work as part of a large development team, meaning they won’t be tasked with designing and coding all the elements of a full stack development project. Still, they will need to know how each aspect of the stack interacts with other elements to build a functional final product.
  • Full Stack Developer: Full Stack Web Developers are well-rounded programmers who will be responsible for developing and maintaining both the front end and back end elements of a web design project. These developers must learn multiple programming languages and a wide range of frameworks and libraries. While they will likely learn MERN stack and other JavaScript frameworks, competitive Full Stack Developers will need to know other frameworks and languages. Full Stack Developers are in high demand but learning Full Stack development involves learning several advanced programming skills.
  • Project Manager: In most industries, web application development projects are often undertaken by large teams of developers working on discrete elements of the project. These teams will need to be overseen by Project Managers tasked with organizing the work and ensuring that the project is completed in the time and cost requested by a client. Project Managers will want to be well-versed in all elements of web development to effectively oversee teams working on front end and back end aspects of the project. This means learning the MERN stack is an excellent way to cover many different bases. Project Managers will also need to be trained in the soft interpersonal skills required to manage the human element of a development project.

Build More Complex Applications

One of the primary reasons to learn the MERN stack is that it will allow developers to work on more complex web applications since the MERN stack allows for significantly increased functionality in JavaScript applications. MERN is particularly useful for building single-page applications and applications with integrated features such as in-app chats or push notifications. Learning these frameworks will expand the scope of applications that developers can build, which can be ideal for anyone hoping to specialize in JavaScript.

Handle All Aspects of Development

Learning the MERN stack will give developers experience with all aspects of full stack web development. Typically, JavaScript emphasizes front end development, leaving developers needing to learn other languages to handle server-side functions and databases. This will give students hands-on experience working with full stack web development, setting them up for future success in their later web development projects. Plus, since the MERN stack is simply a collection of frameworks, students won’t be restricted if they only need to work with a single framework on any project. If you only need to use Node.js on a project, you won’t be unable to do so simply because you learned Node.js in a MERN context.

Learning Frameworks

Learning MERN is also an excellent way to begin the process of learning other frameworks and full stack techs. One obvious advantage is that learning the MERN stack will make learning other JavaScript libraries easier, including alternatives like Angular.js. Students who learn MERN frameworks separately will find each library easier to learn than the last as they gain more and more experience with the overlapping aspects of JavaScript frameworks. Finally, learning MERN will give students hands-on experience working with full stack development frameworks, making learning things like Ruby on Rails, Python, or Django easier.

How to Start Learning the MERN Stack

Students interested in learning MERN have a few options to receive training. While each student will learn differently, the most important thing to consider when enrolling in a MERN stack course is your level of comfort with JavaScript. Since the MERN stack consists of important JavaScript frameworks, students must be very comfortable with JavaScript to learn the advanced frameworks. Most live training courses emphasize JavaScript training alongside MERN skills development, so students should compare their options to find the MERN training method that best suits their needs.

Most students find that live instruction is the preferable way to learn new skills, especially advanced skills like the MERN stack. The primary benefit of live instruction courses is that they are taught by expert instructors who are present to be interacted with directly. This lets students receive feedback and get necessary assistance immediately, which can be invaluable for a student’s learning. These courses are taught through live in-person web-development classes and live online web development courses in private digital classrooms. Students enrolled in a live training course can also utilize the training center’s computer labs. In contrast, online students will be able to learn from experienced instructors from the comfort of their personal workstations.

Students who want to target their training to a specific skill or whose schedules don’t allow them to enroll in a live instruction training course may wish to consider on-demand MERN stack training. These classes are ideal for students who want to learn at their own pace since the primary advantage of these classes is their asynchronous delivery method. Students can stop and start their training when it is most convenient for them, making these classes the perfect place to learn a skill very quickly or very slowly. They are also good places for students with extensive JavaScript training to find seminars that aren’t tied to a JavaScript training program. However, these classes lack live instructors, meaning that students may find it challenging to get back on track if they find an aspect of their lessons difficult or unclear.

Finally, students may consider taking advantage of free training resources to ease themselves into learning the more advanced aspects of the MERN stack framework. These free training resources won’t replace professional skills instruction, but they are a good place to start to become comfortable with the MERN stack. Noble Desktop offers free JavaScript training seminars for students looking to learn MERN basics. This includes resources available on their free seminars page and their official YouTube channel, such as their Intro to Full Stack Web Development seminar. This course will introduce students to the functions and uses of each element of the MERN stack to help students select the proper training method that is right for them. Students should also consider checking out Noble's Learn JavaScript page's articles, resources, and tutorials.

Read the full guide on how to learn the MERN stack.

Learn the MERN Stack with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Students looking to master the MERN stack can turn to Noble Desktop for comprehensive skills training, regardless of their prior programming experience. These courses are taught through live online instruction or in person at Noble’s Manhattan campus. Regardless of which delivery method a student chooses, they will be taught by Noble’s experienced instructors in real-time. Students can ask questions, receive feedback, and get assistance directly from their instructors. Plus, all of Noble’s courses provide students with the chance to retake the class within one year, allowing students to receive extra instruction and more hands-on experience in all of the component frameworks that make up the MERN stack.

Students with prior coding experience who want to learn the extent of the MERN stack should consider enrolling in Noble’s JavaScript Development Certificate program. In this career-focused skills training program, students will learn how to develop web applications using JavaScript and, once comfortable with that training, will learn the functions and uses of each element of the MERN stack. By the conclusion of this class, students will be prepared to enter the workforce as JavaScript Developers. Since this is a career-focused course, students will also benefit from professionalization training seminars, including one-on-one career mentorship and portfolio-building training sessions. This course expects students to have a working knowledge of coding fundamentals and HTML and CSS, so students should consider the requirements before enrolling.

Students looking to become expert coders from scratch will instead want to look into Noble’s Full Stack Web Development Certificate. This immersive training course is designed to take students with no prior coding experience and teach them all of the elements of professional web development. MERN is a relatively advanced set of skills with many prerequisites to learn, and this course will teach students all of those prerequisites, including JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Once that training is out of the way, students will learn MERN stack frameworks and tools like Flex, Git, Virtual Studio Code, and Bootstrap. On top of this, students will also receive the same top-notch professionalization training that they can expect from any Noble certificate program, meaning they will leave the class ready to start working as Full Stack Web Developers.

Students looking for more directed training in some aspects of the MERN stack or wanting to space their training to fit their needs and schedules should explore Noble’s JavaScript classes and bootcamps. These immersive skills courses will teach students the ins and outs of the frameworks that make up the MERN stack, but they are less directly focused on helping students find new careers.

Key Insights

  • The MERN stack is a collection of JavaScript frameworks that allow programmers to perform full stack web development projects using only MERN.
  • Learning the MERN stack is an excellent way to prepare for work as a JavaScript Developer or Full Stack Developer, both of which are in-demand career fields.
  • Learning the MERN stack will expand the complexity of development projects developers specializing in JavaScript can work on.
  • MERN training will also make it much easier for students to learn other JavaScript frameworks and full stack development technologies.
  • No matter why you want to learn the MERN stack, Noble Desktop is here to help by offering comprehensive live online and in-person MERN training courses.

How to Learn MERN Stack Development

Master JavaScript and the MERN web stack with hands-on training. MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) is a widely used stack of frameworks and JavaScript-friendly tools that can be used to build functional, interactive websites.

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