Which Java Bootcamp is Best?

Bootcamps teach practical, job-ready skills in an intensive, accelerated format that prepares students for professional work in the shortest possible time. A Java bootcamp can take students from zero coding experience to enough professional fluency to write functional Java code for specific jobs or project types. To keep their length manageable, bootcamps focus on specific kinds of work. For example, a given Java bootcamp might limit its instruction to mobile application development or web development. Regardless of their focus, most Java bootcamps teach the language’s core concepts, terms, syntax, and techniques. Where Java bootcamps diverge is in their intermediate and advanced material, as they focus on the techniques and tools used in each particular career or project type. A Java bootcamp on web development, for example, would teach Java interface frameworks particular to web browsers and methods for coding web applications and writing server code. A few Java bootcamps teach advanced techniques and tools meant for experienced students. These advanced bootcamps broaden coding skills within a particular area, such as data analysis or machine learning.

Bootcamps are held live, either in-person or online, to teach their subjects quickly yet thoroughly. In-person bootcamps are typically held in private classrooms, usually computer labs with necessary software already installed, but some bootcamps are held at public sites or in a company’s offices. Online bootcamps are hosted through streaming video on either commercial platforms like Zoom or a school’s website. In either format, live instruction ensures that students can engage directly with a teacher for faster clarification and correction. In this way, bootcamps can progress on a faster schedule, without delays due to unaddressed problems.

The fixed schedule of a bootcamp also provides structure and motivation to encourage students to complete their readings and practice on time and stay current with the class. The fastest bootcamps require full-time study, usually scheduled for six to eight hours of class time per day on consecutive weekdays. On this schedule, a Java bootcamp usually requires around 12 weeks of study. Students who cannot attend full-time due to work, other commitments, or difficulty studying for longer periods should consider part-time attendance. Part-time bootcamps run for only four or fewer hours per day, often in the evening, and some part-time courses also alternate days, requiring just two to four classes per week. However, this slower schedule does extend a Java bootcamp to at least double its length, around 24 weeks on average.

What are the Most Important Criteria to Evaluate in Java Bootcamps?

Students comparing Java bootcamps should first look for courses that fit their available schedule. Are they available every day, and if so, for how many hours per day? For students who can manage a full-time bootcamp, this option lets them finish faster. Full-time study is better for students who have a shorter time frame to complete their studies, such as a summer break. Students with less available time per week or per day may need a part-time bootcamp with a longer duration. A student might also prefer part-time study to allow them more time between classes for study and practice. Another consideration that interacts with scheduling is whether a student needs an in-person or online course. In-person attendance is helpful for some students, improving their communication and focus, but requires that students travel to the class site, adding time and expense. Limiting one’s search to in-person classes also limits their options to just the classes in their area. Online study is more convenient, offers more options, and saves on travel costs, but requires that a student has appropriate computing hardware, an Internet connection, and a quiet study space. 

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Once they know their schedule and format preferences and have limited their search accordingly, students should then compare bootcamps based on their content and quality. A student should consider courses’ content relative to their educational goals, choosing only courses that teach what they need to learn. Bootcamps tend to focus on specific careers or kinds of work. Java bootcamps, for example, may teach the language for its use in web development, mobile application development, or data analysis. Different bootcamps may also have different teaching goals. A Java bootcamp might be described in terms of general education, a type of project, or career preparation. If a student is seeking a specific career, they should choose a bootcamp that provides guidance and support for that job. Finally, while course quality can be unclear ahead of time, reviewing a bootcamp’s curriculum for clarity and completeness can help. Students should also check on the reputation of potential schools, including reviews from graduated students. Graduates who have found success as a result of their studies are good evidence of a bootcamp’s value.

Another consideration is the cost of each bootcamp. If a student has a limited budget, this concern can limit their options. Otherwise, though, it is wise to be cautious when searching for a bargain. Consider a bootcamp’s cost alongside its other features. Lower costs can sometimes mean less content, lower quality, or fewer services, or could indicate a more distant classroom site. Still, a more expensive bootcamp could include unneeded bonus material. Along with overall cost, check whether schools offer financing or an installment payment plan, and if so, note how payments are scheduled. A longer bootcamp might spread its payments over a longer period, giving students more time to pay.

What are the Top Java Bootcamps?

NextGen Bootcamp hosts their Java Programming Summer Program both live online and in-person in New York City. This bootcamp course teaches professional Java coding to high school and college students. On a full-time schedule, this course takes about two weeks, beginning with an introduction to programming that grounds each concept with its corresponding uses in Java. Students then learn more complex topics like file management, object-oriented programming, and recursion. In addition to in-class instruction, students receive a proprietary workbook, complete practical projects, and can review the recordings after each class session. After completing this program, students receive a verified digital certificate.

Noble Desktop’s Software Engineering Certificate is held both in-person in New York City and live online. While classified as a professional training program and taking about five months on a full-time schedule, this course is built on a bootcamp model. This course also does not directly teach Java coding but does train the professional skills needed for a career in software and web development, including multiple other programming languages. The course progresses from two units on front end web development using HTML and CSS through several units teaching JavaScript, including multiple JavaScript libraries for web and application development: Flexbox, Grid, Bootstrap, React, Node.js, and Express.js. The course also covers MongoDB, a popular database management system for web server development, and Git, a collaborative programming tool. Later units teach programming and web development in Python, another general-purpose language comparable to Java and used for most of the same purposes. This course also includes discussions of the web and software development industries, labs and practice projects on web development, and a bonus unit on either SQL (another database management system) or WordPress (a popular web design tool). In addition to live class sessions, students receive 12 1-on-1 mentoring sessions and can also review stored recordings of each class. They also receive a NYS accredited certificate upon completion and can retake the course for free for up to a year.

General Assembly also offers a live online Software Engineering Bootcamp centered around web application coding but extending into web development and software development. This bootcamp takes about three months on a full-time schedule or eight months part-time. The course is beginner-friendly, first introducing students to several programming languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. In addition to several portfolio projects that boost their coding proficiency, students learn the Agile development methodology and its implementation through the Scrum framework, debugging and testing methods, and techniques for building cloud-based applications. Students receive a certificate upon completion of this course but also benefit from interview preparation, individual guidance, career preparation lessons and workshops, and networking assistance. 

A unique bootcamp offered live online by Skillspire, Java & Cloud Computing teaches both Java programming and its use for cloud-based application development. After two weeks of intensive Java training, the course then teaches the test-driven development (TDD) process using the JUnit Java framework. The course then explains multiple techniques and tools for building cloud-based services, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Springboot Java framework. The full course lasts about five months and includes multiple portfolio-quality projects, practice with collaborative software development, and career preparation such as resume creation and interview practice. Students who complete the course’s lessons and pass a comprehensive final exam will receive a certificate of completion.

The Full-Stack Software Development Bootcampfrom We Can Code It is a live online bootcamp teaching Java for multiple related careers including web development, software development, and software engineering. This bootcamp offers two full-time options, either weekdays only or weekends and weekday evenings, with both options finishing in under four months. In addition to Java itself, this course covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the React library for JavaScript, the Spring series of Java frameworks, the Agile development methodology, and Git, a system for collaborative code development. Multiple practical projects help students build a professional portfolio, and We Can Code It’s Career Services Team coaches students with mock interviews, webinars, employer information, and job placement support. Students can also access course materials and other learning resources after graduation.

Enrolling in a Java Bootcamp Part-Time or Full-Time

Bootcamps teach a significant amount in a compressed timespan, but students must be fully available and focused on their studies to match this pace. Choosing the appropriate course schedule helps students match their classes’ timing to their needs and avoid problems that could interfere with their studies. Bootcamp schedules are classified as full-time or part-time, although there can be variations within these general types depending on the school and course.

On a full-time schedule, students attend class sessions for six to eight hours per day, usually every weekday unless skipped due to holidays or other instructor conflicts. A full-time class continues in this way until all lessons are complete, providing the fastest possible progress. At this pace, a career-focused Java bootcamp usually takes around 12 weeks. For students who can meet this pace, full-time study might be preferable not just because of its speed but also because it improves their learning. Spending many consecutive hours with an instructor keeps students focused on the material, avoids intrusive distractions, keeps concepts fresh in mind, and strengthens connections between topics. However, full-time study can be demanding, especially given the additional time required out of class for reading, practice, and class projects. Some students cannot manage this schedule due to time conflicts or incompatible learning styles. Working students or those with family or other commitments are likely unavailable for long, daily classes. Some students cannot stay attentive through long classes, cannot concentrate on more work after a long class day, or need longer periods between classes for study and practice.

Part-time bootcamps are offered primarily to accommodate working students and those with childcare responsibilities, but they also benefit other students needing a slower pace. On a part-time schedule, class sessions last only four or fewer hours, are often scheduled later in the day, and may even alternate days, held for only two to four days per week. This slower schedule means that students take about twice as long to complete a part-time course compared to its full-time version. Still, working students can usually afford this wait, since keeping their current job lessens the pressure to graduate and seek a new position. On a part-time schedule, a career-focused Java bootcamp usually takes around 24 weeks or about five to six months. Students learning to code can benefit from a slower course schedule in several ways. Additional time between lessons gives students more time to practice new techniques and complete coding projects. Students can also use this time to review prior lessons or even study alternate lessons from free online resources. For students with attentional difficulties, shorter class sessions are beneficial, helping them get more value from each class. Note that these benefits do require that students stay motivated between classes and use some of their ‘downtime’ for extended study. As a further consideration, part-time study might be necessary for students with limited incomes, if a bootcamp allows installment payments and spreads these costs over the full length of the course.

Enrolling in a Java Bootcamp In-Person or Online

In-person classes are held at a classroom site, typically at a school, public computer lab, or business. To attend in-person classes, a student must be near enough to a school, training center, or other classroom site to travel there regularly. Students must also consider the added time and expense of travel. Students also limit their potential courses and instructors by selecting only from schools within travel range. Still, if a student does find a good school and course within reach, in-person study has several appealing advantages. Face-to-face interaction with a teacher maximizes the benefits of live instruction, providing the fastest and clearest communication. Online classes can suffer from technical problems like poor audio and slow Internet. Their virtual format can also slow and limit discussion compared to in-person conversations. For example, an in-person instructor can check a student’s coding work directly, while an online instructor must ask for a description of the problem or wait for the student to share their screen or file. During class breaks or group projects, in-person students can also speak directly to one another without intruding on a shared virtual space. For some students, another advantage of in-person classes is that being physically present in a classroom holds their attention better and reduces distractions compared to virtual attendance. Attending a bootcamp course in person also provides students with easy access to computer hardware and software and printed materials.

Students attend online classes via streaming video on platforms like Zoom or through school websites. Online study offers many benefits, starting with a much greater variety of class options. Students are more likely to find an online class that fits their availability and educational goals. Online students are also spared the time and expense of travel, and since online classes do not need to maintain a classroom site, they are often less expensive overall. While online students need a computer and Internet connection to attend class, they would need similar resources for any Java course, to study and practice coding at home. Many Java resources are also available online for free or low cost, and some online courses provide their required software. Having such resources already installed on their personal system can also be helpful after students graduate and start working. Although in-person study offers better communication compared to online instruction, many students find coding equally easy to learn online as from a classroom lecture. Working from one’s preferred location can also be more comfortable and less stressful than a formal classroom setting. Still, some students do find that video conferencing interferes with their learning style. Since learning difficulties can multiply fast in an accelerated course like a bootcamp, students who are significantly limited by online instruction should seek an in-person course if possible.

Do You Want to Start a New Career Using Your Java Training?

When choosing between bootcamp programs, a student should consider whether their primary goal is preparation for employment, and if so, what career they want to pursue. A student preparing for a particular career should seek a bootcamp focused on that career. However, there are several other kinds of bootcamps to consider, since not every Java bootcamp is as explicitly designed to prepare students for employment. Certain Java bootcamps are more general, mainly meant to give students a strong foundation for later, advanced studies. Other Java bootcamps teach the skills needed to create specific types of programs, such as mobile applications or machine learning systems. Still other bootcamps teach related sets of advanced techniques and/or tools, such as multiple frameworks or a suite of integrated tools. Note that since these bootcamps are still intended to teach professional-quality skills, their lessons will also be useful knowledge for related career fields. Also, bootcamps not specifically designed for career preparation may still include some career guidance. Any Java bootcamp should also include a certificate of completion that verifies a graduate’s skills, which is a useful credential to include in job applications.

By comparison, explicitly career-focused bootcamps are designed around a specific career path and offer more assistance to prepare students for that career and find them a suitable job after graduation. A student taking a bootcamp for career preparation should choose one that best matches their intended work. A career-focused Java bootcamp might center on a field like web development, mobile development, data science, or machine learning. These bootcamps’ lessons spend more time on the techniques needed for their focused career — possibly excluding some unneeded material in trade — and often include additional tools and advanced techniques frequently used in that field. Such tools might include Java frameworks, an integrated design environment (IDE) to assist coding, build tools to improve compilation, and testing tools to check if code will perform as intended. Some career-focused Java bootcamps, especially those involving development work, will include lessons on collaborative programming and related systems like Git and GitHub. Career-focused Java bootcamps also tailor their projects to products appropriate for their field, helpful both for applied practice and to create sample work for a starting portfolio. Career-focused Java bootcamps may provide students with examples of common interview questions and guide them through appropriate answers. These bootcamps also explicitly discuss how to find appropriate jobs and write appealing applications. Some career training centers go further, suggesting potential employers or putting graduates in contact with recruiters. A few bootcamps even include private, 1-on-1 sessions with an instructor that allow students to resolve difficult topics, discuss career goals, and improve their career planning. 

Which Java Bootcamp is Best For Me?

Bootcamps are just one option among several types of Java courses, but within this category, there are further options to consider. Java bootcamps can differ in instructional quality and reputation. Students should check reviews and talk to knowledgeable advisors to help them find good schools and courses. Just as important, students should consider each bootcamp’s educational focus, teaching format, schedule, and duration to find bootcamps that fit their needs.

Possibly the most important factor when choosing a bootcamp is to make sure it matches one’s educational goals. For a Java bootcamp, a student should decide, first, if they need career-focused training, training specific to a particular kind of product, or more general training. Then, they should check course descriptions to see which bootcamps match their goal. A bootcamp’s focus will affect the techniques it teaches, the projects students will complete, and any additional services provided with the course. The concern here is to make sure a bootcamp covers every topic a student will need. While it is not necessarily bad if a bootcamp covers more material than a student needs, a longer bootcamp will require more time and will probably cost more. 

While comparing bootcamps, students should also check whether each course is offered in-person or online. If in-person, they should make sure the location is one they can reach, allowing for travel time and costs. Some students might prefer in-person instruction, given the advantages of direct interaction. However, if a student prefers to study from home or has concerns about travel, an online bootcamp could be a better choice. Of course, some students have no classroom location within reach and must choose online study by default. In those cases, students should consider what bootcamps best offset the drawbacks of online study using features like additional reference materials, review of class recordings, and individual meetings with an instructor.

Next, students should check the scheduling options for each bootcamp, making sure they are comparing courses of equivalent content. The focus and depth of a bootcamp will affect that course’s overall duration. A shorter Java bootcamp might be more general and teach only enough to give students a firm foundation with the language, omitting specialized techniques or tools. Bootcamps with differing career or project focuses might be relatively longer or shorter. The other variable affecting a bootcamp’s timing and overall duration is its scheduling type: full-time versus part-time. Full-time scheduling ensures the fastest possible completion but requires that students attend longer classes on more days per week. Full-time study is preferable for students who need to finish a bootcamp quickly or who prefer to focus exclusively on their studies to avoid distractions. However, students with other time commitments like work or family may need a part-time bootcamp, instead. Part-time study presents the same material in shorter class sessions often separated by a day or two. Part-time classes are also better for students who have difficulty focusing for an extended period or who need longer breaks between classes for study and practice. Note that requiring a full-time or part-time schedule might limit a student’s choice of courses. Students should also make sure they can attend all or nearly all of the scheduled class dates for a course. If they might miss one or more class dates, they should check whether the course allows access to previous class recordings.

Hopefully, at least one Java bootcamp will fit all of a student’s criteria. If not, they might need to consider what options are negotiable. For example, some students who might prefer in-person instruction cannot find a suitable bootcamp in their area. They might have to choose an online bootcamp, instead, or possibly settle for a different class format, taking a local introductory Java course and then adding other advanced classes later. Students who cannot find a full-time bootcamp that fits their availability might need to opt for a part-time course, instead. Fortunately, with the wide variety of options available online, students looking at online bootcamps should be able to find at least one course that meets all their requirements. Even better, these students might be able to select among many good options, optimizing features like quality and cost.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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