Learn Investing

A Comprehensive Guide to Start Learning Investing

Investing is the practice of purchasing assets that are expected to grow in value over time. While investing is most commonly associated with the stock market, it also includes the purchasing of bonds, real estate, and much more.

Interested in starting a career in finance or simply looking to boost your personal investment portfolio? This guide delivers everything you need to know about learning investing, including various classes, career prospects, and potential salaries in the field.

Key Insights

  • Investments are assets that increase in value over time, and investing is fundamental in generating returns and building capital for businesses.
  • Various careers utilize investing knowledge, including Financial Analysis, Data Science, Banking, and FinTech.
  • Noble Desktop offers a range of investment classes, both in-person and online, with options for on-demand sessions to fit all schedules.
  • Stock Market Investing and Financial Analyst Training Program are two courses offered by Noble Desktop that provide key insights into investing and financial analysis.
  • Learning to invest can help you outpace inflation, build wealth over time, and open up a range of career opportunities.
  • Salaries for careers in this field can vary, but the knowledge of investing can potentially boost your personal wealth through smart investment strategies.

No matter how you wish to invest, you will allocate money to assets that grow in value. Yet, it will take some time to learn how to invest. If you want to learn to invest but need help knowing where to start, this guide is for you. Here, you'll learn more about the various ways to learn investing, the free resources you can take advantage of, and the careers that commonly use investing. 

What is Investing?

Investing is dedicating money to purchasing assets that increase in value over time. The main function of investing is to generate returns from invested assets. Investors can invest in several kinds of investments, including stocks, bonds, funds, trusts, private equity, and real estate. Investing in almost any industry can help build capital for businesses. 

Investing puts money to work. On the surface, investing can appear like saving money; however, saving money sits in an account, gaining little per year, as saving accounts have an average of 0.7% growth per year. Investors can choose to actively invest, which means they manage their portfolio or passively invest, which means they take a less involved approach to investing. They can also choose to invest in high-growth companies with higher Price-earnings (P/E) or invest in companies that have lower P/E but have higher dividend yields. Both approaches can pay large sums; it depends on how much risk they want to include in their investment portfolios. 

Read more about what investing is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Investing?

When you think of investing, the image that comes to mind is Stock Brokers frantically calling in trades as they watch the numbers scroll by on the screen. Stock Brokers are a large part of the investing world. They deal with the stock market every single day. They help keep the economy moving. However, there is more to investing than just stock brokers. 

With the internet, anyone can invest in the market using mobile apps. You can also invest to save for retirement or various other reasons. When starting with investing, you want to start an investment portfolio. Often, these portfolios include bonds, stocks, mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), real estate, and cash equivalents. However, some people choose to invest their money in more unusual ways. One of the key parts of investing is choosing assets that will increase in value over time. Investments can be physical assets as well. One good way to invest is to buy a vacation or rental property that you can rent out. This option allows the money you used to purchase the property to bring more money back to you. Others invest in other items like cars, handbags, or even watches. Each of these items needs a lot of research to ensure they are worth purchasing and if they will bring in more money if sold later. 

Careers that Use Investing

You may wonder what careers await you once you are comfortable with the ins and outs of investing and finance. Any career you pursue will require more than one skill; however, financial and investing literacy can be a fantastic stepping stone for several financial jobs. Here are a few areas you can work in once you become familiar with investing. 

  • Financial Analysis: This position focuses on examining historical and projected profitability. It is a data-intensive position that requires a lot of research and analysis. Those who enter this position need a strong understanding of finance and mathematics. 
  • Data Science: This position will require proficiency in computer science and programming. This position deals with understanding financial marketing, financial instruments, and investment products. Those in this position will use their programming skills and analytical techniques to seek meaningful market patterns. 
  • Banking: Banking is a large financial field with many positions under its umbrella. For the most part, those pursuing their career path will be working one-on-one with their clients, trying to meet and manage their financial needs. 
  • FinTech: Another field that requires proficiency in computer science and programming. Those who want to pursue FinTech will be responsible for creating new technology used in the finance sector. This technology can include investing apps, banking apps, and much more.

Why Learn Investing?

Every day we go to work to bring money home. When we get paid, that money either goes to pay bills or gets put into a savings account for a rainy day. Learning to invest allows your money to grow instead of sitting idle in your account. For those who have never paid much attention to the stock market, the idea of where to begin might seem daunting. But even the most profitable and respected investors had to start at the beginning. 

When first starting with investing, you might be afraid to make your first move because you do not want to lose all of your hard-earned money. However, taking the time to learn the ins and outs of finance, investing, and the stock market can help you mitigate some of the risks of losing your money. You will learn how to make informed decisions that can lead to success in the stock market. 

In addition to understanding the stock market and learning to invest, you can outpace inflation and build wealth over time. However, investing can do more than just that. You can learn ways to become financially independent and retire early. No matter what your career goals are, learning to invest can open up several career opportunities, including working at investment firms, banks, and other large corporations. 

Read more about why you should learn to invest.

How to Learn Investing

Learning to invest is challenging, so you may need to take structured classes to help you succeed in your investing goals. Noble Desktop provides ways to help you find the right program to fit your needs. You can utilize the school's Classes Near Me tool to locate in-person investing classes near you if you prefer to learn face-to-face. For students who prefer a virtual learning environment, you can also utilize the tool to discover live online investing courses or check out Noble's virtual investing courses. 

Of course, enrolling in a class is a large time commitment whether you choose in-person or virtual learning. It may be difficult to fit these courses into your busy schedule; however, you should still begin learning. To fit in with your schedule, you could try on-demand investing classes. On-demand options are available for all skill levels, from those who want to learn the basics of investing to those who want to learn Python and make algorithms for trading and research. Several of these courses are introductions and are free. Others require a small fee ranging from $80 to $300 or a subscription to a particular service. All these options are prerecorded and can be accessed when you have time. 

Another great way to begin your investing learning journey is to watch video demonstrations. Noble Desktop provides several YouTube videos devoted to in-depth investing tutorials covering topics like Income statements and stock exchange. You can also search for Noble Desktop's free seminars to view courses related to investing, like Stock Market Investing Fundamentals. You may also check out financial modeling to find similar courses. 

Read the full guide on how to learn investing.

Free Introductory Investing Course Online 

Are you not ready to commit to a full course but still want an overview of investing? You can start learning for free online! Check out Noble Desktop's free Stock Market Investing Fundamentals course. In this course, viewers learn the basics of stock market investing and gain an understanding of different investing strategies. You will learn what moves the stock market and the fundamental principles that control the market. 

Other providers also offer free investing classes. Udemy offers several courses that cover the basics of investing, with some courses covering topics like cryptocurrency. You can also find some free classes on Coursera. You even have the option to audit their longer investing courses for free. You can find hundreds of investing videos on YouTube to help you get started with becoming investing and financially literate. You can check out Noble Desktop's YouTube channel for investing videos that cover various topics. 

Read about more free investing videos and online tutorials.

Level of Difficulty, Prerequisites, & Cost 

Investors have to keep track of several moving variables to be successful. Oftentimes they are making split-second decisions without all of the information. Because of this, investing is a challenging skill to learn and master. However, there are many ways to invest, and some are easier than others. 

Before investing, beginners should develop some versatile skills that will help them with their learning. Beginners should understand how to set goals and ways to make those goals achievable. It would also be helpful if they spent time watching the market and researching companies they would be interested in investing in. A large part of investing is understanding financial concepts. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with some financial concepts can help you throughout your learning process. 

To start investing, you can download one of the free investing apps or open a free brokerage account. From there, you can invest the amount you feel comfortable with. Stocks held for over a year before being sold will be subject to capital gains tax. 

Read about how difficult it is to learn to invest.

How Does Learning Investing Compare to Other Fields?

If you are interested in entering the financial sector by investing, you may wonder what other career paths you could take and how the learning process compares to investing. Every industry requires finance to succeed; you will often find entire financial departments within companies. Fields closely related to investing include financial analytics and banking; however, you may also consider accounting as it is still within the financial industry. These career fields require a strong understanding of finance and mathematics, but their functions and learning process are quite different. 

A large part of investing is understanding the marketing; this is where Financial Analysts come in. Those in this position examine financial information to make business decisions. They examine historical and projected profitability along with cash flow and risk. Often investors will work with or act as their own financial analysts to understand their investments and know where to make their next move. This position is data intensive and will require specialized training in various data-based programs. Investment firms recommend spending time as a financial analyst before becoming an investor; however, everyone can invest and grow a portfolio without becoming a financial analyst. 

Moving further away from investing in the financial sector, you may choose to pursue banking or accounting. Banking focuses on meeting the financial needs of its clients, whether they are individuals or institutions. Those in these positions work for one of the thousands of banks across the country. These positions deal with money directly, while the other two are more analysis based. Accounting focuses on the flow of money, analyzing and tracking it. Those in this position must keep accurate reports of what has already happened financially. Learning the skills of these positions can help you become financially literate and help you keep track of your earnings and spending in investing, making the investing process easier.

How to Decide the Best Way to Learn Investing

With several different ways to learn to invest, it is smart to consider which learning method would work best for you. When considering which method would be right for you, it is important to understand why you want to learn and what you wish to accomplish through your training. Noble Desktop's Stock Market Investing Fundamentals seminar might be a good place to start if anyone is new to investing and wants to understand the basics before investing. This short prerecorded course provides a basic overview of the stock market and the principles that drive the market. Enrolling in this program is low risk, as you lose nothing if you decide investing is not for you. 

For those interested in learning to invest in helping them grow within their current career path, enrolling in a bootcamp might be a better fit. Noble Desktop offers a Financial Modeling Bootcamp that immerses students in finance, accounting and corporate valuation. Students learn basic and advanced Excel functions to build comprehensive financial models. While this bootcamp does not directly deal with investing, it does teach valuable skills you can use in investing. This option is a bit more expensive, with bootcamps averaging around $1000; however, these classes give you skills to move up within your career. 

If learning investing or finance helps you start a new career or change industries, it may be worth looking into certificate programs. Noble offers a Financial Analyst Training Program that dives into financial valuation and modeling. This course will give students the skills necessary to effectively examine financial information and provide analysis that will lead to better business decisions. Students will master Excel for creating financial models. 

Deciding which method works for you can be stressful at first; however, it can save time and money in the long run. Consider looking for a program that won't strain your budget or leave you with little time for important activities. To be successful, you should not put yourself in a position where you don't retain important information. You can always start small and work your way up or pivot to a different method if you need a different method. 

Learn Investing with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop provides an array of Investing and Financial classes that meet various scheduling requirements and learning styles. No matter how you enroll in these courses, students will learn from expert instructors in small classes. Students may attend in-person training at Noble's Manhattan campus or remotely from anywhere. In addition to the courses, all students can retake the course within one year of completing it for no extra charge, giving them more time to hone their skills. 

For those interested in beginning their investment journey, Noble offers a short introduction course, Stock Market Investing, teaching students the fundamentals of the stock market and how to invest. Students will learn what moves the stock market and how investors value stocks. Students will understand P/E ratios and DCF analysis as they dive into different financial statements. While this course does not provide enough information to start your investing career, it does provide vital information that will help you out in your career and get you on the right path. 

Students may consider the Financial Analysts Training Program to jump-start a career in the financial sector or with investing. In the program, students work with financial modeling and valuation. As students learn basic and advanced features of Microsoft Excel, they learn to utilize the program for long-term planning, financial functions, and cash flow projection. Those interested in becoming Financial Analysts may also consider the Python for Finance Bootcamp. This course teaches how to use the Python programming language’s financial libraries to gather and manipulate financial data. Both of these courses can jump-start your career in investing!

Financial Modeling Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

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