Adding Information to Template: Creating Precedent for Historic Cafe

Creating and Styling Precedent Pages for Historic Cafe: Adding Images and Text Styling

Discover the step-by-step process of adding information into a template using specific software commands to select, edit, and stylize content. The techniques discussed include adding images, formatting text, and creating new paragraph styles for an efficient and polished layout.

Key Insights

  • The article explains how to add information to a template, using commands like control and shift to select and edit all elements of a template.
  • Detailed steps are provided on how to add and resize images, bold text, and create custom titles and subtitles. These techniques are used to enhance the visual appeal and readability of a layout.
  • The author also discusses the creation of new paragraph styles, providing instructions on how to adjust text size, remove spaces, and wrap text around images for a clean and professional finish.

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In this video, we're going to begin adding the information into our template. So let's go into pages, and for pages 14 and 15, as well as 16, 17, and 18, and 19, we'll hold shift to select all of them, and then right click, go into apply master to pages.

All three of these spreads will be pre master or precedent, and we'll click. Okay. Now going into pages 14 and 15, we'll see that we have our template for our first client common grounds coffee.

And in this case, we already have the project details appropriate. So let's go into the template here and we'll hold control and shift to edit all of them. We'll drag a selection box and we can now edit it.

First, we'll add an image for our CC libraries and within precedence, feel free to choose whichever one you'd prefer, keeping in mind that this will be the historic cafe. And so we can choose any of these images. I'll choose this one here, click in, right clicking to fit proportionally.

That looks good. Next, we'll add another image here. I think I'm going to add this one.

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Again, feel free to choose whatever images you'd prefer and resize them however you feel is appropriate. Currently, our project details are still appropriate. However, I would like to bold project details here.

So let's go into properties and we'll go from regular to bold. And this looks good. We can also go into pages and go to our pre master and make sure that we make this change here.

Triple clicking and selecting bold. Go back to pages 14 and 15 and page 14 is now done. Next on page 15, let's hit control and shift to edit our title.

Double click and for this, feel free to come up with a title that you like. I'll type approach for historic cafe. Finally, we'll add our text.

We'll pull up the project description, copy this, hitting control C, and then going back in, we'll triple click, hit control A and control V to paste the text. In this case, I'd like to add some subtitles. We'll click up top and type structure overview and hit ENTER.

And for this text up top, let's format it and stylize it a bit. We'll maintain Chivo and I want this to be Chivo black and we'll bump up the size to 15 points. However, I don't want this space between and so to remove it, we'll go on the right and we'll remove the space after.

Finally, let's select all of this and we're going to create a new paragraph style. We'll hit the plus icon and we'll type precedent subtitle and hit ENTER. From here, we're just going to stylize this a bit.

We'll add another subtitle, structural priorities, and hit ENTER. And then we'll highlight this and go back to precedent subtitle. From here, we can then adjust our image here.

We'll select our image and we can resize it here. And we'll also make sure that we wrap around the bounding box to make sure that no text goes in front of it. From here, we can add an image of our choosing and I'm going to add this image here.

I'll right click and fit it as I see fit. And this looks good. If we hit W on the keyboard, we can see our work and we've now finished up our first precedent.

Well done. Let's hit CTRL S on the keyboard to save. And in the next video, we'll begin working on our next precedence.

See you there.

How to Learn InDesign

Master InDesign with hands-on training. InDesign is an Adobe design application used for creating page layouts for books, magazines, brochures, advertisements, and other types of print or electronic publications.

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