Discover the intricate process of finalizing a postcard design and preparing for its export. This article provides detailed steps on making subjective changes based on aesthetic preferences, adjusting elements like banners and text, and aligning the design components for a visually satisfying postcard.
Key Insights
- The article guides you through modifying elements of your postcard design, including adjusting the size and position of banners and text, and aligning them based on aesthetic preferences.
- Specific modifications include swapping the positions of certain elements, scaling the size of elements proportionally, and aligning different parts of the design for a cohesive look.
- The final part of the design process involves saving the work, reviewing the finished product, and preparing it for export.
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In this video we'll be finalizing our postcard as well as exporting it. So let's begin by making a couple changes.
For these changes they'll be subjective based on what we feel is attractive, so feel free to follow along or make your own changes on design and where to place things as well as what size to export them in. Let's start by working with our top banner. To do this we'll unlock front banners and we'll select both the text as well as the banner behind holding shift.
We'll then drag it out to the right and if we hold shift we'll scale proportionally and I'll release right at about four and a quarter inches wide looking at the top here. Next I want to move it down a little bit so we'll just use the arrows on the keyboard to inch it down. For my next change I'll be selecting the text and the banner below and let's also increase the size of this dragging from the corner while holding shift and I'll drag until it's the same length as the top banner.
I'll release there and I also want to simply inch this one up a little bit to right about there. Next let's swap out May 20th and 3 to 5 p.m. in their position. I'll start by dragging 3 to 5 p.m. below and then dragging May 20th on top.
Looking at this here I'll simply inch it down and I think this looks good. Finally if we look at job fair here I know we recently increased the size of it however I now think it's a little too big. I'm going to decrease the size while holding shift to about this size.
I'll then drag it over to the right just a little bit and let's line it up so that the center is lined up with the details box. To do this I'll select the time, the date, and the details box and I'll right click grouping this. I'll then drag it to roughly the middle and holding shift also select job fair.
Then going to the top I'll make sure I have align to selection selected and I'll simply line these up so that they're vertically aligned and click outside of our artboard. Next let's adjust the size of our recruiter. I'll hold shift and I want to adjust her so that her height is the same as the end of the arrow from our banner.
For the bottom I'll hold shift and adjust her so that her toes come all the way to the bottom of our second banner. Finally holding shift I'm just going to move her to the right a little bit. Next I'm going to scale down May 20th 3 to 5 p.m. by holding shift and ALT and just scale it slightly and I'll drag it over to the left a little bit more.
I think this now looks good. Let's give the other side another once over using the hand tool shortcut h on the keyboard and we'll take a look at this and this all looks good. Next let's zoom out and view the finished product.
We'll right click and select height guides and here we can see our finished product. Well done. If you have additional changes to make feel free to be creative and make any additional changes that you prefer.
Let's now save our work using CTRL S on the keyboard and in the next video we'll begin preparing for export.