How Long Do HTML & CSS Courses Take?

A complete guide to understanding the duration of HTML & CSS programs.

Learning HTML and CSS can be an exciting new endeavor, one that can lead to new career opportunities or fulfilling hobbies. Your time is important though, so just how long will it take you to learn HTMl & CSS? This article explores your different class options and how long each takes so that you can pick the class that works the best for your timetable. 

Lengths of Classes

Mastering HTML & CSS typically takes a few months, with regular practice or consistent instruction. The basic elements of the language are easy to learn, but the more complex elements will take more time and dedication. For instance, there are around 150 HTML tags and over 500 CSS properties. For CSS, advanced techniques, like CSS Grid and Flexbox for creating advanced layouts and transitions and animations for adding dynamic visual effects, will require more effort to learn. 

The type of class you choose will directly affect the length of time it takes you to learn HTML and CSS. It’s important to know the differences between each class, the depth of their curriculum, and what they all require. Read below for a brief rundown of the available options so you can make the best choice for yourself.

Introductory classes

The shortest classes you’ll find will be introductory level courses. These classes can typically be completed in just a day or two. You’ll learn what HTML & CSS is, how it’s used, and the fundamental techniques and tools associated with it. These classes are often held live, either in-person or online, allowing you to chat with your instructor and receive feedback in real time. It’s important to keep in mind that these classes won’t cover advanced subjects, so if you want to learn more than just the basics, an introductory class may not be the best option for you.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses will teach higher level, more challenging topics while still being relatively short. Because you’ll have the basics established, advanced level courses can easily be completed either live or on-demand. Self-paced courses allow you to spend as much time as you need mastering the materials, which can be especially helpful while learning advanced techniques. Much like introductory classes, these are often just a few days long, allowing you to improve your skills in a short amount of time. These classes tend to focus on specific tools or skills though, so you could miss out on the more in-depth knowledge of an immersive program. 

HTML & CSS Bootcamps 

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HTML & CSS Bootcamps, certificate programs, and professional development classes combine several benefits from the above options. They are immersive and encompass a wide variety of skills, from beginner to advanced. While they do take more time to complete, they also better prepare you for a career in HTML & CSS with a more in-depth curriculum, the opportunity to create a portfolio, individual mentorship, and the ability to network with established professionals. Held live online or in-person, bootcamps are led by expert instructors that can provide in-the-moment feedback and industry insights you wouldn’t find elsewhere. 

Programming Degrees

If you’re willing to invest even more time and money, an undergraduate or graduate degree in web development or programming may be a good fit. These can vary in length from two to four years and consist of hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of coursework. These programs require you to apply and get accepted, and have prerequisites involving SAT and ACT scores, foreign language requirements, and a minimum acceptable GPA. College is substantially more expensive than other training options, too, costing between $27,000 and $100,000 per year. Of course, scholarships and financial aid are available, and community colleges can help make a degree more affordable. 

On-demand classes

If your schedule is complicated or you prefer to learn at your own pace, on-demand classes offer the most flexibility and freedom. All lessons are prerecorded and there’s no due dates or class times to worry about. You can skip any lessons you’ve already mastered or spend more time on more difficult subjects. It’s important to remember that with more freedom comes less accountability. On-demand classes can work for independent learners who can keep themselves on task and motivated, but may not be the best fit for those who find motivation through accountability. Without the right level of motivation, you can easily fall behind or lose interest in completing the training altogether. 

Part-time or Full-time?

When choosing a HTML & CSS class, you’ll need to decide if full time or part time is better for you. Are you between jobs or able to take vacation time to complete a full-time training course? Or are you only free in the evenings and need a class that can accommodate your schedule? For most students, a part-time course will be the best option, allowing you to master a new skill set without interfering with your day job. These courses can take longer, as your hours of class time will be spread over more days or weeks, but they also offer you more time to master HTML & CSS. Full-time courses, while requiring a larger commitment of time up front, can often be completed in half the time of part-time courses. This means you can begin your new career or advance your current one much quicker. Choosing which option is right for you will come down to your schedule and how quickly you wish to gain mastery. 

Learn HTML & CSS Skills with Noble Desktop

Live HTML and CSS courses are an ideal learning method for those entirely new to the field. Live online classes are great for those who prefer a solitary learning environment with minimal distractions. They allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you choose), providing more flexibility. Additionally, if you live in an area with limited (or no) in-person options, online classes open up more opportunities for you. 

Live classes allow you to work with other students, make new friends, and receive feedback and input from your instructor. These classes also provide a higher level of accountability and are a superb choice for those who struggle to keep themselves motivated or on task. 

A great place to start would be Intro to HTML & CSS, a hands-on course that will teach you the basics of both of these fundamental tools. You’ll hand code a webpage from scratch using HTML, learning how to format paragraphs, headings, and lists. You’ll also learn how to create links, add images, and modify tags with attributes. By the end of class, you’ll be familiar with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), including tag selectors, class selectors, and the class attribute.

Noble Desktop’s HTML Email Certificate will help you gain skills to create responsive emails with personality. Boasting small class sizes led by expert instructors, you’ll learn HTML and CSS coding, including how to code effective and cross-mail-client compatible emails and optimize emails for desktop, webmail, and mobile users. By the end of this program, you’ll be able to code emails that display properly in various email apps for your business or clients.

Their Web Development with HTML & CSS will teach you how to develop websites with HTML and CSS, the coding languages used to create web pages. Using HTML, you’ll learn how to create webpages with text, images, and more. Then you’ll use CSS to style the content, create centered page layouts, add background images, style navigation, and make the page responsive so it adapts to various screen sizes using media queries. Finally, you’ll upload files to FTP to make your site go live.

If you’re looking to go a little deeper, you could try the Front End Web Development Certificate. You’ll learn HTML to mark up web pages, CSS for styling, JavaScript to add interactivity and animation, and Git to track code changes and collaborate with other developers. Ideal for those new to coding, you’ll develop the skills to create responsive websites optimized for any size screen (mobile, tablet, and desktop). Additionally, you’ll learn how to use WordPress, the world's leading content management system, to create customizable websites and edit content without the need to be a programming expert.

How to Learn HTML & CSS

Master HTML and CSS with hands-on training. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used to build and style webpages.

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