How to Learn Google Ads

Training Options to Learn Google Ads

Google Ads is a great tool to learn within digital marketing and doing it well can be a great source of leverage for your business. Mastery of Google Ads and PPC (pay-per-click) can be highly profitable for your business, and we’ll cover some ways to learn Google Ads both online and in-person. 

How to Learn Google Ads Graphic

Google Ads is a fairly intricate tool and there is a whole world of PPC advertising, but with the right combination of training and learning resources, you’ll be able to learn everything you need to know to be successful in Google Ads. 

Live Courses: In-person & Live Online

Our first option for training is in-person from digital marketing experts. Here at Noble Desktop, we offer a variety of digital marketing classes including our Google Ads class and full Digital Marketing Certificate program. These classes and certificate programs are also offered live online through teleconferencing software.

They have developed a professional curriculum for each subject in digital marketing and have expert instructors that lead hands-on training. Instead of just listening to a long lecture, you’ll actually get your hands dirty working in Google Ads so you can walk away ready to do it on your own.

Digital Marketing Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

On-demand Courses

Another great option to learn Google Ads it to take on-demand courses offered through a variety of providers. There are a handful of great platforms for online learning including LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Udemy.

Google Skillshop is another great option with free training from Google online. Most of these programs are lecture-style and are self-paced so you’ll need to put in the extra work to make sure you are continuing your progress in the course and get hands-on experience outside the classroom. 

Hack it Together: Blogs

If you are somewhat comfortable in Google Ads but need to brush up on a tip here or there, you might be able to just create your own learning experience through a variety of articles and videos.

There are a ton of free resources out there to answer lots of questions you might have. You can also find good strategic articles to learn ways to go beyond the basics and get ahead of your competition.

There are a ton of helpful resources out there. The Noble Desktop Google Ads Blog has a ton of great resources and articles from basic setup and terms to more advanced and strategic questions. 


Google Ads can be a high-leverage skill for your career and business, and there are a variety of options to go out and learn it. Noble Desktop offers Google Ads Bootcamp that will get you from basic to advanced user in just days, as well as the complete Digital Marketing Certificate program.

These programs are offered both in-person and live online. You can also look to on-demand, self-paced training options on e-learning platforms. For quick answers to questions or deep dives on certain parts of Google Ads, check out the Google Ads Blog

How to Learn Digital Marketing

Master digital marketing with hands-on training. Digital marketing refers to marketing a service or product through online platforms such as social media, search engine websites, blogs, and email.

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