Can I Learn Data Analytics For Free?

Can I really learn Data Analytics for free? A guide to accessible resources and different learning methods.

Are you interested in learning to analyze data but don’t want to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on training? If so, the good news is that many excellent free resources exist that can help you get started with your studies. YouTube videos, online blogs and tutorials, and on-demand classes are just a few types of free training options available to aspiring Data Analysts. Read on to find out more about which free resources are available that can help you along your learning path, how best to utilize these resources, and how to use them as a springboard into further studies. 

What Free Resources are Available for Learning Data Analytics?

Because of how many organizations and individuals across industries and professions collect data, the need for those with data analytics training is at an all-time high. While some learners opt to enroll in skills classes, bootcamps, or certificates to learn this in-demand skill set, many free online resources are available as well that require no financial investment. Learners can select from YouTube channels that provide short video instruction on specific data skills, such as printing Excel worksheets or querying a database with SQL. Some educators also provide online resources like tutorials, articles, or blog posts that cover one or more data-related skills Additionally, several top educators post longer free courses that offer more robust data analytics instruction, including an overview of the field as a whole. Since there’s no cost associated with these resources, they provide a low-stakes way for students to learn how to work with data. 

Online Tutorials & Learning Resources

If you want to explore a specific data analytics concept but aren’t ready to enroll in a full course, online tutorials and learning resources can be a useful place to start. Written content like blog posts, research-based articles, and online tutorials are posted by many top educators. Noble’s Data Analytics Learn Hub is a rich resource that includes dozens of articles on essential data-related topics, including creating maps in Tableau, working with SQL for business analytics, and using Excel’s Analyze Data tool. Noble and other trainers around the globe also post videos explaining key data analytics concepts and skills that are useful for analyzing and visualizing data. 

Data Analytics Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

YouTube & Video Content

Platforms like YouTube are another rich resource for learning data analytics. Depending on your educational needs, these outlets can provide answers to specific data analytics questions without requiring hours of time that would be required in a formal class. Those who aren’t familiar with a particular data skill, such as how to create a bar chart in Excel or customize a dashboard in Tableau, can search specifically for answers to these questions and find video tutorials to help them along the way. These resources require no monetary investment and are widely available, which makes them popular for those who don’t want to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars on formal classwork but still have to finish a project for work. 

In Noble Desktop’s free introductory data science webinar, instruction is provided on how Python is used to handle data. Viewers get an overview of the field of data science and become familiar with the tools Data Scientists use in the real world to analyze datasets. Noble also has a free Intro to SQL seminar for those interested in learning the basics of how to use this language to communicate with relational databases. Udemy currently offers free tutorials and classes in data analytics, which are available on topics like Intro to Data Analysis for Government, Learn Data Analysis Using Pandas and Python, and Introduction to Data Analysis: From Zero to Hero. Additionally, Coursera provides several free classes in the field of data science. It offers classes like Introduction to Embedded Machine Learning, Practical Time Series Analysis, and Foundations in Data Science: K Means Clustering in Data Science.

On-Demand Data Analytics Courses

Those interested in learning data analytics for free can also do so through certain on-demand courses. On-demand data analytics classes are available from many top providers around the country, such as Udemy or Coursera, and afford students the flexibility of not only deciding when they want to complete their training but also how long they wish to devote to their studies. On-demand content varies in length significantly depending on the focus of the class; some content takes only an hour or so to complete and focuses on a specific data analytics skill, such as creating a PivotTable in Excel. Other programs are more comprehensive and can require several weeks or months of study in a range of data analytics tools and software. Participants can opt to space out their studies over weeks or months or focus fully on coursework in a more condensed timeframe. Additionally, since all on-demand content is pre-recorded, it allows students to choose their own learning speed, pausing and rewinding lessons as often as necessary to fully grasp the material. Although often on-demand courses require a fee to attend (which is typically lower than the cost of live study) or a paid subscription to enroll, some on-demand courses are offered for free as well and can provide learners with a glimpse into what type of training to expect if they were to enroll in further courses from that educator.

How to Make Use of Free Data Analytics Resources

Free data analytics resources provide a low-stakes, flexible way to explore the field of data analytics in general or to learn more about a specific application, skill, or tool. Those who opt to learn to analyze data through free resources like YouTube videos, online tutorials, or on-demand classes can best utilize this type of training by considering it a supplement or a precursor to further studies. Because no instructor is present in this training format, students can’t ask questions or receive personalized feedback and support. This means that for most, free supplementary data analytics resources alone won’t suffice to fully master data analytics. 

Because of how broad the field of data analytics is, most learners will need to devote many hours to studying the various tools, applications, and skills required to analyze data, such as statistical analysis, data visualization, spreadsheets, and computer programming. Stand-alone skills, such as how to use VLOOKUP in Excel or how to customize Tableau dashboards, can be taught through free online resources. However, if you’re looking to go from beginner-level training to mastery of data analytics, free resources alone generally won’t suffice. Instead, they can be used alongside more formal training, such as that which is provided through live online or in-person bootcamps or certificate programs.

Limitations of Free Resources

While there are several advantages to learning data analytics on your own, this educational approach also has its own drawbacks. One important consideration with free online training material is that learners typically don’t receive hands-on instruction in this format. No instructor is present, which means students must motivate themselves to complete lessons and practice the data skills they’re watching. This can make it especially challenging for those who are new to data analytics to fully grasp more complex concepts or skills or to find answers to questions. This is why free training material is a good place to look if you need to acquire one specific data skill, like creating a bar chart in Excel. 

The level of freedom students experience with in-demand content is a perk for many learners; however, it also can be a challenge for some individuals, in particular those who may not be able to find the motivation to keep up with their studies without formal deadlines. Some learners may struggle to keep up with their studies without formal deadlines or commit to regularly practicing the data analytics skills they’re learning, especially when work and family commitments interfere. Another challenge of asynchronous study is deciding which data analytics class is best for you since there are so many options available. Content can quickly become dated, which means it’s on the student to research the training material they select to ensure it’s current and will be useful for them.

While free data analytics resources can be a great option to fill a skills gap or to learn the basics of the data analytics process, if you’re trying to break into the field of data analytics to pursue an entry-level position or to acquire more advanced data training, you’ll likely benefit more from live instruction.

What to Do After Utilizing Free Data Analytics Resources

Once you’ve watched YouTube videos on data analytics and read online resources to learn the basics, you may wonder what to do next to help you further develop your skills. For most learners who are serious about studying data analytics, a logical next step would be to enroll in a live class. Live data analytics training is available in person in many major cities. It’s also taught online using teleconferencing platforms like Zoom. One of the main benefits of live study is that it provides learners with direct access to an instructor in real-time. These instructors have real-world experience working with data and are ready to share their insights and experience with students. Participants also benefit from the support of learning alongside others, which can provide an additional sense of community.

Live data analytics classes take many forms. Students interested in learning a specific tool or skill can opt for a beginner, intermediate, or advanced-level skills class. These short courses usually take only a day or so to complete and are available in data analytics tools like Excel or Tableau. Bootcamp programs are usually longer and more involved. These programs take several days or weeks to complete (some bootcamps require longer and are more involved). Some bootcamps focus entirely on a specific skill, such as Python programming, whereas others are broader in scope and teach several data analytics skills. Certificates are the most rigorous and in-depth form of live study. These classes typically take weeks or months to complete and cover a range of tools, such as Tableau, Power BI, Excel, Python, and SQL. 

Regardless of which learning option you select, in-person or live online data analytics classes, such as those that are available from Noble Desktop, are an excellent way to prepare for a career in data analytics in a fast-paced, hands-on environment.

Learn Data Analytics with Noble Desktop

If you’re committed to learning data analytics or are interested in taking your existing training to the next level, you can search for in-person data analytics classes nearby to find the training option that’s best for you. Learners can select from basic skills classes, interactive bootcamps, and comprehensive certificate programs that cover one or more data analytics tools. 

If you want to earn an industry-recognized certification in data analytics, Noble has a Tableau Certification Program. This course was designed to prepare you to take the Tableau Desktop Specialist certification exam. Those enrolled complete two classes: Tableau Level I and Tableau Level II. Six hours of private tutoring are also included. During this program, you’ll become familiar with skills like how to create charts and other visualizations in Tableau, as well as how to create dashboards and map data. Tuition covers the cost of sitting for the Tableau Desktop Specialist exam and a free exam retake (for those who need it), as well as exam proctoring. An additional hour of tutoring can be substituted for those who do not wish to sit for the exam.

If you’d rather focus your study efforts on learning SQL, Noble’s SQL Bootcamp is a great option. This hands-on bootcamp teaches you how to perform many relevant and useful SQL tasks, such as writing queries to extract information from relational databases, aggregating data, joining tables, and filtering results. You’ll become familiar with how to work with subqueries, use functions with parameters, and code queries that can extract the exact information you’re seeking. Although this program teaches PostgreSQL, the content covered can be applied to other databases, such as MySQL or SQL Server

Noble also offers a Python for Data Science Bootcamp for those who want to explore how Python can be used for real-world datasets. In this intensive class, instruction is provided on Python’s various applications for data science. You’ll study how to use Python to handle data, create programs, make data visualizations, and create machine-learning models with statistics. Coursework begins with an overview of Python basics, such as how to write expressions and statements, understand data types, use lists, and create variables. In the second part of this course, you’ll take these skills even further and work with control flow tools, dictionaries, loops, and conditional statements. Part three of this class covers topics like how to use NumPy and Pandas to clean data and how to use libraries like Matplotlib, NumPy, and Pandas to analyze and visualize data in the form of bar charts, histograms, and other advanced visualizations. This course includes a supplementary 1-on-1 mentoring session that students can use for assistance on their own projects or to revisit challenging course material. 

All Noble classes are available live online and in person in New York City and include a free course retake for a full year.

How to Learn Data Analytics

Master data analytics with hands-on training. Data analytics involves the process of drawing insights from data analysis and presenting them to leaders and stakeholders.

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