What is the Best Course to Learn Data Analytics?

Discover the top courses to learn Data Analytics.

If you’re ready to learn how to work with data for professional reasons, you’ll want to choose coursework that covers the essential best practices and skills that Data Analysts use. While this may seem like an obvious consideration, it’s important to select courses that provide hands-on training with real-world datasets so that you’ll be able to put these skills to immediate use in the workplace, either in your current career or to pursue an entirely new professional path. The good news is that many excellent course offerings are available in data analytics, such as short skills classes, bootcamp programs, and intensive certificates. In this article, a brief overview of each of these types of courses is provided, as well as the kinds of skills and training you’ll receive in each learning format.

Short Skills Classes

Data analytics is a broad field, and to succeed in it, you must have knowledge of many tools, software, and applications. Some learners prefer to learn these skills individually, whereas others may choose to study them alongside others in a longer program. If you’re the kind of learner interested in acquiring training in a specific data analytics tool, such as Excel, Tableau, Python, or SQL, short skills classes are a great place to do so. These short programs generally take just a few days of time (some require only an afternoon). They’re typically available at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, which allows students to select coursework at the appropriate difficulty level rather than having to relearn old concepts or struggle with those that are far too advanced.

Those who are just getting started working with Tableau, for example, can opt for a beginner-level skills class in this topic and then pursue advanced Excel training after they finish coursework. These live classes are taught in-person or online and generally provide students with real-world examples so they’ll be prepared to put their skills to use professionally upon graduation. Because these classes are relatively short, busy professionals can complete their training over a weekend without having to take off work and pick and choose whatever skills are most necessary to their professional development. Another benefit of skills classes is cost. Since these classes are shorter than other training options like bootcamps or certificates, they typically cost less. The following paragraphs will look at several types of skills classes you may wish to explore to gain well-rounded data analytics training. 

Short Excel Classes

One of the most popular tools for data analytics is Microsoft Excel. This industry-standard spreadsheet application is used by an estimated 750 million people around the globe. Most educators who provide training in data analytics offer short Excel courses to prepare participants to analyze and visualize data. These classes usually take between one and three days to complete and are available for learners at all levels, including those who haven’t worked with spreadsheets since high school. Educators like Noble Desktop offer a beginner-level Excel class that covers Excel basics, such as how to navigate its interface, format and print worksheets, and perform basic calculations. Its Intermediate Excel program is more advanced. In it, participants devote a full afternoon to working with functions like SUMIFs and VLOOKUP, as well as using PivotTables to summarize data. In Advanced Excel training, advanced Excel functions are covered, including MATCH and INDEX-Double MATCH. Students also learn how to create macros to automate repetitive spreadsheet tasks.

Short Tableau Coursework

Similar to short Excel skills classes, short Tableau courses are also available from many top educators. Aspiring Data Analysts who are new to creating dashboards or visualizing data can opt for an introductory-level course with this popular software, such as NYIM Training’sTableau Level 1. This course requires only one day to complete and provides participants with hands-on training in core Tableau skills, including how to determine which datasets to connect to, as well as structure, analyze, and visualize data. Those who already have a background with Tableau can opt instead for more advanced training, such as that which is provided in NYIM Training’s Tableau Level 2. This short course offers instruction in more complex Tableau skills, such as how to create geographic maps and build actions that can control data visualizations.

Short Python & SQL Training Options

Data Analytics Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Computer programming languages like Python and SQL are commonly used by Data Analysts. SQL is a powerful language used to communicate with relational databases, while Python is an object-oriented coding language that assists with tasks like quickly creating and managing data structures. Educators like Noble Desktop offer short programming classes with specific focuses. For example, students interested in working with Python can opt for Python for Automation. This one-day program covers essential Python skills, including how to perform web scraping, write loops, and work with storage and scheduling. 

Those interested in learning SQL can find many short class options that focus entirely on this skill. NYC Career Centers offers SQL Level 1 for those who want to understand the basics of what relational databases are and how to communicate with them. This class is intended for students who have little or no previous experience working with SQL and want to learn basic concepts, including how to use its graphical user interface and work with joins, filters, and aggregations. 

Immersive Bootcamps

If you’re seeking a more robust and longer form of training than a skills class, a data analytics bootcamp may be for you. These programs provide learners with hands-on training in the live format and prepare them to work with big data. Several types of data analytics bootcamps exist. Some focus exclusively on one data analytics tool. Noble Desktop’s Excel Bootcamp, for example, is designed to take learners from Excel basics into more advanced concepts over several days of intensive instruction. This program combines three shorter skills classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced-level. Bootcamps such as these are available for a discount for those who commit to all three levels of coursework rather than opting for just one skills course. 

In addition to data analytics bootcamps that focus on a specific application or skill, some educators offer broader course offerings that cover several data analytics skills and tools. In these intensive programs, students devote weeks or even months to acquiring a well-rounded background in data analytics. Graduates leave with training in skills like computer programming, Excel spreadsheets, data cleaning, data analysis, and data visualization. Bootcamps range in price from about $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the program’s length, the depth of instruction provided, and the course focus. Often, bootcamps that provide broader instruction on data analytics as a whole take much longer to complete than those that focus entirely on one tool, such as Noble Desktop’s SQL Bootcamp. They also tend to cost much more. 

Certificates & Certifications

In addition to short skills classes and more comprehensive bootcamps, certificate programs and certifications are also available in data analytics. The following sections will explore each of these training options and the unique benefits they offer.

Data Analytics Certificates

If you’re interested in learning data analytics for professional development purposes or to embark on a new career path, data analytics certificates are a good learning option. These intensive programs provide dozens of hours (some even offer more than 100 hours) of hands-on training in the live format. Students receive comprehensive data analytics instruction in many core skills and tools, such as Tableau, Excel, SQL, Python, machine learning, automation, Excel, and Power BI.

Certificates are usually available on a full-time or part-time basis to accommodate professionals with busy work schedules. The length of study varies depending on the course’s scope and whether the student opts to complete it full-time or part-time. Cost, too, varies from program to program. On average, certificates cost between $5,000 and $15,000. While this is a significant investment, these programs provide students with much more than intensive data analytics training in the in-class environment; they also often offer professional development incentives like 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, portfolio critiques, or access to networking events that have benefits extending far beyond the classroom. This is why certificate programs are a great option for those interested in learning data analytics for professional advancement. Rather than waiting four or more years to graduate with a college degree and apply the skills learned, students can put their data analytics knowledge to use in just a few weeks or months. 

Data Analytics Certifications

Unlike certificate classes that require students to meet for regularly scheduled classes, certifications in data analytics do not require classwork. To become certified in a specific data analytics tool, such as Tableau, students pay a fee to sit for an exam. Those who pass the test earn industry-recognized certification in that tool. Some popular examples of certifications in data analytics are the Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam and the Certified Tableau Desktop Specialist test. To prepare for a certification, some students choose to prepare on their own, whereas others may prefer to enroll in a certificate program to learn the essential skills that will appear on the exam.

Learn Data Analytics with Noble Desktop

Those interested in learning data analytics can search for in-person data analytics classes nearby to find skills classes, bootcamps, certificate programs, and professional certifications around the country and in the live online format. In the following paragraphs, several types of data analytics courses will be discussed, as well as the requirements for each program. 

If you want to receive comprehensive training in the field of data analytics, Noble Desktop offers a Data Analytics Certificate. This intensive program requires that you complete several of Noble’s shorter courses: Data Analytics Foundations, Excel for Data Analytics, Tableau Bootcamp, Python for Data Science Bootcamp, Python for Automation, Python Machine Learning Bootcamp, SQL Bootcamp, and Python Data Visualization & Interactive Dashboards. Coursework teaches concepts like how to use Excel for data manipulation and visualization, how to use Python’s scientific libraries, how to work with Tableau to visualize data, and how to work with SQL to communicate with relational databases. The cost of study includes eight 1-on-1 mentoring sessions that students can use as they wish for professional development or additional learning support. 

If you’re interested in pursuing data analytics certification instead, Noble has a Tableau Certification Program.This course was designed to prepare you to take the Tableau Desktop Specialist certification exam. Once enrolled, you’ll complete two classes: Tableau Level I and Tableau Level II. Six hours of private tutoring are also included. During this program, you’ll become familiar with skills like how to create charts and other visualizations in Tableau, as well as how to create dashboards and map data. Tuition covers the cost of sitting for the Tableau Desktop Specialist exam and a free exam retake (for those who need it), as well as exam proctoring. Those who choose not to take the exam can receive an additional hour of private tutoring. 

Noble also offers a Python for Data Science Bootcamp, which is a great option if you want to focus your studies on how to use this language for real-world datasets. During this hands-on program, you’ll study how Python is used in data science, including how it handles data, creates programs, visualizes data findings, and uses statistics to create machine learning models. Coursework begins by providing an overview of fundamental Python concepts, including how to use lists, write statements and expressions, and create variables. You’ll then progress into more advanced topics like loops, conditional statements, dictionaries, and control flow tools. Next, you will become familiar with how to use Pandas and NumPy to clean data. A supplementary 1-on-1 mentoring session is included.

All Noble lasses are available live online and in person in New York City. They each include a free course retake for up to a full year after graduation.

How to Learn Data Analytics

Master data analytics with hands-on training. Data analytics involves the process of drawing insights from data analysis and presenting them to leaders and stakeholders.

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