Annotating Sprinkler Systems and Mains in Building Sections: A Step-by-Step Guide

Finalizing Annotations and Sheet Placement for Sprinkler Systems in Building Sections

This article offers a practical guide on marking sprinklers, adding annotations to building sections, and moving these sections onto a specified sheet. It further discusses the importance of finalizing and cleaning up the project for a comprehensive completion.

Key Insights

  • The article emphasizes the necessity of marking out and annotating key aspects of the project such as sprinklers and building sections.
  • It advises on the process of moving these sections onto a specific sheet, FP7 in this case, and how to adjust the scale to suit the template view.
  • The final step involves revising and cleaning up the project, ensuring that all sheets are completed effectively and appropriately.

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All right, a couple other things. We can call out some of our mains. There it is.

Let's copy this guy. Find a leader and three inch main. Now we can just mark some of our sprinklers.

Let's call these our SSPs. We can denote that this goes up to the second floor, main up to level two. Okay, let's call out a typical arm over and call one inch arm over assembly typical and move this.

Okay, that's pretty good. Let's go on ahead and just add a few more annotations to our building section three with our uprights to the gym and let's go to text with leader point to the sprinkler here. SSU typical and we'll call out this main up to gym piping.

All right, that's pretty good. Let's go ahead and put these on our FP7 sheet. So let's go to FP7, our building sections, and now let's find our sections.

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Now they're under the fire protection subdiscipline. Here they are right here. We can take section one and drag it onto our sheet.

Now it's going to be a little too big. So let's go on ahead and change the scale. Now again, we can't do that because it's a view template.

So let's go into our view template here and change it to three 30 seconds. That's better. Okay, let's bring in section two.

All right, and section three, you can see they line up. All right, so far, so good. We have completed all of our sheets.

The last step is to finalize everything by just doing a little bit of cleanup and one last check to make sure and we'll be done with our project. See you in the next video.

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