Adding Ceiling Heights and Annotations to Level 2 RCP: A Step-by-Step Guide

Annotating Ceiling Heights and Adding Annotations for Level 2 RCP: A Detailed Tutorial

This article offers a step-by-step walkthrough on finalizing dimensions for a Level 2 RCP and adding annotations and ceiling heights. The instructions also include details on how to adjust the elevation base to display the appropriate measurements and how to best position these in each room for clarity.

Key Insights

  • The article details how to adjust the elevation base in the Level 2 RCP to show the elevation above the floor, by changing the base setting to 'Relative' and setting the Relative Base to Level 2.
  • It provides guidance on how to appropriately annotate ceiling heights in each room, with suggestions to place them away from dimensions and sprinkler heads to avoid clutter.
  • The instructions emphasize the need to add a note indicating the presence of piping and sprinklers coming from Level 1, to ensure complete information in the Level 2 RCP.

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In the last video we finished our dimensions for our Level 2 RCP. So all we need to do is add a few minor annotations and our ceiling heights and we should be good to go. So let's do the ceiling heights first.

We'll zoom into the classroom here. Let's go to Annotate and Spot Elevation. Now when I hover into this room you'll see that I'm at 22 feet.

That's not what we want to see and what we want to annotate. We want to show the elevation above the floor on Level 2. So what we need to do with this selected, let's go to the Properties and select Edit Type. And if your elevation base is set to Project Base Point, this is why we're getting that 22 feet.

So let's change this to Relative and click OK. Now we can change our Relative Base. If you are not seeing this, so now we can change our Relative Base and let's set that to Level 2. And the Display Elevation, if you don't see Bottom Elevation, go ahead and choose it.

Now we can see our 9 foot ceiling height. So let's go ahead and add these to all of our classrooms. We can go ahead and turn off the leader if yours is on.

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And it's a process of just adding them to each room. Find a spot that's away from dimensions and especially from sprinkler heads. And you should be good.

I'll add another one to the corridor annotation just for clarity. And another one down here. The gym, we don't need to.

This is open to the structure above, so we won't have an annotation there. That's denoted by upright sprinklers, so it's already known that there's no ceiling there. Try to find a spot in the janitor's closet that's not cluttering anything else.

Might add another one over here. Okay, that looks pretty good. All we need to do is again add the same note we added on our Level 2 piping plan and just let them know that there is piping here and sprinklers, but it's coming from Level 1. So let's go to Annotate and make sure the text box, the show border, is on.

Okay, we'll go to the middle of the room here and refer to FP3 Level 1 piping plan. Okay, zoom out. Just take a quick check here.

We have our dimensions. That's really the only annotation we need. We've got our ceiling heights.

Okay, so our Level 2 RCP is annotated, so let's go ahead and save. And in the next video, we'll be putting these on our sheets and we'll also be creating our sprinkler legends to show on our RCPs.

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