Coding Cost

How Much Does Coding Cost?

Explore the world of coding and its significant role in various industries, including education, fashion, finance, medicine, entertainment, and marketing. Discover how its versatility can lead to numerous career paths such as Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Cybersecurity Analyst, and Machine Learning Engineer, and how accessible learning coding has become through bootcamps and certificate programs.

Key Insights

  • Coding, an in-demand skill in today's job market, is the language tech professionals use to instruct devices to operate, with common languages including Java, Python, and JavaScript.
  • Careers requiring coding skills include Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Cybersecurity Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, and more, and the skill is adaptable across various industries.
  • Despite the perception, entering the coding field is not necessarily expensive as most aspects of coding, including frameworks, databases, and languages, are free. Significant costs are usually one-time purchases such as laptops.
  • Learning to code has become more accessible through live online classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs, which are often cheaper than college degree programs.
  • Coding is becoming increasingly relevant as most businesses shift their focus online in response to increased remote working and learning opportunities, leading to a rise in demand for coders.
  • Depending on the chosen bootcamp or certificate program, students can learn a variety of coding languages and applications. For instance, Noble Desktop offers a Software Engineering Certificate that covers Front End Web Development, JavaScript's various frameworks and databases, and Python Development with Django.

Many people perceive coding to be an expensive field to enter, but most aspects of coding are entirely free, including frameworks, databases, and the coding languages themselves. The significant costs associated with coding are usually one-time purchases such as laptops, which can be $400-$2,000 depending on the type of computer you plan to buy. You won’t have many coding expenses if you already have a computer.

What is Coding?

Coding is one of the most in-demand skills dominating today’s job market. In simple terms, coding is the language that tech professionals use to tell devices how they should operate. There are several coding languages that are used for different purposes; some of the more common languages include Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Coding skills are required in many positions, including Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Cybersecurity Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, and many others. The main upside of coding is that it’s also adaptable to nearly any industry, including education, fashion, finance, medicine, entertainment, and marketing. While it may seem complicated to break into a coding career, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Nowadays, anyone can become a coder and obtain an entry-level position after taking a coding bootcamp or two.

Read more about what coding is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Coding?

Coding is an incredibly versatile field that covers a wide selection of topics. You’ll be able to create websites, algorithms, and programs that have uses in every industry on the market. Even if your chosen career operates primarily in-person, you’ll be able to take creative approaches to coding that will make everyone’s lives easier.

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

You can make your own video game, build an online presence for your small business, or code simple programs that automate your mundane tasks. There’s no limit to what you can do with coding. This impressive skill will always serve you well if you have an imaginative mind and a willingness to learn more.

In-Depth Review of the Cost

Coding as a whole is free, but is there a catch? Thankfully, there isn’t. Most people use a code editor such as Visual Studio Code, and these tend to be free with no strings attached. Once you have your chosen code editor ready, you can start coding. Of course, you’ll need a computer and some coding classes before starting.

The primary purchase you’ll need to make to code is a laptop or desktop computer. Budget-friendly computers tend to cost between $400-$600, while slightly more advanced computers can cost between $600-$1,000 depending on your desired features. If you’re looking for computers that can handle high-end gaming software and similar programs, you can find them at around $900-$2,000. However, this kind of computer isn’t necessarily needed for coding programs.

Classes will naturally cost some money to learn. Bootcamps and certificate programs are often the best bargains because they incorporate other classes within their curriculum. The result is that they’ll be taught at a discount in tandem with other classes designed to help you get a coding job. They’re also significantly cheaper than college degree programs, which can be a four-year commitment in most cases.

Try to find a program that offers financial assistance if money concerns you. You’ll also want to factor in the benefits of the programs, such as free retakes, career coaching, and supplemental packages and tools. The pricing of coding classes varies widely, but free introductory classes also help you decide which subject to pursue.

Why Learn Coding?

Coding is becoming increasingly relevant to the working world. It will only become more critical as companies try to build their online presence. Most businesses are shifting their focus online in response to increased remote working and learning opportunities. As a result, coders have risen both in value and demand.

Learning to code has become more accessible thanks to live online classes that teach basic coding principles. After taking a coding bootcamp, you can start applying to entry-level positions, even if you’re continuing your education in programming. High school students can obtain these skills and use them to bolster their resumes before they enter college.

Read more about why you should learn coding.

Free Introductory Coding Course Online

You might feel a little overwhelmed when looking for coding classes and bootcamps, which is perfectly understandable. You’ll likely want to start with something that matches your interests or aligns with your career goals.

It’s okay to hesitate when you’re starting the process of learning to code. Try some free courses first to see which topics appeal to you, and then you can go from there. Many pre-recorded lectures cover the fundamentals and will give you enough knowledge to gauge if it’s right. All these free courses are intended to let you test the waters and make an informed decision before committing.

Websites are where most people start when they’re first learning to code, and the Intro to Front End Web Development class by Noble Desktop shows you which programming languages are needed and how to use them. From there, you can look into WordPress, one of the internet's most-used Content Management Systems (CMS). WordPress is highly customizable, and the Intro to WordPress for Developers course teaches you how HTML and CSS knowledge can enhance its interface.

Another side of coding is data science. General Assembly's free Intro to Data Science class teaches you the essential practices data scientists use. They also have an Intro to Data Analytics course that covers Google Sheets and other standard tools.

Read about more free coding videos and online tutorials.

Learn Coding with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop has a robust collection of coding classes and bootcamps that fit various learning needs. They offer in-person classes in Manhattan as well as live online classes internationally. All classes have relatively small class sizes and are taught by coding experts who have practical knowledge in the field. After completing your classes, you’ll have the option to retake those courses at no cost for up to one year, allowing you to practice, review subjects, and receive insights from instructors for free.

If you’re eager to learn a collection of coding languages and applications, the Software Engineering Certificate will give you a taste of three notable ones. You’ll start with Front End Web Development, allowing you to create websites through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once you understand these subjects, you’ll shift focus to JavaScript’s various frameworks and databases, including React, Node.js, and Express.js. Finally, you’ll learn Python Development with Django, which is helpful for server-side programming, among other topics.

The Full-Stack Web Development Certificate provides a comprehensive education in coding designed to take you from coding novice to career-ready. You’ll first learn to develop the front ends of websites with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. After that, you’ll dive into a JavaScript back end stack known as MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.

Anyone interested in algorithms and data collection should look into the Python for Data Science Bootcamp. It’ll show you the fundamentals of Python and everything that it entails. The possibilities of uses with Python are vast. Companies such as Netflix and Amazon use Python, and this bootcamp will teach you how to start writing your own Python programs.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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