How to Learn Cloud Computing Online

Discover the world of cloud computing and how it enables many critical functions such as data backup, virtual desktops, disaster recovery, data analysis, and software development and testing. Learn about the different types of cloud computing services, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), serverless, and Software as a Service (SaaS), and explore the various career opportunities and competitive salaries in this field.

Key Insights

  • Cloud computing involves delivering various computing services like databases, servers, software, and storage, over the internet.
  • There are three types of cloud deployments - private, public, and hybrid - providing flexibility and security to organizations.
  • Cloud computing services fall into four primary categories - IaaS, PaaS, serverless, and SaaS - providing different levels of control and management to users.
  • Cloud computing skills are highly in-demand, with roles such as Information Security Analyst currently ranked as the top job in America according to U.S. News and World Report.
  • Learning cloud computing online can be done through live online classes or self-paced courses, providing flexibility and accessibility to learners.
  • The field of cloud computing offers competitive salaries, with Information Security Analysts earning a median salary of $103,590 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

If you’re just starting to learn a new skill, you can find dozens of tips and resources online; learning cloud computing is no different. Cloud computing has a range of applications for tasks like data backup, virtual desktops, disaster recovery, data analysis, and software development and testing. If you’ve always wanted to learn cloud computing, there are plenty of options at your fingertips. From free tutorials to live classes, your choices are outlined here so you can decide how to learn in a way that works best for you. 

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing involves delivering computing services, such as databases, servers, software, intelligence, analytics, and storage, over the internet, or the “cloud.” Instead of storing files on a local storage device or one’s hard drive, cloud-based storage provides a way to save them to a remote database. Any electronic device that can access the internet can then access the data, as well as the software programs needed to run it.

Different types of clouds, as well as cloud computing options, are available, including various services and models. Cloud services can be deployed in three ways: on a private cloud, a public cloud, or a hybrid cloud. Private clouds are used solely by one organization. It is either physically located in the organization’s onsite data center or is hosted by a third-party service provider. Public clouds are owned and run by third-party cloud service providers. This provider delivers computing resources via the internet. In public clouds, the cloud provider owns all the supporting infrastructure like software and hardware and is in charge of managing it. Hybrid clouds are a combination of private and public clouds that share data and applications. Since apps and data move between public and private clouds in a hybrid cloud, this format provides organizations with additional deployment options, security, and flexibility. 

Nearly all cloud computing services fall into four categories: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, serverless, and software as a service. Since they build on one another, these four services are often called the cloud computing “stack.”

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is the most rudimentary of the four services. Those using IaaS rent their IT infrastructures, such as virtual machines, servers, networks, and storage, from a cloud provider using a pay-as-you-go structure. Platform as a service (PaaS) provides on-demand environments to develop, test, deliver, and manage various software apps. PaaS allows Developers to easily and quickly design mobile or web apps since they do not need to create or manage the servers’ databases, storage capacity, or network. Serverless computing allows users to focus their efforts on creating apps rather than managing the infrastructure and services needed to do so. Instead, the cloud provider takes care of setup and server management. The fourth cloud computing service is software as a service (SaaS). This method delivers software apps on an on-demand basis over the internet and generally involves a subscription. Cloud providers are tasked with hosting and managing the infrastructure and apps, as well as performing maintenance tasks like updating software. Those who wish to connect to the app do so over the internet. 

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Read more about what cloud computing is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a skill that can open many professional doors, lead to competitive salaries, and provide you with the training and skills to stand out to a range of recruiters and employers. Currently, cloud computing is one of the most in-demand skills you can have on your resume. According to U.S. News and World Report, the number-one job in America in 2022 is Information Security Analyst. These individuals safeguard the information stored in an organization’s computer system from cyberattacks and data breaches, often in the cloud environment. Whether you want to pursue a cybersecurity career or employment in a related field like web development or cloud development, cloud computing is likely to play an integral role in your professional responsibilities. The demand for those with cloud computing skills will likely increase over the next decade as more companies realize the benefits of cloud environments.

Cloud computing allows businesses and organizations to reduce expenses by using resources from several providers instead of just one. This can lead to a significant reduction in operating costs. Not only does cloud computing save money, but it improves a company’s flexibility. It provides a way for users to access apps and data when and where it’s needed. Working in the cloud environment also improves an organization’s agility by allowing users to easily and quickly deploy services and applications. 

Another benefit of working with cloud computing is that it provides a secure data environment with which users can securely access their data from any location. Because it’s made the internet more reliable and improved the speed by which information can be accessed, cloud computing often improves employee productivity. It also provides a way to stay current with technology trends. Additionally, because cloud computing relies on state-of-the-art data centers and cutting-edge technology, it can also reduce an organization’s carbon footprint.

Live Online Cloud Computing Training

Studying cloud computing in the live online format is an excellent way to receive hands-on training from industry experts. Similar to in-person study, live online courses occur in real-time, which provides an opportunity for students to connect to an instructor, as well as other students, using a platform like Zoom or Teams. Instead of having to commute to and from campus to attend class, and waste time searching for parking, students can complete all coursework remotely from their home or office space. This flexible, engaging learning format provides a platform where you can ask questions as they arise and receive immediate feedback on your work. Although enrolling in live online courses may require taking off work to attend class meetings, this learning format provides hands-on training that can help you pursue a career in cloud computing or cybersecurity.

Many live online cloud computing and cybersecurity classes are available from top educational providers. Noble Desktop offers several cybersecurity classes. For those who are new to cybersecurity, Noble’s Intro to Cybersecurity & Networks is a great starting point. This hands-on class provides instruction on topics like security protocols, network models, and using Python and Linux for cybersecurity. Python for Network Security teaches participants how to use Python programming to monitor networks. Noble’s Digital Forensics provides instruction on the structure of a modern security operations center. In addition, 

In addition to Noble’s cybersecurity courses, other educators also have live online classes devoted to online security. Neoland’s Cybersecurity Part-Time is an introductory-level bootcamp that teaches participants offensive and defensive security. Another beginner-friendly course is available from NGT Academy. Its Cyber Security Program is available on a part-time or full-time live online basis. Students who graduate earn a CompTIA certificate. Craft Academy’s 12-week course, Cybersecurity, provides an overview of cybersecurity, including cyber-defense, hardware and networking, and forensics. In addition, Eleven Fifty Academy’s Cybersecurity Program Full-Time helps students acclimate to an enterprise SOC environment.

On-Demand Cloud Computing Classes

If you are interested in learning cloud computing but aren’t ready to commit to a class that meets regularly, self-paced study options are a great alternative. Self-paced cloud computing material, such as online tutorials, blogs, YouTube videos, and on-demand coursework, is pre-recorded. This means you can access it from any location, any time of the day, on any day of the week. This flexible learning format allows those who wish to learn more about cloud computing to begin studying this topic, while balancing their coursework with professional or family commitments. Students who elect to study in the asynchronous learning environment also get to dictate the speed at which they learn cloud computing; video content can be paused, rewound, and watched repeatedly to facilitate note-taking and help with retention. 

Since on-demand classwork doesn’t provide access to an instructor, these courses are best suited for those who are interested in beginner-level cloud computing study rather than those looking to master complex cloud skills for professional reasons. Since most asynchronous cloud computing material is offered for much less money than bootcamps or certificate study (some is even posted for free), it’s an effective, low-stakes way to begin learning about cloud computing without having to invest hundreds or thousands in bootcamps or certificate programs. When selecting on-demand cloud computing materials, choosing the most up-to-date material is important, as this is a rapidly evolving field.

On-demand cloud computing classes are available from many reputable online providers. If you’re new to cloud computing and want to learn the basics, Udemy’s Getting Started with Cloud Computing - Level 1 is for you. Students learn the basics of cloud computing and receive instruction on the three main service models and four cloud deployment models. Coursera’s Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Prep Specialization is a beginner-level course that provides instruction to help students prepare for the Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam. This Microsoft certification course is broken into four sub-courses that teach core exam skills and concepts like management tools, solutions, network security, governance, and compliance features. edX also has a range of cloud computing courses available to beginners as well as more advanced learners. Students can choose from classes like Introduction to Cloud Computing, Essential Technologies for Business, Cloud Computing Security, and IBM Cloud Essentials.

Free Intro Courses & Tutorials

If you’re not quite ready to dive into a full course on cloud computing, other online learning options are available. For those interested in an overview of this field, you can start learning for free online. Many top educational providers offer free online content devoted to cloud computing and related topics.

Udacity’s Introduction to Cloud Computing is a two-month, beginner-level course in which participants prepare for a career in cloud computing. This class provides instruction on deployment models, AWS, and serverless architecture. For those who want to learn how to work with AWS, Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services is offered for free from Amazon. Three hours of video content is available about AWS services, S3 cloud storage, and cloud infrastructure. Coursera also provides a free course, Introduction to Cloud Computing. Instruction is provided on the evolution of cloud computing, as well as the various cloud deployment models. If you want to become familiar with Microsoft Azure, Udemy’s Learning Microsoft Azure offers an hour of video content that prepares students to work with its infrastructure and services. For those who wish to gain an overview of cloud computing, Pluralsight’s Fundamentals of Cloud Computing provides two hours of introductory-level videos on the risks and benefits of working with cloud computing.

Read about more free cloud computing videos and online tutorials.

Comparing Online Methods with In-Person Learning 

If you want to learn cloud computing but aren’t sure which format is best for you, this article will explore three popular training options, in-person, live online, and self-paced, so you can decide which learning style is best for you.

In-person cloud computing classes are generally the most engaging and interactive way to study. Students complete lessons in a computer lab equipped with the most current software and tools for cloud computing. All lessons are taught by an instructor with industry experience and real-world knowledge of cloud computing. Not only can you ask questions in real-time and receive immediate guidance, but in-person study also provides a way for you to network with other like-minded learners. Although in-person coursework requires commuting to and from campus for each class meeting, as well as the cost associated with travel and parking, it provides hands-on cloud computing training in a small class environment.

If you want to study cloud computing in real time but aren’t able to attend classes that meet in person, live online cloud computing courses are for you. These classes provide many of the same perks as in-person study, such as access to an instructor in real-time and professional support, but don’t require commuting to and from campus. Live online courses are a good option for learners who don’t live near major cities, as well as those who don’t want to waste time and money driving to campus several times a week. 

In addition to live online courses, another way some individuals choose to study cloud computing is through self-paced online content. Asynchronous learning materials take many forms, such as YouTube videos and channels, online forums and blogs, and tutorials. Because they are pre-recorded, they can be accessed at any time from a location that has an internet connection. Cloud computing videos can be paused, rewound, and rewatched as often as needed to help you remember the information they provide. Another benefit of on-demand content is that it’s typically the most affordable way to get started learning about cloud computing. Some content is even posted for free from top educational providers like Coursera or Udemy. When selecting self-paced cloud computing resources, it’s important to look for the most up-to-date since this field continues to change. In addition, because you won’t have access to an instructor when working with asynchronous cloud computing content, it can be difficult to learn advanced skills in this format. For this reason, on-demand content is a good starting point for your cloud computing studies, but investing in an in-person or live online course may be a better option if you wish to learn more complicated concepts.

Tips to Succeed when Learning Cloud Computing Online

Learning cloud computing in an online environment can be an extremely rewarding process for studying this in-demand field. If you want to get the most out of your online studies, the following tips can help you succeed in the online learning environment:

  • Create a quiet study space for yourself. While this may seem obvious, it’s essential to have an area that is free of distractions, either in your home or office. This will ensure that the time you spend learning cloud computing isn’t interrupted and that you can focus entirely on learning cloud computing tools and skills. Make sure this space has a comfortable chair and a strong internet connection.
  • Most individuals consider cloud computing a relatively difficult skill set to learn. That’s why it’s important to begin with basics, such as learning about databases or studying one programming language. Instead of tackling a series of advanced cloud computing concepts at once, it may be a more effective approach to break down the separate skills needed to work with cloud computing and learn one before moving on to another.
  • It can be challenging to find the most current content if you work with asynchronous cloud computing study materials. Make sure to select course material from reputable providers who provide instruction on the most up-to-date best cloud computing practices.
  • Studying in the live online environment provides students with many of the same benefits as in-person coursework, such as access to an instructor. It’s important to take advantage of the instructor’s expertise and real-world experience. Ask questions and participate in class sessions. The more engaged you are, the easier you will likely find it to learn and retain information.
  • Self-paced cloud computing study doesn’t provide access to a live instructor, meaning you may need to find answers to questions on your own. However, even with on-demand study options, you can consult other resources to help with your learning. If you find yourself struggling with a concept or tool, you may consider reaching out to former instructors, colleagues, or coworkers for guidance. In addition, various online resources and forums are available for cloud computing professionals, such as Spiceworks or [H]ard Forum. Not only are these sites helpful resources where you can post questions specific to cloud computing, but they also provide a way to connect with other learners and professionals.
  • Set realistic expectations and study goals. If you’re learning cloud computing on your own through self-paced materials, you may wish to gain a solid understanding of this field rather than master advanced cloud computing skills. On the other hand, if you enroll in a live online certificate, you may spend several months working with an instructor and classmates to study this field in-depth. The study format you choose will likely depend on your professional goals and what you’d like to do with your cloud computing knowledge.

Key Insights

  • Cloud computing is a field in which IT resources are provided to users over the internet on an on-demand basis using a pay-as-you-go structure.
  • Online study is an excellent way to learn cloud computing. Those who wish to learn in the online environment can choose from live online coursework, which provides access to an instructor, or self-paced material like videos and tutorials, which are pre-recorded.
  • Studying cloud computing in the online environment can be a rewarding experience. To optimize your study, create a quiet study space, set realistic learning goals, reach out for help and guidance as needed, and select the most current study materials.
  • A great way to learn more about cloud computing is to enroll in one of Noble Desktop’s in-person or live online courses.

Learn Web Development & Cybersecurity Skills with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

One great way to learn many of the skills associated with cloud computing is to enroll in a course or bootcamp with Noble Desktop. Noble’s Cloud Computing with AWS prepares students to create and secure an enterprise-level cloud environment. Those enrolled in this hands-on class receive expert instruction on how to work with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most popular cloud computing platform. Participants learn how to navigate the cloud’s infrastructure, as well as how Security Operation Centers can be used in AWS. These relevant skills can help students pursue a career in cybersecurity. Tuition includes the option of a free course retake for up to one year for all students.

Another great option for those interested in working with cybersecurity is Noble’s Cybersecurity Bootcamp. Instruction is provided on protecting networks and apps, evaluating security threats, and using cloud computing, Python, and Linux to prevent cyberattacks. By course completion, students will have a working knowledge of the skills required to work in several in-demand cybersecurity professions, such as Cybersecurity Analyst and Cybersecurity Engineer. In addition to the option of a free course retake, all participants in this intensive program receive one-on-one mentoring.

How to Learn Coding

Master coding with hands-on training. Learning how to code in JavaScript, Python, and other popular languages can pave the way to a job in tech, such as web development, data science & analytics, or software engineering.

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