Understanding Label Styles in Civil 3D: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring Label Styles for Pressure Networks in Civil 3D

Delve into the intricate process of managing label styles in Civil 3D drawings. Learn about the settings tab, pressure network, and the robust options available for editing label styles, including pressure pipe text, layout, drag state, and fittings.

Key Insights

  • The settings tab in the tool space window of Civil 3D allows you to navigate and manage label styles in your pressure network. This includes the ability to expand your pressure pipe and edit plan profile label styles like nominal diameter, diameter, and material.
  • The label style composer for pressure pipes offers a wealth of information to help you customize your labels effectively. You have the flexibility to include details such as cut length, diameters, pipe thickness, model names, and geographical coordinates (Eastings and Northings).
  • The fittings label styles offer equally diverse options for customization. You can add information related to coding, material, nominal diameter, thickness classes, branch angles, and insertion point stations among others. This allows you to convey as much detail as needed in your labels.

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Now that we've placed the labels in our drawing, we're going to go ahead and look at the label styles that we just placed. I'm going to go into my settings tab of my tool space window.

I'm going to navigate down to my pressure network. I'm going to expand out my pressure pipe, and I'm going to expand out my label styles. So from here, we have the options to look at our plan profile label styles.

So I'm going to expand this out, and you're going to see nominal diameter, diameter, and material. So I'm going to go ahead and select this. I'm going to right click.

I'm going to select edit. So inside of here, the label style composer for our pressure pipes label style, we have the information tab with the name of the description. We have the general tab with the label information, text style, label visibility, and layer, just like any other label style that we've seen inside of Civil 3D.

We have the behavior, the object orientation, forced insertion, forced inside curve. We have plan readability, readability bias, and flipping anchors with text. Moving on from here, we have the layout tab.

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We have the options for inserting text, lines, blocks, flow direction arrows, and reference text. So inside of this label style, we have one piece of information. It's our pressure pipe text.

And if I go to the contents, we're going to take a look at what is available to add to a pressure pipe label. So from here, inside the text component editor, the contents for this, we have options available to us that are just as variable as our pipe networks label styles. We have so much information associated with pipes that we can add in cut length, diameters.

We have series. We have pipe thickness. We have thickness class.

We have model names. We have starting Eastings, starting Northings, ending Eastings, ending Northings. We have elevations.

We have radiuses. So as much information as you could think that would be inside of Civil 3D related to these pipes inside of our pressure networks, that information is available inside of these properties dropdown. All you have to do is fill out the modifiers, fill out the values, and then use the arrow to send that text across into the text box window.

So I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel. We'll go to the drag state. We're going to take a look at the leader, and it's the same as all other label styles.

We have the visibility arrowhead, the type, and then we have the drag state component, what the text is going to look like in the drag state. So I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel. I'm going to minimize this, minimize this.

We're going to go ahead and take a look at the fittings. Same thing. We're going to go to label styles.

We're going to look at this nominal. We're going to go ahead and select edit, right click edit. I'm going to go to my information tab, same as normal general, as always, per any label style inside of Civil 3D.

We go to the layout and we have the same information. We also have text line block and reference text, but the important piece is the contents of the text. I'm going to go ahead and click on the ellipses to open up by text component editor.

And then I'm going to drop down. And again, we have a large amount of information based on the fittings that we're dealing with. We have coding inside, coding outside, ID material.

We have nominal diameter and description, thickness classes, branch angles. We have insertion point stations. We have Eastings and Northings for insertion points.

So any piece of information that you could pull from these, all you're going to have to do is select them, fill out the modifiers and values, click the arrow to bring it across. So I'm going to go ahead and click cancel. Drag state is the same as before leader and drag state components.

I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel. And then we're going to go ahead and take a look at the appurtenances. So inside of appurtenances, we're going to label styles.

We're going to look at this nominal diameter, one that is currently in the drawing. I'm going to go ahead and right click edit. I'm going to go ahead and look at the information tab.

We have the name and description as usual general. We have the label behavior and plan readability as usual layout. We again have text line block and reference text as components that we can add to a label.

But the important piece we want to look at is the contents of the text that we can add to these labels. So I'm going to go ahead and hit the ellipses. We're going to look at these.

And again, tons of information that you can add, not necessarily something that you want to add every single piece or that there's probably some that you will never use, but just know that there are plenty of pieces of information. The ones that I find most often are the most useful are the insertion points, Northings and Eastings, so that somebody can know the location of that fitting or that appurtenance that we've placed. So I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel.

I'm going to hit cancel again. I'm going to minimize these. And since we didn't make any changes, I'm not going to bother saving, but I will meet you in the next video.

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