Labeling Pressure Networks in Civil 3D: An In-Depth Guide

Annotating Pressure Networks: Adding Labels to Pressure Network Parts in Civil 3D

Discover how to label pressure networks in a plan and profile view using Civil 3D, a process that differs from labeling pipe networks. Understand the steps involved in selecting and annotating the appropriate features, and learn how to label individual pressure parts in a plan and profile.

Key Insights

  • When labeling pressure networks in Civil 3D, the annotation drop-down does not have the option for adding pressure network labels. Instead, users can either use the add labels option at the top or go to annotate and select add labels.
  • The feature to be annotated needs to be selected from the drop-down menu. Options for labeling include entire pressure networks in plan, profile, and section, as well as single pressure parts in plan, profile, and section.
  • Once the label style for the pressure pipe, fitting, and appurtenance is chosen, the specific items to be labeled can be selected. The labeling process can then be completed for both plan and profile views.

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So, now that we've placed our pressure network into a profile and we have it designed in plan view, we're going to go ahead and label it. This is going to be a little bit different than our pipe networks because if you go up to the annotation drop-down, you'll notice that there is no option for add pressure network labels.

We can't use pipe network labels on our pressure network, so we have to go ahead and go up to this add labels option up here at the top or we have to go to annotate and select add labels. So, I'm going to go ahead and select add labels and from here we're going to drop down and select the feature that we want to annotate. We're going to go down to our pressure pipe network and then we're going to select our label type.

So, we have the options for entire pressure networks in plan, profile, and section, and then we have single pressure part in plan, profile, and section. So, this is almost identical to our pipe networks except for that we're labeling our pressure networks. So, for this case, I'm going to go ahead and label a single part in plan and then a single part in profile.

So, I'm going to go ahead and select single pressure part in plan and then from here we have our pressure pipe label style, our fitting label style, and our pertinence label style. I'm going to go ahead and label each one of these types of items and I'm going to go ahead and click add. So, from here, Civil 3D is asking me to select the fitting, a pertinence, or pipe.

So, I'm going to go ahead and zoom in here. I'm going to go ahead and label everything for lot 22. I'm going to go ahead and select the fitting for lot 22.

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I'm going to select the pipe for lot 22 and I'm going to select the appurtenance for lot 22. So, from here I'm going to go ahead and escape out. I'm going to drop down and I'm going to select pressure part in profile.

So, from here we have the options for pressure part label style, fitting label style, a pertinence label style, and then a crossing pressure pipe label style. So I'm going to go ahead and click add. I'm going to navigate over to my profile.

And then I'm going to go ahead and label some of these objects. So I'm going to go ahead and click in here. I'm going to click a pipe.

And then I will click on one of these objects here. So what we can see here now is that I've labeled a 10 × 10 inch gate. I've labeled a 12 inch by 12 inch by 10 inch tee.

And I've labeled my 12 inch by 12 inch double ductile iron. So moving on from here, what we can do is we can take some of these labels, we can go into a drag state for them if they're in the way. And then we're going to go ahead and take a look at in the next video, the label styles.

So I'm going to zoom out. I'm going to save this drawing. And then I'll meet you in the next video.

How to Learn Civil 3D

Learn Autodesk Civil 3D to design and analyze civil engineering projects with precision through hands-on training.

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