Exploring Table Styles in Civil 3D: Customizing Data Properties, Display Settings, and Text Components

Customizing Table Styles in Civil 3D: Tailoring Data Properties, Display Options, and Text Components

Discover how to navigate and optimize table styles in Civil 3D for your design needs. This article guides you through the process of selecting and modifying table styles, to controlling text settings, display options, and adding or removing data columns for precise design work.

Key Insights

  • Table styles in Civil 3D are easily manipulated by selecting the table, going to table properties, and then to the editing current selection option. This allows users to modify information, data properties, and table settings such as text wrapping, view orientation, and title repetitions.
  • The display tab within table properties controls how the table appears in both plan view and model view, including visibility of items, layers, controls, and colors in specific components. Users can also manage borders, separators, dividers, fill areas, and text settings from this tab.
  • The data properties tab allows users to display specific information for lines and curves in a segment table. It is also possible to add or delete columns from the table, customize column headers, and set manual or automatic column widths, thereby providing a high level of customization to meet specific design needs.

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In this video, we're going to start talking about table styles. So in order to get to my table style for the table that I have in my drawing, I'm going to go ahead and select my table, and then I'm going to go up to table properties, and the same way that I sorted my table, I'm going to go ahead and click on the button for editing current selection.

So I'm going to click on the paintbrush with a pencil, and I get into my table style for my length, bearing, delta, and radius. So from here, we have the options for information, for what the name of the table style is, data properties, so how we want to have information for the table, so table settings of whether or not we want text wrapped, maintaining view orientation, repeating titles and split tables, repeating column headers and split tables. Then we have the options that we already implemented, which is sorting the data.

Then we have text settings. We have text settings for our table style, our header style, and our data style, and what height those specific text pieces come in at. Now, something that we have down here that we'll get into in a little bit is the data that actually goes into the table that we've created.

So moving on from here, we'll come back to this area in a little bit. We're going to go to our display tab. Inside of our display tab, we have how the table will be displayed in plan view and model view, and what items are turned on and visible, and what layers and controls and colors are in those specific components.

We have our borders, our title separators, our header separators, our data separators. We have dividers. We have fill areas for inside of our table if you want to add fill backgrounds to specific portions of the table, and then you have your text.

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So these can all be controlled inside of the display tab, and then you have the summary tab for the information and your general. So these pieces of information can be changed in here, or they can be changed in their respective tabs. So I'm going to navigate back to the data properties.

And so inside of here, when we have a table style, depending on the table that you're selecting, you will have information down here. We have information because we are in a segment table. We have information for how we would like to display information for lines, and how we would like to display information for curves.

So from there, we have the information that's going to be displayed across our table. So you can see here, parcel line and curve table. That's the text right here, parcel line and curve table.

Then we have line number slash curve number. That's this text right here, line number curve number. Then we have length, we have bearing and delta, and radius.

And you can see that here, length, bearing, delta, radius. So from there, what you can see is that we have the information for the specific entities that are going to come into our drawing. And so these are pieces of code that goes into the table to dictate what Civil 3D is going to look up and then return back to you in a table.

If we go to length, what you can see here is if I click on it, and I double click, I'm going to be in the text component editor, just like we had text component editor for the labels that we created earlier in the class. We have this text component editor for the table labels or data that we're going to be putting into our table. So from here, you have the information for properties.

So you have all of this data that can be added to your table. Currently, we have our information for our line number, our length, our bearing, and our radius. So in here, you can see for a line, we have length, parcel line number, segment direction, segment start northing, segment start easting, segment end northing, segment end easting.

So this information can be added to the table. So the one that we're currently looking at is you have a segment length. And so what you would do if you wanted to overwrite this, you would delete out what you have in here.

Then you would select segment length. Then you could choose your unit, your precision, how you want to round, your decimal characters, your grouping symbols, your digital group, your sign. And then you hit the arrow button to send the text across.

So I don't want to change how I have my current length being displayed. So I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel. If for some reason you're creating a table and the data that you need is not in the table style that you selected, you can either create a new table style and all of this information will be blank.

You'll have to fill it in yourself, or you can make a copy of an existing style. So I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel and just show you that. So you can copy current selection.

You can edit current selection, or you can create new. If you wanted to copy, you could then start adding information. I'm going to stay inside of the edit command.

So I dropped down and went to edit current selection. If you were creating a new one, you could go ahead and hit plus to add a new column. If you hit plus here to add a new column, then you have the option of typing in the header for the text.

And then you have the column width, which we have is either automatic, or you can set it to manual. So from there, you have the options for what you're going to put in for your value. If say, I wanted to add in my segment start northing, then what I could go ahead and do is I could fill in this information here for what I want my unit precision rounding decimal characters.

And then I can hit the arrow across and hit okay. And now I have the information that is showing up in my table of my segment start northing. So I'm going to go ahead and double-click up here.

And I'm going to just type in some text right here that says start northing. And I'm going to go ahead and hit okay. And so you can see right here, it says start northing.

And I'm going to hit apply and hit okay, and hit okay here. And what you'll see here now is that the table has updated and it's added in a new column for start northing. And it's filled in the data for that start northing.

Now, I now have some issues with how these tables are overlapping. I need to change my offsets. But what I'm going to actually go ahead and do is I'm going to go to my table properties.

I'm going to edit my current selection. I'm going to go over to that column that I created. And I'm going to go ahead and hit this delete button here.

So it deletes out that column that I just added, because I don't need that data. I'm going to hit apply. I'm going to hit okay.

And I'm going to hit okay again. And then I'm going to go ahead and save. And then I will meet you in the next video.

And we'll talk about renumbering parcels.

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