Discover how to place a pressure network into a profile view in Civil 3D. Learn the steps to create a profile view, select your pressure network and display it inside the profile view.
Key Insights
- The process begins by creating a profile view in which to display the pressure network. This involves selecting the alignment associated with the pressure network and creating a surface profile for it.
- After creating this profile view, the pressure network is then selected and the 'draw parts in profile view' option is chosen. Civil 3D will prompt to select a pipe network to add to the profile view.
- Once the pipe network has been selected and added, Civil 3D will display the pipe network inside the profile view, including the main trunk running underneath the surface and any laterals.
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We're going to go ahead and place our pressure network into a profile view, but first we need to create a profile view to display it inside of. So in order to do that, I'm going to go ahead and click close on this.
I'm going to go ahead and go to my pressure network. I'm going to go ahead and hover over any part of my pressure network, specifically over the alignment that is associated with it. And what I can see here is that if I select it, the alignment will show up.
I'll hover over it. And what we can see here is that it's called pipe run one. So my pressure pipe inside of, for my main trunk, it's called pressure pipe one.
So I'm going to go ahead and go to this alignments, miscellaneous alignments. I'm going to go to pipe run one. I'm going to go ahead and right-click and I'm going to go ahead and select so that we can make sure.
And in fact it is. So I'm going to go ahead and go back out, hit close again. I'm going to go to profile, create surface profile.
I'm going to go ahead and drop down my alignments and I'm going to choose pipe run one from here. I'm going to go ahead and choose my finished construction surface. I'm going to add this in.
And so from here, what we can see is that we have this surface available to us. So I'm going to go ahead and select draw in profile. So from here, I'm going to go ahead and create profile view.
And then I'm going to pick the lower left corner of that profile view. So from here, we now have a profile view of my finished construction surface. Now what I'm going to go ahead and do is select my pressure network and I'm going to click on the option for draw parts in profile view.
I'm going to click this option and Civil 3D is going to prompt me to select a pipe network to add to profile view. I'm going to go ahead and select a portion of the pipe here and I'm going to go ahead and hit ENTER. Civil 3D will automatically highlight the entire network.
Now Civil 3D is asking me to select a profile view. I'm going to go ahead and select this profile view here. And once I do that, you now can see the pipe network that we've created here.
These little extra pieces that are shooting up, these are our laterals, but the main trunk is right here running underneath our surface. So I'm going to go ahead and zoom out. I'm going to close this.
I'm going to save my drawing and I'll meet you in the next video.