Discover how to clean up a drawing by adding labels and removing unnecessary elements in Civil 3D. The process includes adding spot elevation labels, selecting surfaces and points, and deleting extra labels that may clutter the drawing.
Key Insights
- The article guides readers through the process of setting up a drawing in Civil 3D, beginning with the addition of spot elevation labels to the drawing.
- The process then moves to selecting surfaces and points within the construction surface of the drawing, focusing on key points such as the corners of a desilting basin and the path of a drainage swale.
- Throughout the process, the article emphasizes the importance of decluttering the drawing by deleting unnecessary labels and structures, and adjusting certain labels to a 'drag state' for better fit and precision.
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We're going to go ahead and do a little bit of cleanup on our drawing, and then add in a couple more labels before we set up this drawing as a sheet. So first, we're going to go ahead and add in some spot elevation labels.
I'm going to go ahead and click Add Labels. I'm going to drop down and select Surface. I'm going to drop down and select Spot Elevation.
And then I'm going to make sure I'm using my Spot L label style that we created in our drawing template file. So I'm going to go ahead and click Add. Civil 3D is asking me to select a surface or press ENTER key to select from list.
I'm going to hit ENTER. I'm going to drop down and I'm going to select my finished construction surface. I'm going to click OK.
And then Civil 3D is asking me to select points. I'm going to go ahead and pick points on the four corners of my desilting basin. I'm also going to drop some spot elevations along my walking path.
And then I'm going to go up to this lot that I created this drainage swale for, and I'm going to put it at some key points on that drainage swale. I'm going to put it at the corners, at the confluence point, and then at the other corners. I'm going to go ahead and Escape.
And I'm going to do a little bit more cleanup in my drawing by deleting out some of the extra labels that I don't want to have inside of my drawing. We have this 10-inch gate callout. Yes, we added it.
No, I don't think it's necessary. Same thing with this T. Since we have these question marks and we haven't addressed them yet, I'm going to go ahead and delete them out. I'm going to go ahead and go and delete out these structure callouts.
I think that they are cluttering the drawing. I'm going to go ahead and change this to a drag state because it doesn't fit along this pipe. I'm going to go ahead and delete out the remainder of these structures.
I'm going to take this and take it to a drag state. Again, deleting more structures. Taking this to a drag state as well.
Deleting these structures. Taking this to a drag state. I'm going to go ahead and delete out this structure and this structure.
I'm going to take this to a drag state over here. I'm going to delete out this structure and this structure and this structure. I'm going to go ahead and take this to a drag state over here.
I'm going to take this to a drag state up here. And I'm going to take this to a drag state up here. Now that we've got all of these labels set up correctly, I'm going to go ahead and zoom out.
I'm going to save the drawing, and I'll meet you in the next video.