Exploring Level 2 Floor Plans: Pantry, Living Room, and Guest Rooms

Exploring the Layout of Level 2: Pantry, Living Room, and Guest Rooms

Get a detailed walkthrough of a building plan and understand the layout and architectural details of a residential structure. This article carefully details moving from room to room, providing an understanding of how different spaces interact and come together to form a cohesive home design.

Key Insights

  • The article takes the reader through various parts of a residential structure, including the garage, laundry room, mayor's pantry, dressing room, living room, dining room, music room, and guest rooms, explaining the connectivity and layout of each area.
  • The author explains specific architectural features such as the placement of the stairs, doorways, an elevator hole, and a special feature wall intended to add character to the house.
  • The writer also highlights unique requirements of the homeowners, such as a gardening area and a music room, indicating the potential for customization in residential designs.

41 - Planos de Piso - Nivel 2
Once again, we go to the garage, we enter the laundry room, and we go up the stairs. When I go up the stairs, you can see the note up there. When I go up the stairs, I'm just going to zoom back and go to the previous page.

Here are the steps and what we did was go up the steps and we are in this little area right here. So down, we go up the stairs in this way. If you can follow my mouse, we go up and that's it.

And now we are in the mayor's pantry. So, you can see that there is a door at the end of the stairs. We have a mayor's pantry here.

If this door closes, then we could enter the dressing room here on the left. There is the elevator hole. Again, the reference says that to see the plan of the enlarged elevator, go to image 1, sheet D, 7.2. So, again, we go up the stairs to the pantry.

Here is the dressing room. This is the main door. If I zoom in here, you can see that there is a note that says, down, and you can see the steps right there.

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I have entered the living room. The living room is surrounded by a very nice terrace. So, the living room connects with the kitchen around here.

This is the dining room, the breakfast area and the family. So, again, the family area, the kitchen area, I'm back in the pantry. These owners wanted to have a gardening area, so there is a closed gardening area.

That then goes to their music room, and then to the guest rooms that are up here on the right side of the building. I'm going to look at these chains of dimensions. Again, you can see that they are 3 feet and 6 inches from the outside corner of the house to the center of the window.

And then they are 3 feet and 6 inches, up to the diagonal bar, follows the extension line to this part of the outlet right there. So, architecturally. We have a special feature wall that is just what we are doing to give it a little bit of character.

Then we have the guest room with its terrace there. You can see that once again, we have the calls for the sections of the building. I'm going to go back a bit and that's how it's happening.

You will see that I have the same sections of the building that are called in this image. So, the sections of the building are identical throughout the project. I'm going to close this visit with a little session just so you can spend some time looking at the drawings and we'll continue in a minute.

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