Which Industries & Professions Use Back-End Web Development?

Back end web development is a critical skillset with applications in various industries, including ecommerce, banking and finance, healthcare, advertising, and science and technology. Discover the roles and potential earnings in these sectors and how Noble Desktop's comprehensive training can equip you for them.

Key Insights

  • Back end web development is essential for managing the server-side of websites and has applications in a variety of industries such as ecommerce, banking and finance, healthcare, advertising, and science and technology.
  • ecommerce platforms heavily rely on back end web development for managing product catalogues, customer data, payment information and more. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics found over 4,000 web developers were employed in the ecommerce industry in 2016, a number expected to grow with increased online shopping trends.
  • In the banking and finance sector, back end web development is critical for managing and securing financial data, handling transactions and predicting risk. Financial investment is a top-paying industry for web developers, with average salaries exceeding $100,000 per year.
  • In healthcare, back end web development is used for managing and storing patient data, supporting clinical decision-making and telehealth services. It offers various career options including working for a network of hospitals, healthcare companies or medical research institutions.
  • The advertising and PR industry, being the second-highest employer of web developers according to BLS, utilises back end web development for deploying digital campaigns, managing customer data and measuring marketing efforts. The average income for web developers in this industry is over $70,000 per year.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive training in back end web development skills, through their Full Stack Web Development Certificate program and JavaScript Programming Bootcamp, preparing students for a wide variety of roles across these industries.

If you are interested in back end web development training, you may wonder what industries make use of these skills. An important aspect of receiving professional back end web development training to set yourself up for a career change is learning what kinds of fields and industries that training will help you find work in. Each industry will have different requirements and expectations for prospective employees, and you should consider these expectations when you start your training. This is true for students who have an idea of what kind of work they want to do and those who aren’t yet sure what path to take after learning back end web development skills.

What is Back End Web Development?

Back end web development covers the back end, or “server-side,” of websites, which is the part of a website that handles everything happening behind the scenes. While websites can operate using only front end web development, they will be relatively basic and unable to retain anything. Back end web development allows complex programs to operate on the site, store relevant information, and generate new content based on the user’s actions. Modern websites need back end web development to stay current because simple websites can only go so far in the increasingly digital world. 

What Can You Do with Back End Web Development Skills?

While front end web development focuses on the parts of websites that users see, back end web development handles most of its functions. Back end web development skills are essential for organizing, cataloging, and saving (or deleting) data. You’ll need to use back end web development to ensure your site meets modern standards and user expectations. For example, back end web development allows websites to store login information and prevent user frustration. Your users will appreciate the ease of access to their accounts, which will help enhance their overall user experience

Common Industries That Use Back End Web Development

Back end web development refers to the aspects of web development concerning the server-side, or back end, of a website or web application. Common industries that use back end web development skills include ecommerce, banking and finance, healthcare, advertising, and science and technology.


ecommerce platforms depend on back end web development to manage product catalogs, customer data, inventory, order history, and payment information. Web Developers build and maintain robust databases so that sites can provide data security and handle a high volume of transactions. ecommerce sites also use back end web development to handle the checkout process, from processing payments securely to managing refunds and chargebacks. Custom workflows and APIs help to manage the order processing cycle, including order verification, shipping, and delivery. Back end web development also impacts an ecommerce website’s SEO and security. 

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If you are interested in applying back end web development skills to ecommerce, you aren’t limited to building or improving an ecommerce platform. The ecommerce industry includes companies like Shopify that provide ecommerce platforms, and such companies have their own internal web development teams. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that the ecommerce industry employed more than 4,000 Web Developers in 2016. With the increase in online shopping and mobile web traffic, that number has likely grown and will continue to grow for years.

Banking and Finance

Back end web development is a critical component of the technology infrastructure used in banking and finance. Banks and other financial institutions use back end systems to manage and store sensitive financial data, handle transactions, and communicate with other systems and networks. Back end systems also process financial transactions, including deposits, transfers, and withdrawals. Because financial institutions generate and store large quantities of sensitive data, such as customer information and bank account data, their back end systems must keep this data secure. Sophisticated algorithms and models that rely on back end systems predict different types of risk, such as credit risk, market risk, and operational risk. Back end systems also support trading and investment activity through market data analysis, portfolio management, and trade execution. 

BLS found that financial investment is a top-paying industry for Web Developers, with developers in this sector earning over $100,000 per year. Many banks and financial institutions have in-house Web Developers that maintain websites and critical back end systems. Those interested in using back end web development skills to work in the finance industry will therefore find there are many ways to do so.


Back end web development is responsible for managing and storing critical patient data, supporting clinical decision-making, managing community health, and supporting telehealth. Electronic health records rely on back end systems that manage and store patients’ medical information. Back end systems also provide access to guidelines, diagnostic support tools, and algorithms, which help to make decisions. Back end web development also supports the management and analysis of population health data, for example, by monitoring the community spread of an illness. And with remote doctor’s visits and other telehealth services increasing in popularity, the back end web development that supports these services is more critical now than ever.

Someone seeking to become a Web Developer in the healthcare sector might find work as part of an internal web development team at a hospital. Other options include working for a healthcare company, a network of hospitals, or medical research institutions like universities. If you are interested in the healthcare sector and in back end web development, this career path can allow you to pursue both interests simultaneously. 

Advertising and PR

According to BLS, the advertising and PR industry is the second-highest employer of Web Developers. Over 5,000 Web Developers in the U.S. work in the advertising and PR industry, earning an average income of over $70,000 per year. 

Back end web development allows advertising and marketing teams to deploy digital campaigns, manage customer data, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Back end web development supports customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that provide critical information to marketing teams, such as customer contact information, purchase history, and demographic data. This data is what allows teams to create targeted advertising and marketing campaigns. Back end systems also support the analytics and measurement tools used to determine the effectiveness of those campaigns. You can also use back end web development skills to manage and publish content like videos, blog posts, and social media posts, to automate email campaigns, and more.

Scientific and Technological Consulting

Back end web development plays a vital role in the scientific and technological consulting sector. Back end systems enable the management and storage of data, the deployment of custom software solutions, and work with other systems and platforms to achieve objectives. Technical data can be stored securely and remain easily accessible thanks to back end systems. Back end web development also helps technological consulting firms create custom software solutions for clients. You can also use web development skills to integrate different systems and platforms, allowing them to exchange data and communicate. Back end web development also impacts machine learning and artificial intelligence deployment. 

According to BLS, nearly 5,000 Web Developers work in the scientific and technological consulting industry. These developers, on average, earn a yearly salary of more than $80,000. With increasing importance placed on the use of machine learning and AI, digital services, and software solutions, there are many ways you can pursue a career in science and technology using back end web development skills. 

Learn Back End Web Development Skills with Noble Desktop

Those fully invested in learning back end web development and related subjects will enjoy taking a Full Stack Web Development Certificate program. This program teaches both front end and back end principles, allowing you to enter a wide variety of roles. You can also look into a JavaScript Programming Bootcamp since JavaScript is an essential skill for back end web development. Noble Desktop has taught live online back end web development classes and other computer science subjects for over 30 years, making them an excellent choice when you’re looking to expand your career or start a new one. 

Key Takeaways

  • Back end web development skills can help you launch a career in several industries, including ecommerce, banking and finance, healthcare, advertising, and science and technology.
  • Many Web Developers work for internal teams in these industries, for example, on a hospital web development team or a company like Shopify that provides an ecommerce platform.
  • You can receive comprehensive back end web development training through Noble Desktop, either in person or online.

How to Learn Back End Web Development

Master web development with hands-on training. Build fully functional websites and applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and web developer tools.

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