The Art of Mindful Living: How to Find Peace and Happiness in the Present Moment

Adding Elevation Keynotes and Aligning Keynote Symbols

Learn how to incorporate elevation keynotes into a sheet layout, making use of layers, xrefs, and keynotes drawing. Understand how to proficiently bring in and align keynote symbols with the corresponding text.

Key Insights

  • The process of incorporating elevation keynotes into a sheet layout involves selecting the appropriate layer, referencing an attach, and choosing the desired base point for insertion.
  • Efficiently bringing in the elevation keynotes includes designing them to fit the vertical column appropriately, opening and saving the keynotes drawing, and then referencing the attach section file in the main drawing.
  • Aligning the keynote symbols with the text involves narrowing down the column width, moving the symbols to line up with the text, and saving the changes for the improved layout.

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We've now gotten our sheet layout put together, but when I look at my handout, I can see that up here in paper space, I need to include my elevation keynotes. So what I'm going to do is to bring my elevation keynote in as an xref. Now currently, my current layer is a no plot.

I'm going to select and make 0 the appropriate layer. I'm going to go to Reference Attach, go to the Insert tab, Reference Attach. I'm going to slide down a little bit and choose the CAD302 Keynotes Elevation, say Open.

I want to bring it in as an attachment. I'm going to deselect anything I have already selected. I want to choose my insertion base point, and I'm going to go OK.

I'm bringing it in, and I'm going to be popping it right at the top right corner, Control-S to save. Now, this elevation keynote was designed to occupy half of the vertical column over here. So I'm going to Control-S to save, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go File, Open, and I'm going to open my keynotes drawing, my elevation keynotes.

Open that, and then I'm going to go File, Save As, and I'm going to save this as my keynotes for the building section. And I'm going to choose the word Save and go on from there. Now, I'm just going to slide in here, and I'm going to double click on the word Elevation.

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I will select the word Elevation, and I will type in Section. And I will go close the editor and save the file. I'm now going to go back over into my A302 drawing and reference attach that section file.

So Reference Attach. I'm going to reference attach my keynotes for the building section, go Open, specify insertion point on screen, OK, and pop it in at the end of there, Control-S to save. So I've brought my elevation keynotes in, and I've created a new section keynotes and brought that in.

But we all know that I have a lot of work to do on that. So I'm going to save this file and go back over to my keynotes for the building section. Rather than you having to spend your time watching me typing, what I'm going to do is I'm going to pause the video, and when I come back, the typing will be completed.

But how I'm going to begin is by double clicking on the text, going down here, selecting all the text, and I will begin by typing prefabricated. And I'll continue on from there, and so when you come back, you'll see that all the typing is finished. I have finished my typing.

I'm still in the mText editor, but I wanted to bring to your attention a few things. When I was typing these longer sentences, everything was continued and run on. I did not put an enter at the end of the word finish.

The only times I put enters in were between the separate keynotes themselves. So I'm going to close the text editor. You can see that my keynotes are running outside of the boundary, so I'm going to click on the keynotes, go to my grip up here, and I'll make the column width narrower.

So I'm just pulling it to the left, Control-S to save. Now the next thing I need to do is to get my keynote symbols to line up with the text. So here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to go mEnter for move, wEnter for window, and put a window around the symbols. I'm going to scroll in, pick an arbitrary base point, and what I'm doing is I'm lining my horizontal crosshair with the bottom of the number. So I'm picking here.

You can see I do not have ortho on. I will press F8 to go up, and I will move my crosshairs so the horizontal aspect is right below the w in wood. Then I'm going to go mEnter for move, pEnter for previous, rEnter for remove, remove this one, Enter to say I'm done.

And I see that my 3 and my 5 line up, but I'm just going to move it ever so slightly. So again, right now I'm looking at the number 3 keynote, putting my crosshairs under the 3, and I'm picking, and I'm moving my hands down so that it's right below the 5 eighths, and pick. Then mEnter for move, pEnter for previous.

It's now selecting all of the previous keynotes, and I'm going to go rEnter for remove, and remove that third one, Enter to say I'm done. Move my hand here, put my crosshairs under the 4, go down to the c for ceiling, move it ever so slightly. m for move, p for previous, r for remove, remove the 4, Enter.

I'm going to pan and then move it from my crosshairs at the bottom of the 5. I'm going to come down to right below the w in wall. m for move, p for previous, r for remove, remove that one, Enter to say I'm done. Pan up, put my crosshairs below the 6, orthos on, put it slightly down below the a in aluminum.

The brick looks fine. m for move, p for previous, r for remove. I'm going to remove the keynotes 6 and 7, Enter to say I'm done.

Pan, put my crosshair under the 8, pan up, so I'm under the c for concrete. This looks fine, this being the 9 and the concrete patio. m for move, p for previous, r for remove.

I will remove keynotes 8 and 9 from the selection set. Enter to say I'm done. Move my crosshairs under the 10, go down right below concrete.

This section looks fine. m for move, pick this symbol, go down. Now, I don't feel quite so comfortable, so I'm going to zoom back in.

m for move, choose this guy, put my crosshair under the 12, and now go down to the vinyl. Back off, control, save. I can go back into my 8302 drawing, reload the xref, and so now we have our paper space and environment totally completed.

We have xref-attached the title block, inserted the tbtxt file, brought in our no-plot views, our drawing labels, appropriately annotated the drawing labels, brought in our elevation keynotes, copied that to become the base for our section keynotes, brought the section keynotes in, and everything's done. So what I'd like for us to focus on next are the components that we will be using to go in, ultimately, into our A3.2 drawing.

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