Can I Learn AutoCAD On My Own?

Can AutoCAD be self-taught? The full guide to learning on your own

Yes, you can learn the basics of AutoCAD on your own. Teaching yourself AutoCAD might take longer and be more difficult than learning with a live instructor, but it is a great, cost-effective option for self-motivated learners. Beginning AutoCAD learners can find many free and low-cost self-teaching materials online. Read on to learn more about what factors to consider before choosing to teach yourself AutoCAD. 

Advantages to Self-Teaching AutoCAD

Self-teaching AutoCAD does have notable advantages for those who need to learn how to use this software. Whether you are someone looking to draft and design for a career in architecture, engineering, interior design, or in many of the other industries that use AutoCAD or you’re already in those industries and looking to upskill by learning this software, AutoCAD basics should not be difficult to learn. Many find the basic 2D features and commands of AutoCAD intuitive enough that knowing the design principles of their field allows them to figure out some of the fundamentals through trial and error on their own. These fundamentals include basic drawing commands to create simple geometric shapes and drawings. If self-teaching without this background, one will need to get specific about the kinds of projects being drafted to get started with self-teaching. 

Self-teaching is also useful for those who need more cost-effective and flexible training options. Self-teaching is the best option for those needing a less expensive way to learn AutoCAD. Many people can start learning AutoCAD quickly through the use of free online resources, as others have compiled tutorial videos, eBooks, guides, short classes, and other training materials directed at helping people teach themselves to use this software. Additionally, self-teaching allows someone to set their own training hours and learn only the skills they need, making it highly flexible to one’s individual needs. The major advantages to self-teaching are not having to commit to a time-consuming course and being able to learn what you want when you want. 

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AutoCAD Self-Teaching Tools

Those looking to learn AutoCAD on their own have myriad online resources they can use for guidance. This includes more structured options like self-paced, on-demand classes as well as options like video tutorials, online guides, and step-by-step instructions. While self-learners can figure some things out about AutoCAD independently, most need some structure and guidance to learn how to use this software. Even before one starts learning AutoCAD, it is useful to look into what paid and free ways exist to determine the best option for the kind of training one needs. 

Many self-learners find video tutorials useful to get started learning AutoCAD. There are a variety of free YouTube video tutorials that promise to teach both basic and more advanced features of AutoCAD. These tutorials not only allow learners to watch as someone uses the software, but learners should be able to follow along with their version of AutoCAD, as well. While self-learners can find it useful to watch general introductory AutoCAD videos, they should make sure to gear any more advanced training to their particular field or needs. For instance, if learners want to draw a chair, find the tutorial specific to this skill, or if one wants to use AutoCAD for interior design, locate interior design-specific AutoCAD tutorials

For even more structured learning, many turn to on-demand classes. These are online, self-paced classes where students are given access to course material like video lectures, handwritten notes, practice worksheets, and quizzes that they can work through at their own speed. Rather than being led by an instructor, students learn the material on their own and can speed up if that topic is too easy or unnecessary and slow down to review and study more difficult or more important subject matter. On-demand classes are best for self-motivated learners as some can find it challenging to stay engaged in learning material without any external pressures like an instructor, deadlines, or other students. 

There are both paid and free on-demand classes for self-learners. A good place to start is by checking out what is offered by Autodesk, the company behind AutoCAD. Autodesk’s website has a “Learn” section which provides guides, courses, and tutorials to help users learn the features and functions of this software. CADtutor and myCADsite are options for free tutorials, practice, and even forums. Another option many find useful is LinkedIn Learning (formerly, which is free to access through most libraries with one’s library card number. LinkedIn Learning, which is also available for a subscription fee, provides on-demand classes for AutoCAD similar to what one will find through other paid and subscription services like Udemy and Skillshare. 

Drawbacks to Learning AutoCAD on Your Own

There are some important drawbacks to consider when determining whether to learn on your own or pursue a paid training course including the lack of guidance, out-of-date materials, no individualized feedback, and the difficulties of learning on one’s own. Out of these, the main downside to self-teaching is the lack of guidance one receives while learning AutoCAD. Even a well-structured on-demand class or tutorial will lack access to a live instructor, meaning there is no singular person to turn to should one have questions or need additional help with the AutoCAD software. Lack of guidance can lead learners to give up when encountering challenging aspects of the software or learn the material much slower than they need to. Instructor-led classes, by contrast, will help students to move beyond challenges, provide tips and techniques for difficult concepts, and complete the course promptly.

Another of the most important drawbacks to learning AutoCAD on one’s own is that the software is said by many to have a steep learning curve. While basic drawing functions are relatively easy to learn on one’s own, the more advanced and field-specific aspects of AutoCAD are harder to master and can be counterintuitive. AutoCAD allows for an array of features and customization options, so it can be difficult to learn the full functionality of AutoCAD on one’s own. Indeed, one’s best option is to start by learning the specifics needed for one’s career or industry, though learners will then need a solid background in the theories and design principles of their field to make the best use of AutoCAD. Autodesk also frequently updates the AutoCAD software, making it somewhat more difficult to find fully up-to-date free materials to learn the current version of the software, especially for those doing more than basic 2D drawing.

Alternatives to Learning AutoCAD on Your Own

When considering whether to learn on your own, you should also think about potential alternatives to self-teaching. The main alternative to self-teaching is taking an instructor-led class. AutoCAD, given that it is industry-standard software, is frequently taught as part of one’s college or university education. Unless one is already enrolled in college or university, this is the least accessible option for AutoCAD learners and it is the most expensive and time-consuming. To make this option more accessible, some community colleges offer degrees or certificates in Computer Aided Design, though this option will still be a relatively slow way to learn AutoCAD and other similar design or drafting programs. 

Online classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs are quicker and more cost-effective alternatives to self-teaching. Live online and in-person classes provide students with guidance, 1-on-1 mentoring, and hands-on training and practice using AutoCAD. In these classes, students will receive individualized feedback on how to use AutoCAD and be able to undertake real projects while gaining both basic and advanced AutoCAD skills. These classes have the added benefit of providing networking opportunities for students, who can learn from experts and take the class alongside other students who might be one’s future colleagues. Though instructor-led classes are more costly than free materials, they are still less expensive than a college or university degree program and they often offer more career-oriented and career-ready training than one receives in college. 

Find AutoCAD classes in your local area with Noble Desktop’s free Classes Near Me tool. This tool allows you to find the best in-person and live online AutoCAD classes near you so that you can compare options by provider, curriculum, schedule, and cost.

How to Learn AutoCAD

Master AutoCAD, the leading computer-aided design (CAD) application for creating drafts and technical drawings, with hands-on training.

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