Comparison of Animation Training Formats

Compare live online, in-person, and on-demand training options to master Animation.

Exploring a career in animation? Learn about different animation training options including in-person classes, live online training, and on-demand courses. Discover key insights into the animation industry, potential careers, and how to choose the right training format for you.

Key Insights

  • Animation involves creating moving graphics for various mediums such as movies, television shows, video games, and websites, offering a wide range of career opportunities.
  • Animators could work as illustrators, games developers, VFX artists, or even specialize in medical or mathematical animation, using software like After Effects and Premiere Pro.
  • Training formats for learning animation include live in-person classes, live online classes, on-demand classes, and free courses, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Live in-person classes provide in-depth, interactive learning but require a physical commute and are usually the most expensive.
  • Live online classes offer flexibility and accessibility from any location, yet they may present more distractions and still require set log-in times.
  • On-demand classes allow for maximum flexibility and self-paced learning but require high self-discipline and may lack immediate instructor feedback.
  • Training depth can range from introductory courses to comprehensive certificate programs or intensive bootcamps, with vary in cost and time commitment.

Animation is a method of manipulating still images to make them look like they are moving. Once you’ve decided to learn animation, the next important question is deciding how you plan to learn these skills. Most students find that they learn better when they receive guided training, and there is no shortage of options for students to receive guidance in their animation training. To learn more about the different animation training options and what advantages and disadvantages they carry with them, read on.

What is Animation?

Animation is the process of photographing a still image—typically a drawing—then making slight modifications to the image while taking successive pictures. An animator will rapidly show these pictures to make it appear as if the image is moving. Animation skills are great to have in many different jobs. Animators don’t just create movies or television shows. They also create moving graphics for websites, video games, or visual effects. Most animators now use software to create the graphics, though some still use drawings and sketches to bring their imagination to life.

Read more about what animation is and why you should learn it. 

What Can You Do with Animation Skills?

Learning animation opens doors to different fields. The most obvious field is filmmaking: producing visual effects, developing computer-generated special effects, or creating images for any media type. Movies, television, the internet, and (video) games all rely on Animators for their products. Yet, Animators can also work as Medical or Mathematical Animators, Illustrators, Games Developers, and VFX Artists. Illustrators focus on still images, both hand-drawn and computer-generated, while Medical or Mathematical Animators, Games Developers, and VFX Artists develop 3D moving images. After Effects and Premiere Pro are the go-to animation software for professionals. 

Video Editing & Motion Graphics Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Why Training Format Matters

For students who want to learn animation, there are a number of different training formats. Some formats offer greater personal interaction, while others provide more flexibility. There can also be a significant variation in course content and tuition costs. Since each format has advantages and disadvantages, every student must consider their specific needs to pick the learning path that provides the best fit.

Types of Training Formats

One of the first things to consider when looking at animation classes is which training format will work best. Animation students can choose from classes that are live and in person, live online, or on demand. There are also some free class options.

Live In-Person Classes

For those people who have an in-person class option available nearby, this can be the best way to learn animation techniques. One benefit of in-person instruction is that it is often the most engaging and interactive way to learn because the instructor and students are together in the same physical location. With this type of format, it is easy to get immediate feedback and for instructors to understand whether students need additional help. Students in an in-person setting also have a good opportunity to engage in valuable networking with fellow students.

The biggest downside to in-person instruction is that it lacks flexibility. In-person classes are held only in specific locations and at set times. A student who wants to attend an in-person class must live near the school they plan to attend. Another potential downside to in-person classes is that there is often a commute to the classroom, which can take time and cost money. A commute can also be stressful. Finally, in-person classes are typically the most expensive way to learn.

Live Online Classes

In-person classes are not always viable, especially for students living in smaller towns or rural areas. For these students, live online classes can be the next best choice. A live online class also involves real-time interaction with an instructor. Instructors can even see and control student screens to provide additional help if they are given permission. Live online instruction also has the benefit of offering a lot more flexibility than an in-person class; students can attend from any location in the world as long as they can log on at the scheduled class time.

However, there are also downsides to live online classes. A classroom is a space specifically designed for learning and can make it easier to focus. In contrast, learning online from home or the office can be more difficult because there are often more distractions. In addition, certain skills can be more difficult to learn remotely. Finally, while live online classes offer more flexibility than in-person ones, they still require students to log on at a set time.

On-Demand Classes

On-demand classes are another popular way to learn. With this format, students not only have the ability to log on from any location in the world, but they can also log on whenever they want to. On-demand classes let students complete coursework at their own pace, stopping and starting whenever needed. This flexibility makes it easier to fit learning into a busy schedule. In addition, with this type of class, students can pause or rewind course material whenever they need to, which can also make the learning process easier.

While many students have no problem staying on track with an on-demand class, some find this format problematic. On-demand classes require a high level of self-discipline and motivation. Students who don’t have this might get distracted and fall behind. Since on-demand classes don’t include live interaction with an instructor, students might also find it more difficult to learn complex concepts or find answers to their questions. Finally, taking an online class can come with technology challenges. For example, the wifi might go down, or the software might not work correctly. 

Free Courses

Free courses can be a good way to start learning about animation. Students can use them to get a basic understanding of the topic or to find answers to specific questions they might have. Noble Desktop is one website that provides several free resources. For instance, it offers a free seminar called Intro to After Effects, which covers some of the basic features of this popular animation app. YouTube is another place to find a wide range of free animation tutorials.

However, free animation classes do have some potential downsides. Since animation technology and software are constantly changing, students who aren’t careful to verify that their sources are up-to-date might learn outdated information. Another potential problem is that while there is a lot of valuable free information online, there is also a lot of incorrect information there. Students who choose to use free online resources need to spend a bit of extra time verifying the reliability of their sources. One way to do this is to research the content's author or organization.

Depth of Training Formats

In addition to assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the different training formats, students planning to learn animation also need to think about how deep they want to get in their training. Introductory classes are shorter and cover the basics, while bootcamps and certificate programs are more comprehensive and take weeks or months to complete. In addition, each type of class has a different price, with certificate programs and bootcamps generally being more expensive than introductory classes.

Certificate Programs

While they are usually the most expensive type of class, certificate programs are also the most comprehensive. Some students enroll in a certificate program as a way to upskill within a career, while others do it to reskill for an entirely new career. Either way, these courses are designed to prepare students to work in their chosen field and typically cover a wide range of material. 

For students interested in learning about animation, Noble Desktop offers a Motion Graphics Certificate. In this program, students learn popular animation apps such as After Effects and Premiere Pro. They also learn about the entire process of creating animation and other types of motion graphics, from design to the final animated design. In addition, they create a demo reel and receive expert advice about how to find an animation job. 

Training Bootcamps

Training bootcamps–like Noble Desktop’s After Effects Bootcamp–usually have a more narrow focus than certificate programs and provide shorter and more intensive training. This intensity is what attracts many students to the bootcamp format. It allows students who don’t have much time to spend on school to master new skills in a relatively short time. Many bootcamps also offer career support. In fact, bootcamps are usually focused on preparing students to enter the workforce. 

LinkedIn researchers recently compared employment for coding bootcamp graduates and university graduates. They found that employment rates were similar between the two groups and sometimes higher for bootcamp graduates compared to university graduates. In addition, they point out that a bootcamp costs far less than a university degree. They conclude, “Those looking to enter the workforce more quickly or enrolling for career training purposes may have a better chance of landing a tech job after their program with top coding bootcamps.”

Introductory Courses

Introductory animation courses are relatively short classes–often only taking a day or two–that are usually geared toward students who don’t know much about the subject being covered. For example, Noble Desktop offers Introduction to Adobe Animate, which is designed for people without any formal training in this popular animation app. Since they are short, introductory classes are one of the cheapest types of formal classes.

An introductory class can be a great way to start learning about animation. However, it is usually not enough training for somebody who wants to learn all the skills they need to work as an animator. Students who want that type of training usually opt for a more comprehensive class like a bootcamp or a certificate program.

Learn Animation Skills with Noble Desktop

Many experts agree that animation is much easier to learn when taken either in a live online class or in person. Noble Desktop provides animation classes in both formats. Class sizes are small, and instructors can give students plenty of attention and feedback. 

In just a few days, students can learn how to use Adobe After Effects in Noble Desktop's bootcamp. This class is ideal for people new to the field of animation and motion design. Those with more time can learn what it takes to become an Animator in Noble’s comprehensive Motion Graphics Certificate course. This class teaches animation with After Effects, video editing with Premiere Pro, and audio editing with Audition.

Key Insights

  • There are many different training formats available to students who want to learn animation.
  • In-person classes are highly engaging and interactive, but they are not accessible to all students.
  • Live online training includes real-time interaction but offers more flexibility than an in-person class.
  • On-demand courses can be challenging for students who struggle to stay motivated; however, they offer a great deal of flexibility.
  • Certificate programs are the most comprehensive way to learn animation, and they typically take a number of months to complete.
  • Bootcamps are accelerated courses that give students the skills they need to work as animators.
  • Introductory courses are a good way to start learning about animation, but they might not be enough for students who want to master this subject.
  • Noble Desktop offers introductory classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs for students who want to learn animation. It also provides a variety of training options, including in-person, live online, and on-demand options.

How to Learn Animation

Master animation with hands-on training. Animation is the process of manipulating still images so that they appear to move, often using software like After Effects, Cinema 4D, or Adobe Animate.

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