Introduction to Copilot Bots

Explain how to create and customize Copilot agents with specific knowledge for organizational use.

Discover how Microsoft's Copilot agents allow users to create customized AI assistants tailored to their organization's specific knowledge and tasks. Explore new possibilities for integrating AI agents directly with company resources, empowering teams to easily access information and perform tasks.

Key Insights

  • Explore the new Microsoft Copilot feature which allows users to build custom AI agents ("Copilot agents") by providing instructions, uploading specific knowledge (such as HR documents), and defining functionalities tailored to their organization's needs.
  • Learn how companies can integrate these customized agents with internal resources, such as SharePoint sites, enabling employees to ask questions and access information directly from company-specific knowledge bases.
  • Review potential integrations with third-party apps such as Dropbox, JIRA, Miro,, and Power BI, which extend Copilot agents' functionality to perform tasks like file-sharing, project management, and data analytics.

Note: These materials offer prospective students a preview of how our classes are structured. Students enrolled in this course will receive access to the full set of materials, including video lectures, project-based assignments, and instructor feedback.

Yep. Also, I don't have slides on this, just because I didn't have it figured out yet. But I do want to just talk about the agents here.

So, Let's see. I haven't done this recently. So, when I first started seeing Copilot agents, they were just starting to launch it, and it didn't seem to work.

I'm curious. I'm going to try this, and we're going to see if it works again. Last time I did this, it didn't seem to work.

So, we'll see if they've changed something since then. So, when I'm on the website, this is not my, like, company side of things. This is the work area is my company side of things.

So, the idea of Copilot agents, in chatGPT, they call these custom GPTs. So, when you think about an AI agent, an AI agent is, it's just an assistant, right? So, Copilot is an AI agent, right, for you. It can do things.

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You can talk to it. But custom agents, or these Copilot agents, these are customized GPTs, or custom things that you can have, give it certain knowledge, give it certain tasks to do. So, let's say I click create here, and let's see.

It's going to be the first time that I'm doing this since, yes, okay. So, they've changed this around. They used to go to the, there was, I think it was, like, Copilot Studio it went to before.

So, this is the first time that I've gotten access. They've been rolling this feature out to do this. So, let's see if this works, because this is my first time actually doing this.

In Copilot, I finally got this feature. So, the idea here is you can, a name, you can give it a description, and instructions of how your agent is supposed to work. So, for example, direct the behavior of the Copilot, tasks, and how it completes them.

And you can give it knowledge. So, you can browse to upload files, or if you have a SharePoint site. So, with SharePoint sites, this is where your company can create a SharePoint site, which is like a OneDrive, and you can put a bunch of knowledge in there.

So, this could know your company's knowledge. And you could create a custom agent that you can talk to that knows your company knowledge. So, you can try this, so I don't fully know how this stuff works, because I hadn't had this feature for the longest time.

So, if I want to create a little icon here, I can hit edit, and I could, like, change the icon to something else, right? Browse for an icon, whatever, change the color. But I'll call it something like MyBizChatBot. And I could describe it, you know, let's say it's the Noble Desktop BizChatBot.

And then I could give it some instructions. So, maybe your HR department wants to give it some documents, so that employees can ask questions about HR policies. So, I could say, you know, answer questions about Noble Desktop classes.

You know, maybe we want to create something where maybe we have new employees, and they want to learn about our classes, because maybe people call up and ask questions, and they're like, well, I don't know the answer to that. Let me ask our custom chatbot so it can give me an answer, because it knows all of this stuff. So, you know, we'd have to either create a SharePoint site to have this knowledge, or we could maybe save PDFs, for example.

You can add up to 20 knowledge sources as of right now. So, let's say I browse for some files. They finally rolled out the feature here, so I can actually look at it.

Something went wrong. That's great. Getting a lot of errors today.

There we go. So, let's see. Yeah, so I think it is that you can browse for it, but you have to, yeah, because it's not browsing OneDrive.

I think you have to set up a SharePoint site for this, for the storage of it. But the idea is you would point it to some company knowledge. This is very early release for all of this stuff.

This is new stuff. Actions are going to empower your agents to do other things. So, basically, you can create agents that will go do things for you.

Doesn't work just yet. But the idea is, so I guess, yeah, the Copilot Studio is kind of the older way of doing this, to create agents that do certain tasks. But this is coming soon, so I guess I can't do that just yet.

Some starter prompts would be some suggestions here of what I want to tell people. Like, here's a starter idea. So maybe I could say, like, ask a question about a class.

And the message would be, what class offers something? And so you can give it, ask a question, what class offers dot, dot, dot, kind of thing. You can give it some samples here, if you want to give people ideas of how to use this chatbot. And you can either get rid of ones, or you can add new ones to give as many starter ones as you want.

And the idea would be, then, you could test it out over here, that assuming you gave it some knowledge, this is really the point of creating these things, is that you gave it specific instructions of how it should do things. You know, I can add other things. Like, not only should it answer questions, but it should, you know, it's targeting students who want to learn.

You know, I can give it more context about how it should answer things. I could say that it should answer in short sentences that are easy to understand, you know, for adult learners. And I could add that context and explain all of that stuff here in the instructions of how, what it's doing and how it should do it.

And then with that and the knowledge that I could give it, then you can come over here and you can type out some tests to see how this works and make sure it's working nice. And it looks like the draft was automatically saved. So I've got my biz chat bot.

And, yeah, so I guess I just close that. And I believe I should see it over here. So let's hit refresh just to see.

You're actually seeing this the first time that I'm seeing it because I did not have this feature. So where's my agents? Yeah, there's my biz chat. Oh, I typed in a message.

Let's not give it one of those. Autosave. Oh, okay, there we go.

Great. So it just didn't have the create thing. Okay.

So great. So this isn't integrated into the website, like those little chat bots that are there. This is within Copilot itself.

Those are, now, you can make those AI-enabled, those chat bots. So it's conceptually kind of like that, but this is not that particular chat bot that's on there. Now, here, this link only works for you, but I can change the sharing settings.

So I can say everybody in my organization can access this bot. Or I could say just me, or I could say specific people with certain security group names. If there are certain groups, I could choose a security group, or I could enter in emails for people.

But, like, the cool part about this is that if I'm in, let's say, HR, and I want to make this available to everybody in the organization, I can give it HR policies in that knowledge part, and then it can actually search that stuff using our knowledge specific to our company. I'll just keep this available just to myself, which is the default here. And then it should now show up over here, since I saved it, that there's my biz chat.

Now the idea is when I chat with this, I know I didn't give it any knowledge because I didn't have the SharePoint steps, but assuming that I gave it that SharePoint, now when I'm chatting with this, it has specific instructions and specific knowledge that goes beyond just the regular chat. It now has additional stuff. So I've tailored how I want this chat to work, how I want it to know.

So this way I've customized the chat bot to our company. And you can have different ones. You could have one for HR.

You could have one, like, maybe there's people want to know some stuff about some finance parts where you upload certain Excel files, and then they can ask questions about sales or stuff. And it has that information through that SharePoint site. And then in the future, the idea of those actions is the idea is that these, the reason they call these agents is because they can actually go and like do tasks.

I haven't seen exactly how we create those actions because as you saw, they are coming soon. But the idea is that these can be agents that will go and do things. Exactly what that all means.

Not sure. We'll just have to see. But the idea is that they can actually, you can chat with it and have it go do stuff.

What it can do. I don't know exactly. We'll have to wait and see on some of that stuff.

Don't know its full capabilities and whether or not we have to program some of that stuff, or if that's something we can create very easily through the interface. So this is, this is still a new feature. This is part of this wave two that's still rolling out.

Last time I did not have access to this. So this is, this is new. And if I don't want that chat anymore, I can, I can uninstall the chat.

But if I don't want that anymore, so that's a way that you can tailor it and give it specific knowledge above and beyond the base knowledge. And you can really tailor that to your company. That's why web does not have those agents because that is specifically from within your organization and the get agents here.

See which ones they have available here. And I don't know exactly how we publish these because they're still just rolling this sort of stuff out, but there's other agents that will do different things like integration. So actually that'll be interesting to see share files and upload content to Dropbox, right? When you think about an agent to go do something, then you might want to upload that to Dropbox.

You might want to work with JIRA tickets or JIRA projects. So there's different integrations, Miro. Interesting.

So it could create Miro boards that's for project management. So these agents can be created by third parties to help you work with other integrations. So this is definitely something to explore.

This is all, all new that just recently put this stuff out and see what Microsoft created search for videos and watch together in meetings. That's interesting. Co-pilot for sales, power BI.

So you can integrate power BI stuff. So agents should allow us to start to do more stuff with co-pilot and especially for ourselves at our business knowledge in there to create custom chatbots that are other people in our organization can use. So.

All right.

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