After Effects Tips and Tricks Part 2

Free Video Tutorial and Guide

Time for part two of our Tips and Tricks series! Learn how you can easily speed up your After Effects workflow with this series from Noble Desktop!


1. Select any animated layer.
2. Alt/Option-click the stopwatch next to the animated property.
3. In the expression box that opens up, type “LoopOut().”
4. Hit the spacebar to play the animation. It will now loop.

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Quick Pan/Quick Select

1. Hold down the spacebar when using any tool (aside from Rotobrush).
2. Click and drag around on the interface to use the Pan tool.
3. Release the spacebar. This technique is quick panning and can work with any other tool hotkey.

Zooming In/Out

1. To zoom in, hit the period key on the keyboard.
2. To zoom out, hit the comma key on the keyboard.

Rasterizing Layers/Collapse Transformations Switch

1. If a vector file appears fuzzy, locate the Rasterize Layer switch in the layer stack. This switch has a picture of a sun on it.
If the switch is not visible, hit Toggle Switches/Modes.
1. Clicking the Rasterize Layers switch will cause the vector layer to rasterize, making it appear clearer continuously. This technique takes up processing power, so users should use the Rasterize Layer switch mainly for previews.
2. Another function of the Rasterize Layer switch is Collapsing Transformations. This method works on Precomps containing 3D layers.
To visually flatten any Precomp containing 3D layers, activate the Rasterize Layer/Collapse Transformations switch.

Exporting Transparency

1. To export a project with transparency, go up to Composition - Add to Adobe Media Encoder.
2. Within Adobe Media Encoder, go to Format.
3. A window will open. Within the window, click on the Format dropdown menu.
4. Several different encoding formats support transparency. For this tutorial, choose PNG.
5. The dropdown menu beneath Format should list “PNG Sequence with Alpha.”
6. Hit OK.
7. In Adobe Media Encoder, hit the Play button to render. Doing this will render a PNG sequence of the animation with transparency.
8. When importing such sequences into After Effects, bring them in as Footage to have them animate.

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Video Transcription

00:10:47:24 - 00:11:09:02
Hi everyone. This is Tziporah Zions from Noble Desktop. This is the second part of our two part series, Tricks of the Trade Tips and Tricks from Adobe After Effects. So yeah, if you haven't seen our first half, we'll link that below in the description either way. Let's get started. All right. Looping. So I'm going to actually go back to our shape layer here.

00:11:09:10 - 00:11:37:25
You see, I've made the square and I have it animated so that it basically goes from one point to another. Now, I've typed in an expression here, so you're going to hit alt on the stopwatch and you're going to type in, loop out. The program will want to finish that for you. So, you know, by all means. And what that's going to do is that if I continue playing the animation in my computer loads, you'll see that it's looping that animation for me.

00:11:38:00 - 00:11:58:00
Now, there's different kinds of loops I can put in ping pong that'll be a different one. Ping pong makes it go back and forth, back and forth. Now, for a more in-depth look at loops, we have a full tutorial on that. I believe it's under name looping expressions. Pretty self-explanatory, but yeah, that's like a quick version of it.

00:11:58:18 - 00:12:19:05
There's all sorts of different kinds of loops, so check that out. All right, quick pan. So let's say I've got my tool selected and I want to move around my interface. So you hold down spacebar and it allows you to click and drag and you can pop right back to whatever tool you were using beforehand without committing to a tool.

00:12:19:12 - 00:12:40:06
So yeah, that'll work for like the PAN tool. It'll work for the pendulum holding G for the pen tool and let go no longer using the pen tool. This will work if you have like rotoscope on, but for the most part it'll work in most interfaces. Oh, zooming in and out. So to zoom out, you hit come on your keyboard is zoom in is period.

00:12:40:07 - 00:12:59:27
So that's a good one. So I'm going to be using a different product for this one just because I need something with vector illustrator files in it. This is another one for our social media accounts. This is for closing for tutorial. Let me hide from these textures. So I'm going to go over to one of my vector layers here.

00:12:59:27 - 00:13:20:04
I'm actually going to zoom in, so I want to pretend to type the mouse and the glasses over here. And you can see they're like a little raggedy, a little bit. Don't pay attention to, like the big line around the head that's on purpose. But the like the mouse in particular I want you to look at. So it's a bit like sharpened edges, some of the stuff.

00:13:21:19 - 00:13:50:05
Now, if you can't see these switches, you want to hit toggle switches and modes till you see like these little icons. And the continuously raster button is this little sun over here. Now it works differently on two different kinds of layers. Now for Illustrator like vector, you know, vector files. If I hit this, what it's going to be doing is it's going to be continuously cleaning up and displaying my vector in high definition.

00:13:51:09 - 00:14:08:14
Now the thing about that is, well, that in of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. It does take up a lot of memory. So, you know, it's good for like a preview if you want to know what it's going to look like at the very end. But yeah, if you keep an eye out, you can see that it is smoothing out some of my edges here.

00:14:08:19 - 00:14:36:01
Yeah. You know, little alien's getting a little, little smoother. And now for its other use for 3D layers, which we have to drill on that. And so this animation here is part of our 3D series After Effects does have 3D capabilities. So yeah, check out that series as well. And so this pizza box is made using after Effects is a 3D or 2.5 day, if you will, capabilities.

00:14:36:09 - 00:15:00:00
So the pizza of this red layer over here is that 3D layer. Now, if you have this switched on on a suit, like a collection of 3D layers, it collapses all those transformations that you can see and animates, but it doesn't carry over the 3D qualities of that particular project. All right, back to our hummingbird. We're almost done.

00:15:00:00 - 00:15:18:14
So I'm going to show you how to export to Apple Alpha Channel. So about that, which basically means exporting with transparency. Now, let's say I don't want my background here. I'm going to click it off. It's just going to be this black background. Now, if you want to know it's transparent and after effects, you can hit this over here.

00:15:18:15 - 00:15:47:15
See this right at the bottom of the window is the toggle transparency grid. Everything that's checkered is going to be transparent, which means if I put this animation over a different background, that background will show, will then show. Now there's a few file formats that support transparency. First things first, let's go to composition. I'm going to go to we're going to go to composition and to Adobe Media Media encoder queue.

00:15:48:11 - 00:16:19:04
Now over here, I'm going to click the format. All right. Now that I've got my settings open here, I'm going to select PIN as me format and I'm going to select PNG G with Alpha. Now there are different presets, different formats that support transparency, so I would recommend looking up a list. People compile them here and there. I'm going to hit okay, I'm going to get this to render right now back and after Effects, I'm going to import my latest.

00:16:19:04 - 00:16:44:10
So I chose PNG sequence. So it's going to come at it like all these individual frames and then you hit PNG sequence when you're importing it. If you if you exported it differently, it's not going to be a big deal. All right. Let's turn that background so you can see and I have transparency in our new export. Now, lastly, let me show you how to export a single frame.

00:16:44:10 - 00:17:17:04
So we're going to go to composition, see frame is file output model. I'm going to test Photoshop and I'm going to just hit, render and find the output within your product file. That's all for this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed learning these tricks of the trade in Adobe after Effects. If you haven't seen part one, we will try to remember to link it below and if you have any suggestions, any questions like please, please let us know in the comments, check us out on Instagram and Tik Tok as well.

00:17:17:04 - 00:17:38:02
You can comment there. And if you actually sign up as a student within one of our programs, you have access to our discord where you can ask instructors directly. I'm on there as well, so you can at me and yeah, let us know in the comments if you have any motion graphics products that you're working on. This has been surprising for.

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