Creating Motion Keyframes in Adobe Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro: Video Tutorial

In this video, we will learn how to make Motion Keyframes in Premiere Pro. We will use Motion Keyframes to zoom in on a portion of the clips, learn how to pause with Keyframes, and create another set of Keyframes on the same clip.

Video Transcription

We will learn how to slow down the zoom-in, as well as speed it up, using Motion Keyframes.

Hello, this is Margaret with Noble Desktop and today I will be reviewing motion keyframes in Premiere Pro. Keyframes are many things but a motion keyframe is, in a nutshell, a change in the scale or position of your clip on the timeline.

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So, I want to create an artificial zoom-in on him, so that's creating a change in the scale of this clip. I have my effects control panel up and you might notice I'm in assembly mode. The new version of Premiere is a little clunky as far as accessing it, so if you don't see it, go to Window > Effects Controls. You need to have that open to create keyframes. You need at least two keyframes to make a change - the first keyframe represents where the change begins, and the second keyframe represents where the change ends. 

What's between those two keyframes is the action. So I'm going to move my playhead towards the beginning and I'm actually going to start right at the beginning of the clip. I'm going to open up Motion and here we have what's called Toggle Animation. As soon as I clicked on these two toggle animation buttons, these diamonds appeared - these are keyframes. 

Now I do not click on these diamonds, I do not click on these toggle animations. The only thing I do is increase the numbers - I can reposition it in the X Y axis with these numbers. You could also click here and reposition him right in the page. Now I want to see what my keyframe looks like, so I'm going to go back to the first set of keyframes, and let's watch it. 

All right, I like the way that this ended, but I'd like it to be faster. So the way to make it faster is I'm going to highlight both these and just make it closer to the first set, so it knows what I told it to do but now it has less time to do it. 

If I wanted to be slower I could just push these back and again, I'm selecting both of these just to keep in mind that I'm selecting the position keyframe and I'm also selecting the scale keyframe. 

So now if I wanted to pause here for a moment and then make another set of keyframes that go down to his hands, that's when I would click on these diamonds. The only time you click on this is if you want to delete a keyframe or if you want to add a keyframe. 

Now because keyframes work in pairs, this set and then whatever else I do here is going to be the next one. I'm not going to click on this again, I'm not going to ever click on these again, I'm just going to start with my numbers. So this time I'm going to move over just go down to his hands a little bit - let's see what that looks like. 

I'm actually also going to put my playhead towards the beginning of my clip and maybe I'll just scoot this over because I'm going to make another set of keyframes as well. So now I have this first one, I'm going to pause here and now I'm going to zoom down to his hands to create a kind of an artificial camera move. 

Keyframes are changes from your first keyframe to your second keyframe - that's all they are, and they work in anything you can imagine from something turning gradually blurry to something getting gradually louder. 

That's all for this tutorial. I hope you've enjoyed learning how to use motion keyframes in Premiere Pro. This has been Margaret for Noble Desktop.

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