Carl Schooff, Geek Ambassador for GreenSock, walks you through step-by-step video lessons, then you repeat those lessons with the included eBook (which can be viewed on any device or printed as a PDF).
- 5+ hours of video training from Carl Schooff of GreenSock!
- A comprehensive eBook containing step-by-step exercises associated with each video lesson.
Watch the video lesson
Do the step by step exercise
with code!
What You’ll Learn
These are just a few of the projects you’ll build in this course:
Tweening Basics
Learn how to use TweenLite tweens to animate position and rotation.
Tween Methods and Callbacks
Learn how TweenLite tweens can be played, paused, reversed, and resumed.
“Carl was an excellent instructor. Examples before actual lessons really helped me to understand the content and application of each.”
Sandy (Saundra) Gellis
Graphic Designer/Artist, Gello Solutions
Staggered Animation
Use TweenMax’s powerful staggerFrom() method to enhance an animation.
“I really liked Carl’s explanations of terms and procedures. He spelled out difficult material using easy-to-understand examples and references.”
Joy Makon
Art Director
Rocket Launch Animation
Use GreenSock’s TextPlugin and special eases to create this rocket launch animation.
“Carl is awesome! We should have more teachers like him.”
Chad Stern
Senior Designer, USA Today
Nested Timelines
Combine multiple timelines into one to create overlapping motion.
“Carl is an incredible teacher! He knows his subject so well, he can explain very complex programming concepts in an easy to understand manner for a neophyte. The class structure was ideal as well.”
Federico Neira
Graphic Designer, UNITE HERE!
Burger Boy Banner Ad
Create a long, complex banner animation.
“I found the class invaluable. The subject matter was presented in an extremely organized and concise manner. Carl was an excellent instructor and very adept at relating content to class.”
Kim Hodges
Patrol Officer, Princeton Township Police Department
Animate Window Scroll Position
Enjoy using GSAP’s plugins like ScrollTo and CSSPlugin.

Your Instructor
Carl Schooff
With an uncanny ability to simplify complex concepts and teach them in practical, easy-to-understand ways, Carl keeps his finger on the pulse of the community and helps them make the best use of GreenSock tools. Years of experience as an educator in classroom settings and beyond plus his extensive knowledge of the GreenSock platform make him uniquely qualified to teach GreenSock. Unlike many dry, stuffy technical presenters, Carl’s relatable style, sense of humor, and real-world emphasis keep things fun and engaging.
“Carl was an excellent instructor; intelligent, witty and explained things so clearly even I could understand. Thanks, Noble!”
Turan Saul, M.D.
Free Sample Lesson
Lesson 1B: Basic Tweening
Learn GreenSock Now
- 5+ hours of video training from Carl Schooff of GreenSock!
- A comprehensive eBook containing step-by-step exercises associated with each video lesson.