Top Courses at Valley Art Workshop
Find the perfect course for you at Valley Art Workshop . We’ve selected 0 of Valley Art Workshop ’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at
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Valley Art Workshop is a creative learning center located in Los Angeles, CA. They offer a wide variety of courses from basic printing and papermaking to more advanced classes in lithography, silkscreen printing, and monotype printing. Experienced instructors provide guidance on all aspects of printmaking.
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Read reviews of Valley Art Workshop at
Students at Valley Art Workshop find the classes informational and engaging, while the teachers are supportive and knowledgeable, specifically citing David's graphic storytelling class. They value the accessible and hands-on nature of the classes and appreciate the opportunities the workshop provides to learn from the process of experienced artists. The course has been deemed suitable for both, beginners who want to learn more about art as well as those who are looking to refresh their existing skills. In addition, students also mention that it is an enjoyable activity to do with like-minded, creative friends.
Two notable quotes from the reviews are:
1. "David was great! He's a very impressive teacher and I highly recommend taking the class if you're interested in learning more about graphic storytelling."
2. "Great, fun, hands-on intro class. Good for a refresher course for those looking to enhance an art practice or a fun activity with creative-minded friends."
Find the perfect course for you at Valley Art Workshop . We’ve selected 0 of Valley Art Workshop ’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at
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