Top Courses at UrbanGlass

Find the perfect course for you at UrbanGlass. We’ve selected 60 of UrbanGlass’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at

  • Intro to Beads

    This creative class teaches participants the basics of glass bead making and introduces them to the process of crafting unique beads and jewelry. Through this hands-on course, participants will learn to use a variety of tools, understand the different effects of heat and color, and appreciate the fundamentals of bead forming.

    • NYC
    • $95
    • See provider
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Mosaics: Imagined Histories

    In this mosaics class, participants explore mixed media, optical illusions, and narrative expression. During the course, you will be learning skills such as gluing, taping, cutting, piecing, and grouting mosaic to allow you to drive creative expression and create vibrant works of art. You'll have the opportunity to explore design elements and color relationships that will transform your mosaic creation.

    • NYC
    • $880
    • 20 Hours
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • A Crash Course in American-Venetian Techniques

    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to American-Venetian glass-blowing techniques, suitable for all skill levels. Participants will gain hands-on experience, learning how to shape, color, and design their own glass creations. The program is carefully designed to ensure that learners gain analytical and practical skills through step-by-step live demonstrations.

    • NYC
    • $1,275
    • 30 Hours
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Glass Can Talk

    In this course, participants will have the opportunity to acquire new skills in the medium of glass-blowing. Students will not only learn how to free-blow forms but also delve into mold-blowing, working specifically with clear glasses, color glasses, and Murrini. The course is perfect for beginners as well as those looking to extend their knowledge of glass manipulation.

    • NYC
    • $1,010
    • 30 Hours
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Heart Beam: A Neon Heart Bending Workshop

    This workshop offers participants a unique opportunity to explore the art of neon bending. Under expert guidance, attendees will learn to shape and fuse glass tubes into heart-shaped neon lights. The class covers both hands-on training and teaches the safety protocols necessary for working with neon glass.

    • NYC
    • $290
    • 6 Hours
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Let’s Get Fruity! Intro to Beads

    This course offers beginner-level instruction on the ancient art of bead making, with a specific focus on techniques using a torch. It provides participants with an opportunity to learn about bead design, color application, and basic shaping, as well as safety precautions in glass handling. The session is tailored to ensure that participants acquire practical skills in creating beautiful, customized glass beads.

    • NYC
    • $95
    • 3 Hours
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Advanced Beginner Glassblowing

    This is a course geared towards participants who have an introductory level of knowledge in glassblowing and wish to expand their skills. Under close supervision of a master glassblower, students will take a deep dive into color application, solid shaping, and blowing, further refining their technical abilities. Completion of an introductory course or equivalent experience is required before participation.

    • NYC
    • $825
    • 6 Weeks, 3 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Intermediate Glassblowing - Intro to Goblets

    This course offers an in-depth exploration of the art of glassblowing, specifically focusing on the creation of goblets. Participants will enhance their basic skills in glassblowing while learning new techniques such as bitwork, stemware production, and assembling components. From this course, students can expect to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the sophisticated goblet production process.

    • NYC
    • $825
    • 7 Weeks, 3 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • Intermediate
  • Intro to Glassblowing (Thursdays)

    This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the art of glassblowing, with lessons held every Thursday in NYC. Participants will gain hands-on experience in gathering molten glass, applying color, and shaping various glass forms. By the end of the course, students will have a stronger understanding of the techniques and safety procedures involved in glassblowing.

    • NYC
    • $825
    • 6 Weeks, 3 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Intro to Glassblowing: Putting the Fun in Funky

    Delve into the ancient art of glassblowing in this introductory course in New York. Participants will learn the basics of gathering, shaping, and blowing glass, as well as color application techniques. This class is suitable for beginners looking to understand and experience the glass-making process.

    • NYC
    • $825
    • 6 Weeks, 3 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • Beginner

showing 10 of 60 courses