Top Live Online Unique Courses

  • Fluent City Hebrew - Level 1

    This online course provides beginners with an introductory knowledge of the Hebrew language. Participants will learn basic vocabulary, leading them to construct straightforward sentences and phrases. Through interactive sessions, the course offers a unique opportunity to delve into cultural aspects that will help students understand and appreciate the richness of the Hebrew language.

    • $399
    • 10 Weeks, 2 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Shamanic Fire Reiki Being In DreamTime

    In this unique online course, participants will delve into the realm of dreams through various artistic and intuitive practices. It combines elements of indigenous wisdom, dreamwork, meditation, and creative techniques, assisting participants in developing their intuitive abilities and understanding their subconscious mind.

    • $1,222
    • 6 Weeks, 2 hr/wk
    • See provider
    • All Levels

showing 2 of 2 courses