Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science is a college-level course that high school students can generally take in their junior or senior year. This class covers topics like programming with Java, the organization of large data sets to learn new information, and the creation of algorithms to better understand data. At the end of the course, students take an accredited exam that can lead to exciting opportunities like internships and scholarships; high scores on the exam can also earn college credit, putting you ahead of your peers. Knowledge of computer science principles can also help secure a high-paying job once you graduate. 

Here, you’ll learn more about the advantages of taking this class and how you can prepare for success in the class and on the corresponding exam. 

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Build Critical Hard & Soft Skills

Taking AP Computer Science in high school can help develop many hard and soft skills that will enhance your academic and professional career. A hard skill is quantifiable, while a soft skill is more subjective, like creativity or patience. You might think that hard skills are all that matter when it comes to a subject as complex as computer science, but in reality, soft skills are equally important. They can assist with job retention since many employers find these skills incredibly valuable but hard to teach. 

Below, you’ll find some examples of the skills that taking AP Computer Science can help you develop.

Hard Skills

  • Java: Java is a computer programming language that was developed in 1995 and has remained one of the most popular languages. It can be run on nearly every computer and is used by hundreds of Fortune 500 companies. While Java does have a reputation for being one of the more challenging languages to learn, learning it at a young age can also prime you to pick up additional languages as you continue your education quickly. The AP Computer Science exam exclusively tests students in Java, meaning taking the course will give you plenty of experience with this vital skill. 
  • Testing: Developing code is often just half the battle; you also need to ensure it performs the way it’s intended without bugs or glitches. Testing is an important skill to develop because these mistakes can sometimes result in costly and time-consuming fixes. Although it’s common for many companies to hire outside testing professionals, being able to perform basic testing on your code can save you a lot of time in the long run. This can also be done as a professional courtesy to the tester since you’ll be able to brief them on any issues ahead of time. 
  • Cybersecurity principles: The AP Computer Science curriculum covers the ethics and principles behind cybersecurity since coding often gives you access to a great deal of someone else’s private information. Some basic cybersecurity ideals include keeping information confidential, ensuring that the information being handled is accurate, and ensuring people have access to vital information even in the face of power outages or natural disasters. Having a basic understanding of cybersecurity will almost certainly set you apart from others when applying for college or looking for a job.

Soft Skills

  • Time management: Learning to code is one aspect of computer science that will help hone your time management skills and help you become a more efficient worker. When you’re practicing your coding, you might want to try using The Pomodoro Technique, a standard time management method that many computer scientists use to stay focused without burning out; it involves working for 25 minutes at a time and then allowing yourself a five-minute break. There are also many helpful tips out there to help reuse common bits of code to save time without sacrificing accuracy. 
  • Teamwork: If you pursue computer science, you might wind up in a career as a Web Developer or a Programmer. You’ll often be a part of a larger team in these jobs, which means you’ll want to practice working in a group to prepare yourself. Taking the AP Computer Science class is a great way to boost these skills. In this class, students often work with other students to complete projects. It’s understandable if this is outside of your comfort zone, but gaining practice now will give you a head start. 
  • Creative problem solving: Working with your fellow classmates to tackle complex coding problems helps develop critical problem-solving skills. You can learn from each other and practice being a team player by not dismissing other ideas and being accountable for your own mistakes. These skills will help you in your professional life regardless of whether you choose computer science as a permanent career path. 

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