Coding bootcamps have become a popular option for those looking to launch a career in software engineering, data science, or other tech careers. Since coming on the science in 2011, there are over 100 coding bootcamps around the world. Over the years, most coding bootcamps have been offered in-person. However, more coding bootcamps are being offered virtually these days due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not sure if a virtual bootcamp is right for you? This guide will break down the reasons you should consider a virtual coding bootcamp. Plus, we will share a few virtual bootcamps that you should consider in your search.

Reason #1: You can attend classes from anywhere

Virtual coding bootcamps are a popular option because they can be taken from anywhere. Many coding bootcamps are located in select major cities and can be inaccessible to those who do not live in these cities. If you don’t live in a major city and it’s not possible for you to relocate, a virtual coding bootcamp can be a great option. As long as you have access to a computer with the spec required by your bootcamp of choice, you can attend a coding bootcamp from the comfort of your home, office, or coworking space. Likewise, even if you live in a city with coding bootcamps, a virtual bootcamp can be a great option if you are interested in skipping the busy commute.

Reason #2: They offer greater flexibility - no matter where you are in your life

Completing a coding bootcamp virtually can be a valuable alternative for students who are managing busy schedules. Whether you’re balancing a full-time job, family obligation, or both, attending an in-person coding bootcamp can be stressful and challenging to manage. And for many, quitting their job isn’t a viable option. A virtual bootcamp can lend you the necessary flexibility to balance classes and personal responsibilities. Virtual bootcamps offer flexible classes that can often be taken part-time in the evening and on the weekend.

Reason #3: Reskill or upskill in a short amount of time

Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn to code or a professional in the tech industry looking to learn new techniques, a virtual coding bootcamp can help you advance your career in tech in a short amount of time. Virtual coding bootcamps vary in length but typically range from 6 to 28 weeks. This is a great alternative to the traditional college route, which can take 2-4 years to complete. Virtual coding bootcamps curriculums typically teach proficiency in the coding language most relevant to your chosen career path.

Reason #4: Benefit from a strong and diverse peer community

Software Engineering Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

The benefit of attending a virtual coding bootcamp is that you are surrounded by a diverse network of instructors, fellow students, and staff to help you through the experience. These days virtual coding bootcamps are live, interactive, and integrate real-time engagement with expert instructors and career service support. Students are able to collaborate through a multitude of platforms, including Zoom and Slack. And, because classes can be taken from anywhere, you will likely benefit from a wide variety of instructor and student perspectives from around the world.

Reason #5: Offer real-world job preparedness

Virtual coding bootcamps offer immersive and rigorous curriculums focused on providing students with the most relevant technical skills needed to excel in their chosen career paths.

Virtual coding bootcamps aim to provide students with a strong foundation in coding so they can more easily pick up additional programming languages and frameworks. Employers value employees who are eager to learn and can quickly pick up new skills. Students also spend time completing both individual and group projects that stimulate real-world projects that they may tackle in their careers. It also prepares students to work collaboratively in teams or move projects forward solo.

Reason #6: Offer structured but adaptable learning environments

Before enrolling in coding bootcamps, many students often engage in self-teaching to confirm their interest in coding. While self-teaching can be a great option, it can be difficult to keep up with lessons and challenging to pursue on your own if you run into difficulties grasping a language or framework. Virtual coding bootcamps offer a structured curriculum created by experts in the field that will help students develop a strong foundation in coding concepts. Additionally, these courses are not rigid and are constantly updated to incorporate new technologies and techniques in the field.

Final Word

In addition to virtual coding bootcamps, a hybrid bootcamps model that combines both in-person and remote learning can be a great option.

There are many benefits to attending a virtual coding bootcamp and the decision to attend one depends on what work best for you. Research and explore all your options and consider your personal obligation to choose the bootcamp that works best for you!

Ready to start your coding career?

Are you interested in finding the coding bootcamp that’s right for you? Check out Noble Desktop’s coding bootcamps. You can take in-person classes at Noble’s location in NYC or attend a live online coding bootcamp from anywhere in the world. You can also find other coding bootcamps in your area using Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me tool.