Of the many programming languages available, several are better suited for those who work with big data. Data Analysts typically need a language that’s intuitive to learn, easy to work with, has interactive capabilities, and includes libraries that are suited to creating dynamic data visualizations. Five of the most popular programming languages in 2021 for Data Analysts are Python, SQL, R, JavaScript, and Scala.


Python has been around for more than three decades and remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s easy for novice programmers to learn, and has a variety of applications in fields like machine learning, AI, and deep learning. This language’s data science libraries, which include Matplotlib, NumPy, Keras, and Pandas, allow Python to perform tasks in many technological-related fields. Python is most commonly used for automating tasks, which saves users time and provides important data. Most Python users find this language to be very useful, which is likely why it’s one of the most popular programming languages available.

Python is also used by Data Analysts for tasks like collecting data, analyzing it, modeling it, and creating visualizations from this data. This language is very useful for data analytics because of its wide range of open source tools that can be used for machine learning and data visualization.

Benefits of using Python:

  • Its intuitive syntax is easy to learn & use
  • Support community
  • Free & open-source
  • Extensive libraries
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One of the only drawbacks users cite is Python’s speed, which performs computations slower than other languages.


SQL is the industry-standard database language. For those looking to become Data Analysts, it’s the first language to learn. Both Data Analysts and Data Scientists rely on SQL to work with structured data because it provides users with access to statistics and data. Those who handle big data must possess a working knowledge of SQL to query databases. Because SQL is a non-procedural language, the use of traditional programming logic isn’t necessary to work with this language.

Benefits of using SQL:

  • Easy to learn
  • Standardized & user-friendly coding language
  • Fast querying
  • Portability: it can be used on laptops, servers, and PCs independent of any platform

Despite its many benefits, SQL has a few drawbacks. Interfacing with an SQL database is a more complicated process than simply adding a few lines of code. In addition, some SQL versions are relatively expensive.


R is becoming an increasingly popular programming language for those working with big data. This powerful scripting language is often used for statistical computing and graphics. It’s also able to handle complex datasets, which makes it a go-to language for anyone working in data analytics or data science. R is generally seen as more approachable than Python for non-developers because users can create a statistical model and compelling visualization with only a few lines of code.

Benefits of using R:

  • Ease of producing publication-quality plots
  • Highly extensible language
  • Supportive community
  • Open-source

One downside users of R cite is the language’s security issues. Because R doesn’t have basic security, it can’t be embedded into a web app.


JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that transforms static HTML websites into interactive sites. This language executes on the browser, and is able to update content, control multimedia, animate images, and validate form data. This dynamic language can be used to create games, design mobile and web apps, and construct web servers.

JavaScript is well-suited for data visualizations because of its ability to specify page behavior. D3.js, a JavaScript library, is one of the most versatile visualization libraries and can be used to create stunning, interactive visualizations.

Benefits of using JavaScript:

  • Interactive capabilities
  • Rich interfaces
  • Regular updates
  • Prompt feedback to visitors
  • The versatility of use through Node.js servers

There are a few drawbacks to working with JavaScript to consider. Because JavaScript code runs on the client-side, oversights and bugs are occasionally used for malicious purposes. In addition, various browsers can interpret JavaScript code differently.


Scala is a high-level programming language that combines functional and object-oriented programming. This concise language is perfect for those working with large datasets, such as Data Scientists or Data Analysts. Scala is compiled with Java bytecode and operates on a Java virtual machine, which makes it interoperable with Java. It can also be used in concert with Spark to handle huge sets of siloed data. Scala’s extensive set of libraries, which total over 175,000, are easy to access.

Scala is commonly used for tasks like parallel batch processing, creating web applications, and using Apache Spark to analyze data.

Benefits of using Scala:

  • Easy to learn, particularly for those with an understanding of Java
  • Highly scalable and functional language
  • Its expressive typing system ensures that statistical abstraction is consistent and secured
  • Capable of concurrent and synchronized processing
  • Code is generally more readable and concise

Hands-On Programming Classes

Noble Desktop offers a variety of programming bootcamps for those who work with data. Courses are offered in topics like Python, JavaScript, and data science, among others. These bootcamps provide learners with a rigorous exploration of the programming languages most commonly used for data analytics. Noble’s bootcamps offer small class sizes, as well as 1-on-1 mentoring, for all participants.

In addition to Noble’s class listings in computer programming, there are more than 200 live online programming courses currently available from top training providers. These interactive classes are taught in real-time and provide all learners with access to an instructor who is live and ready to provide feedback and answer questions. Courses range from three hours to 72 weeks in duration and cost $149-$27,500.

Are you looking for a programming class near you? If so, Noble’s Coding Classes Near Me tool provides an easy way to locate and browse over 500 coding classes currently offered in in-person and live online formats. This handy tool ensures that all interested learners can find the course that works best for them.