Second only to the easier-to-learn Python, Java mastery makes it easier to create fascinating tools, high-quality applications, and unique programs for online use. However, coders also use Java to produce phone apps because it’s adaptable to Android and Apple phones. Note: Java and JavaScript are very different and shouldn’t be confused when signing up for a training class.

With that in mind, let’s take a deep look at some Java courses that might appeal to you! These include many fascinating summer camps, learning programs, and tutoring opportunities from teams like NextGen Bootcamp, Noble Desktop, and CourseHorse. These groups provide hands-on learning opportunities from skilled professionals who fully understand your needs. By the time you’re done reading, you should feel confident picking a class for yourself or your teen.

What Java courses are available for high school students?

High-quality Java programs are available across the nation and can provide hands-on training to help you master this language. These include private facilities with live virtual training that lets you learn at home! That’s a huge benefit if you want a class you can finish during the summer without losing your vacation time. Here are a few schools and courses to try out today!

NextGen Bootcamp

If you want a class designed specifically for high school students like you, NextGen Bootcamp is a great team to try! They create summer bootcamps and learning opportunities for teenagers to immerse themselves in subjects like Python, Java, and Computer Science. Thankfully, their courses usually take no more than a few weeks! This setup means you can get intensive training over the summer without missing out on the fun that your vacation months promise you!

If you live in NYC, you can attend their classes in person and meet teens like you who are curious about the world of Java programming. However, NextGen Bootcamp also uses a live virtual training class to reinforce the same lessons learned in the New York class. In fact, even if you live in The Big Apple, you can take these online lessons! For many people, this setup works best because you don’t have to fight through traffic or deal with other potential dangers. 

Computer Science Summer Program NYC

Learn java & computer science with hands-on projects at the top coding bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

Computer Science Summer Program NYC provides comprehensive learning opportunities for high school students by focusing on the two most popular coding languages: Java and Python. Sessions will cover topics such as object-oriented programming, recursion, data science, visualization, and more. When you finish this course (or its online equivalent, Computer Science Summer Certificate Program Live Online), you’ll be ready for the AP Computer Science exam.

Java Summer Program NYC

Java Summer Program NYC not only prepares teens for the AP Computer Science exam but covers comprehensive Java education as well. You’ll learn about this in-depth language, how it’s used in the computer science industry, and ways you can integrate it into your education. With an intensive course held by trusted experts, you should feel more than comfortable handling Java. Get the same experience virtually with Java Programming Summer Program Live Online.

Noble Desktop 

Founded in 1991 to provide New York City residents with hands-on tech-based training, Noble Desktop has quickly built a name for itself as one of the best training teams in the nation. They innovated live virtual education, providing students with a hands-on experience with a professor in a real-time environment. By extending their program in this way, Noble has reached thousands of customers over the years and earned a reputation for excellence in this field. 

Are their classes suitable for high school students? Yes! Though not specifically designed for teenagers, they’re beginner-friendly, fast-paced, and easy to adjust. It shouldn’t be too hard for you or your teen to find a suitable Java course that provides in-depth information that you can use. Each class comes with benefits like free setup support, one retake (if you fail or simply want to reinforce your knowledge), and even one-on-one sessions with a training professional.

Java Programming High School Summer Program Live Online

Java Programming High School Summer Program Live Online provides a comprehensive training program designed for beginners with no experience in coding or Java. You’ll start with the most basic ideas (including objects, classes, and more) and progress to higher-level concepts. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to take the AR Computer Science exam. When you’re done, you should feel comfortable working in a variety of career settings. 

Computer Science High School Summer Certificate Live Online

Computer Science High School Summer Certificate Live Online is one of Noble Desktop’s most popular high school summer courses. It covers both Java and Python, meaning you’ll walk away knowing the basics of the two most popular coding options! Set up for 13-18-year-old students, it’s also suitable for college students. Alongside Java and Python, you’ll study data science and machine learning concepts that you can take forward into your future career. 

What Java private tutoring options are available?

What if you’re someone who learns best in a one-on-one environment but isn’t sure where to turn? CourseHorse provides a Java Private Tutoring option that takes three hours to cover important subjects in this field. Available for teens above 18 (though you can also take this class with your parent if you like), you can bring questions about Java to your instructor and get insight into your struggles. You’ll work in an interactive online classroom to get support. 

CourseHorse also provides high-quality tutoring options for other subjects, including Video Editing, Python, Graphic Design, Excel, Illustrator, and even Beat Making! These virtual courses include support from skilled professors who truly understand each subject on a detailed level. This type of one-on-one learning environment gives you the best access to a professor and can help solidify your Java skills on a more personal level, giving you the best chance to thrive!

What will you learn in a Java course?

Java classes study in-depth subjects that can help you master this language and become a better coder. Like with your standard school classes, you start with pretty basic stuff and build your comprehension as you go to become even better with this language. By understanding these beginner, intermediate, and advanced subjects, it should be easier for you to progress in your current training and get the hands-on support you need to become a skilled coder. 

Basic Syntax

All coding languages use a basic set of terms, phrases, and commands known as its syntax. Mastering basic syntax helps you build up your Java education and become a skilled coder later. Think of it as your alphabet of Java coding. Without knowing your “ABCs,” you can’t start forming words (i.e., properly formatted lines of programming), let alone write paragraphs (classes, functions, etc.) and books (a completed application or software).

Object-Oriented Programming

Java helped innovate the concept of OOP, a concept that streamlines programming considerably. It includes things like objects, classes, inheritance, behaviors, and polymorphism that help you create self-contained “classes” and “objects” using fewer lines of code. For example, if you program something like spreadsheet cells, rather than creating individual lines for each, you could just create objects with the same behaviors. It’s critical to proper Java use.

Java Ecosystem 

The Java ecosystem includes multiple software tools you can use to improve your coding experience. For example, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) loads, verifies, and executes your goad. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) communicates between the Java program and the operating system itself. Along with the Java Developer Kit (JDK), you’ll have all the help you need to produce amazing Java programs and get the powerful look and feel that you want.

MVC Pattern

Standing for Model – View – Controller Pattern, MVC refers to a design pattern regularly used in many Java applications. The model is the object (which we’ve discussed before), while the viewer picturizes the data. Often, this refers to the screen of your electronic device. The controller pattern controls both of these items properly. Understanding how they interact can streamline your coding experience and ensure you get the fascinating results you want.

Libraries and Frameworks 

Like many coding tools, Java utilizes libraries and frameworks that help expand its use. Often, these focus on specific tasks (such as game production or data management) and make your life easier as a programmer. For example, Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) lets you develop GUI or window-based applications using Java. Libraries like Google-JSON and Apache Commons expand Java’s capabilities in data management, providing you with many benefits.

Is Java Hard to Learn for High Schoolers?

Java is a little tougher to master than Python due to its complex syntax and diverse uses. Your early lessons will be very important here because they can give you the backing you need to master more complex takes. Like with all coding languages, Java education focuses on these beginner-level lessons for a long time to prepare you for more advanced classes. Once you’re ready, you can move on to more intermediate programs and become a better coder. 

That said, object-oriented coding does make Java a little easier to master. OOP lets you create a single function (or object) that you can reuse in multiple situations. For example, let’s say you created an “enemy” object for a simple game. Rather than coding the behavior of dozens of enemies, you can create instances of that object multiple times. Those instances will exhibit the same behavior programmed into the basic object, saving you time and coding lines. 

Choosing your career focus might also impact your ability to master Java. For example, UX design, game design, web development, data science, science work, and mobile app production all use Java in varying ways. As a result, you need to carefully choose a job based on where you thrive with Java. For instance, if you enjoy creating websites, you’ll need to master concepts like database coding and syncing to ensure your sites load properly and quickly for viewers.

Can high school students learn Java?

While not as easy to learn as Python or HTML, Java isn’t too challenging for teens to know: think of it as an “intermediate” coding language. So it’s not as hard to master as something like C++ but also pretty accessible for the average student. That’s nice and all, but is Java worth learning in a world where Python is the most popular language? Absolutely, because Java is the second-most-popular language and is used to create essential apps, web programs, and more. 

Should high school students attend a Java summer program?

Yes! Attending a Java summer program is an excellent idea that will take your tech career to the next level. During your summer class, you’ll work with skilled professors who fully understand this coding language and its unique scope. Even better, you’ll create fascinating and unforgettable projects (such as apps and games) that show off your skills. When you’re done, you’ll have significant work to show off to potential colleges or employers when applying.

Which Java summer program is best for high school students?

While you can find many worthwhile Java summer courses, NextGen Bootcamp provides some of the most effective learning opportunities today. Its Java Summer Program NYC or Java Programming Summer Program Live Online courses cover in-depth Java techniques and help you prepare for the AP Computer Science exam. With a project-based curriculum, these programs ensure you have a solid knowledge base to begin your education.

Is it worth attending a Java summer program as a high school student?

Java summer programs give high school students like you the solid backing to get into a coding college program or even start a career. While focused mainly on the basics in your earlier courses, these classes help you master Java enough to move on to more advanced studies. For example, they’re an excellent primer for college programs and should help you feel more comfortable skipping those boring (early morning) beginner classes.