Whether you’ve been in the design industry for some time or are new to the field, there are some ways you can boost your skills and stand out from other designers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the job outlook of the digital design field will grow about 13% through 2030, which is faster than the national average for all occupations. This percentage equates to around 17,900 job openings each year, highlighting the importance of these creative professionals standing out from others in the industry.

Digital design is a lucrative field for those with natural artistic talents and an understanding of web design principles, though it is possible to learn these skills with training and practice. This article will cover 12 practical ways to boost your design skills, which can help strengthen your resume and shine a light on your unique creative abilities. Some of the most effective ways to boost your digital design skills include:

Sign Up for Classes or a Certificate Course

Digital design classes are a great option for those who have experience in the field, as well as those who may be new to the industry. The digital design certificate course is a great way to gain a well-rounded understanding of the different areas of graphic design while learning about the Adobe software used to create web, print, and digital designs. Certificate courses teach digital design software such as:

Refresh Your Portfolio

Having a portfolio that accurately represents your creative style and shows how you differentiate from others in the industry is a must for any creative professional. If it’s been some time since you’ve updated or added new samples to your portfolio, try looking through some of the top portfolio hosting platforms for designers in 2022. You may find there is a hosting platform that better aligns with your creative vision and professional goals.

Use Social Media to Network

Those who work in digital design and any other creative design field can benefit from using social media to network with others in the field. Networking with designers is a great way to create valuable relationships where you can provide one another with feedback, help with any problems, or even refer clients. Some designers use social media sites like LinkedIn to network, while others use options like Behance, which is a social media platform owned by Adobe. There are countless social media tools for designers that can help them to maximize their experience networking and to meet others in the field.

Continue to Practice

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While this may seem straightforward, it can be challenging for designers to find the time to practice their craft with career and personal obligations. Setting aside time each week to work on personal projects will help to keep your technical skills sharp and provide additional work for your portfolio that highlights your unique style or niche.

Enter a Contest

If you want to gain valuable feedback on your designs that you can use to boost your skills, consider entering a design competition. Professional judges will view your work, and in the end, it will give you additional samples to add to your portfolio. One popular competition is the Adobe Design Achievement Awards that provide recognition to those who are new to the design industry and provide opportunities for networking and exposure.

Join an Online Community

Joining an online community allows designers to network with one another outside of the standard social media channels like Instagram or Facebook. There are platforms like Behance and Dribbble where designers can share their work and connect with potential clients or employers. Networking with like-minded professionals creates an opportunity for designers to learn new skills or approaches.

Subscribe to Magazines or Blogs

Another engaging way to boost your design skills and stay up to date with the latest practices is by subscribing to relevant magazines or blogs. Utilizing magazines like Communication Arts or a blog like Adobe Creative Cloud Express can help your design skills to stand out. These physical resources are a great example of what trends are currently thriving in the field and can serve as a great source of inspiration.

Get a Mentor

One often-overlooked way to enhance your digital design skills is to get a mentor who can help give insight and solve problems. This can be especially helpful if you are new to working in design or want to discover new opportunities in the field. If you are unsure of how to find a mentor, try networking on a professional platform or joining an organization like AIGA to meet a mentor.

Develop Your Signature Style

Like finding time to work on personal projects, developing your signature design style can help you learn what career area you want to pursue or what your specific niche is in the industry. The best way to find and develop your unique design style is to dedicate time to practicing and working on projects that fuel your creativity.

Collaborate With Other Designers

If you’re dealing with a creative block or want to complete a project outside of your normal scope, try collaborating with other designers on a project. It doesn’t need to be a professional piece for a client; it can solely be a personal project that allows designers to showcase their style and learn from others in the field.

Secure an Internship

Researching internship opportunities are great for those who are currently in design classes and those who may already be working in the field. Internships provide incredible opportunities for networking, learning new skills, and conquering challenging tasks. Well-known companies like The New York Times have design internship programs for those who want to gain more experience in a professional role.

Experiment with Templates

Experimenting with templates is an excellent way to boost your design skills and can also help with breaking creative blocks. There are countless free templates available from providers like Adobe Stock that designers can look through to gain inspiration and see what design elements work together. Experimenting with colors or styles outside of your comfort zone can help build new skills and broaden your design perspective.

If you’re considering a career switch to digital design, consider a live online graphic design bootcamp for your training. Bootcamp courses will teach all of the software and skills needed for a career in digital design. These versatile courses have an in-depth curriculum and can be taken from any location. There is also the opportunity to create a portfolio to use when it’s time to look for employment or market your services to clients.

Regardless of your experience in the design field, staying up-to-date with your skills is vital for every creative professional. If you need to brush up on your software or technical skills and want to sign up for classes, try searching for live online graphic design bootcamps in your area to get started.