Are you considering starting your career in freelance Web Design but are unsure of the steps you should take? Nearly 18% of Web Designers are self-employed, while others work in areas like computer systems design, publishing industries, and advertising. With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipating a 13% job growth through 2030 in the field, there is no better time than now to start your career change into web design. With the job outlook growing faster than the national average, it’s clear how important it is for freelance designers to stand out from others and find their niche in the field.

Whether you are new to working as a Web Design freelancer or have years of experience interacting with potential clients, it can be intimidating to work independently. This article will cover some of the most helpful tips for freelance designers to help them stand out and build clientele.

Revamp Your Portfolio

If you currently work as a freelance Web Designer, your portfolio may be stagnant and outdated. It’s easy to immerse yourself into work or client requests, only to realize it’s been months since you’ve added new content to your collection. Your portfolio is often the first thing a potential client will see when looking for a Web Designer, which is why it’s important it shows current content and accurately represents your skills as a designer. Many Web Designers use platforms like Adobe Portfolio and Behance to showcase their skills.

Build a Schedule Each Week

One of the most challenging changes for those switching from traditional employment to freelance work is building their own schedule. It can be difficult to manage different projects without a set schedule, which can lead to missing important deadlines or being late for a meeting with a client. 

If you feel unsure of your daily tasks, you may procrastinate and have to scramble to finish import tasks at the last minute. Many freelancers utilize free tools like Google Calendar to set a clear weekly schedule to ensure they maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Set Goals

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Many freelancers struggle with managing their daily client tasks while still making strides to reach long-term business goals. Setting goals and objectives for your freelancing career is an excellent way to track your process throughout time and build a reputation that supports your career as a freelancer. There are many different programs designed to help professionals, such as the free tool ClickUp.

Use Contracts for Every Project

Before you start working with a client, it’s important to build a contract and set clear expectations for the project. A contract can cover most aspects of project communication, including set rates, time frame for completion, expectations, and other various factors. It can also prevent freelancers from running into legal troubles due to miscommunication or a client’s failure to pay determined rates.

Find a Legal Advisor

While freelancing provides benefits like flexibility, there are some added concerns like self-employment taxes and negotiating contracts. It can be difficult to navigate these types of scenarios alone, which is why it’s recommended for freelancers to hire a legal advisor or accountant for assistance. There are also options like LegalZoom for those who prefer to obtain legal advice virtually.

Develop Your Brand

One area that many freelancers overlook is taking the time to develop their brand as a designer. With the web design field growing each year, it’s important for freelancers to stand out from others in the crowd. Having a strong personal brand means there is a consistent voice and image that helps to define your style and reach potential clients.

Utilize Social Media

Some freelance designers are so focused on building their brand and securing clients they miss out on the benefits of utilizing social media for their business. Sharing your work on social media is also an excellent way to connect with other Web Designers and network with those who also work in the field. If you are new to freelancing and feel overwhelmed with social media, focus on using just one platform instead of trying to balance several pages.

Build a Website

There are countless Web Designers that have a portfolio but overlook the benefits of building their own website to showcase work. Having a website dedicated to your web design services will help to market your brand, showcase your unique personality, and help to build your reputation in the field. If your website clearly shows your mission and services, it may be easier for clients to reach out to you.

Take Time for Personal Projects

When you spend each day working on client projects and other freelancing tasks, it can be hard to find the creative energy to work on personal projects. If you spend all of your time working creatively for others, you can find yourself feeling burnt out or uninspired. One of the best ways to keep your creative spark lit is to work on personal projects that help you to step away from your professional responsibilities. Completing personal projects is also an excellent way to add content to your portfolio that truly highlights your unique design style.

Be Selective With Clients

If you are new to freelancing or are working to build your clientele, it can be tempting to accept every project or new client that reaches out to you. While this may be necessary for income reasons, it can be beneficial to be selective with clients if you feel another designer would be best to meet the project goals. Recognizing your skills and acknowledging you may not be the right fit for a client can help you find your niche in the field and build an honest reputation.

Focus on Work-Life Balance

Many freelancers struggle with creating a healthy work-life balance, especially when first starting to work independently. This can be especially true for those who predominantly work from home, where the lines between work hours can often become blurred. As stated above, creating a weekly schedule can help manage daily tasks and eliminate working excessive amounts of time each day.

Join a Job Board or Community

If you are struggling to find work as a freelancer or want to network with others in the industry, try signing up for a job board or online design community. There are countless different platforms for web design freelancers to communicate with potential clients, but the AIGA Design job board and Dribbble seem to be some of the most popular options.

If you are considering a career switch to freelance web design, an immersive course like the web design certificate from Noble Desktop is a great place to start. These classes provide all of the training to jump-start a career in web design through hands-on projects. Those looking for a more flexible course should look into a live online web design bootcamp. You can take the classes from the comfort of your own home while still gaining an opportunity to build a portfolio of work. Try searching for live online web design bootcamps in your area to see what options are available.